
Upgrade Your Project with CSS Selector and Custom Attributes

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Upgrade Your Project with CSS Selector and Custom Attributes

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Element selectors for Selenium WebDriver are one of the core components of an automation framework and are the key to interaction with any web application. In this review of automation element selectors, we will discuss the various strategies, explore their capabilities, weigh their pros and cons, and eventually recommend the best selector strategy – custom attributes with CSS selector.

Key Takeaways

  • Element selectors for Selenium WebDriver are crucial for interacting with any web application. The best selector strategy is custom attributes with CSS selector, which considers ease of use, versatility, online support, documentation, and performance.
  • Custom attributes and CSS Selectors allow automation engineers to target specific elements without creating complicated element selectors. However, this requires a collaboration between the QA and development teams to add custom attributes that can be used in the application.
  • XPath is a versatile and capable element selector strategy that can select any element in the page regardless of whether or not you have classes and IDs to use. However, XPath performs poorly in Internet Explorer.
  • ID and Class element selectors are least impacted by structural changes in the application. However, if the developer makes a change directly to an ID or class utilized in automation, that will impact your tests.
  • The use of tag name, link text, partial link text, and name as element selector strategies have limited use and are not recommended for wide adoption across the entire automation framework. They should only be used in scenarios where there is no other selector option available.

Selenium Element Selectors

Choosing the best element selector strategy is critical to the success and ease of maintenance of your automation effort. Therefore, when choosing your selector, you should consider aspects such as ease of use, versatility, online support, documentation and performance. Strong consideration for a proper selector strategy will pay dividends in the future through easy to maintain automation.

Just as the technological aspect of element selectors should be considered, so too should the culture of your organization. A mature culture of collaboration between developers and QA will unlock high tiers of success when implementing element selectors in your automation. This benefits the organization beyond just the automation effort by laying the foundation for collaboration in other areas of the Software Development Life Cycle.

All code examples will be in Python and Selenium WebDriver commands but should be generally applicable to any programming language and framework.

HTML Example:

I will use the following HTML snippet of a navigation menu for examples in each section:
<div id="main-menu">
  <div class="menu"><a href="/home">Home</a></div>
  <div class="menu"><a href="/shop">Shop</a>
    <div class="submenu">
      <a href="/shop/gizmo">Gizmo</a>
      <a href="/shop/widget">Widget</a>
      <a href="/shop/sprocket">Sprocket</a>

Bad: Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text and Name

I won’t spend too much time on these because they all have limited use. They are generally not a good option for wide adoption across the entire automation framework. They solve specific needs that can be easily covered with other element selector strategies. Only use these if you have a specific need to handle a special case. Even then, most special cases are not special enough to use these. You would use these in a scenario where there is no other selector option available to you (such as custom tags or id).


With tag name, you can select large groups of elements that all match the tag name you provided. This has limited use because it would only work as a solution in situations where you need to select large groups of elements of the same type. The example below would return all 4 div elements in the example HTML.

driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "div")
You can select the links with these examples below. As you can see, they can only target anchor tags and only the text of those anchor tags:
driver.find_elements(By.LINK_TEXT, "Home")
driver.find_elements(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, "Sprock")

Lastly, you can select elements by the name attribute, but as you can see in the example HTML, there are no tags with a name attribute. This would be a common problem in almost any application, since adding a name attribute in every HTML attribute is not a common practice. If the main menu element had a name attribute like this:

<div id="main-menu" name="menu"></div>
You could select it like this:
driver.find_elements(By.NAME, "menu")

As you can see, these element selector strategies have limited use. The approaches that follow are all better approaches because they are much more versatile and capable.

Summary: Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, and Name

Pros Cons
Easy to use




Not versatile
Extremely limited use
May not even apply in some cases

Good: XPath

XPath is a versatile and capable element selector strategy. This is also my personal preference and favorite. XPath can select any element in the page regardless of whether or not you have classes and IDs to use (although without classes or IDs, it becomes difficult to maintain and sometimes brittle). This option is particularly versatile because you can select parent elements. XPath also has many built-in functions which allow you to customize your element selection.

However, with versatility comes complexity. Given the ability to do so much with XPath, you also have a steeper learning curve compared to other element selector strategies. This is offset by great online documentation which is easily found. One great resource is the XPath tutorial found at W3Schools.com

It should also be noted that there is a trade-off when using XPath. While you can select parent elements and have use of very versatile built-in functions, XPath performs poorly in Internet Explorer. You should consider this trade-off when selecting your element selector strategy. If you need to be able to select parent elements, you need to consider the impact it will have on your cross-browser testing in Internet Explorer. Essentially, it will take longer to run your automated tests in Internet Explorer. If your application’s user base does not have high Internet Explorer usage, this would be a good option for you as you might consider running tests in Internet Explorer less often than other browsers. If your user base has significant Internet Explorer usage, you should consider XPath only as a fallback if other better approaches do not work for your organization.


If you have a requirement to select parent elements, you must select XPath. Here’s how you do that: using our example, let’s say you want to target the parent main-menu element based on one of the anchor elements:
driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//a[id=menu]/../")

This element selector will target the first instance of the anchor tag that has the id equal to “menu”, then with “/../”, targets the parent element. The result is that you will have targeted the main-menu element.

Summary: XPath

Pros Cons
Can select parent element Poor performance in IE
Highly versatile Slight learning curve
Lots of support online

Great: ID and Class

ID and Class element selectors are two different options in automation and perform different functions in an application. However, for considering what element selector strategy to use in your automation, they differ so little, that we don’t need to consider them separately. In the application, the “id” and “class” attributes of elements, when defined, allow the UI developer to manipulate and style the application. For automation, we use it to target a specific element for interaction in automation.

A large benefit to using IDs and Class element selectors is that they are least impacted by structural changes in the application. Hypothetically speaking, if you were to create an XPath or CSS selector that relied on a chain of few elements and some child elements, what happens when a feature request interrupts that chain by adding new elements? When using ID and Class element selectors, you can target specific elements instead of relying on page structure. You retain the robustness of your automation without being too lenient on change. Change should be detected through automation by creating test cases that focus on the location of specific elements. Change should not break your entire automation suite. However, if the developer makes a change directly to an ID or class utilized in automation, that will impact your tests.

This element selector strategy would not be usable if the application under test does not implement IDs and classes as a part of development best practices. If HTML tags do not have IDs and classes you can use in your automation, this approach becomes hard to use.


In our example, if we were to select the top level menu element, that would look like this:
driver.find_elements(By.ID, "main-menu")
If we were to select the first menu item, that would look like this:
driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "menu")

Summary: ID and Class

Pros Cons
Easy to maintain Developer may change them, breaking automation


Easy to learn
Least impacted by page structure change

Best: Custom Attributes­­­­­­­­ with CSS Selector

If your QA organization has a good collaborative relationship with development, chances are you will be able to use this best practice approach for your automation. Using custom attributes and CSS Selectors to target elements has multiple benefits for both the QA team and the organization. For the QA team, this allows automation engineers to target specific elements they need without creating complicated element selectors. However, this requires the ability to add custom attributes that the automation team can use in the application. To take advantage of this best practice approach, your development and QA teams should work in cooperation to implement this strategy.

I’d like to take a minute to note that the CSS Selector approach is not dependent on custom attributes. CSS Selectors can target any tag and attribute within an HTML document just like XPath.

Now let’s look at what this approach entails. To best execute this, your automation team should understand what they want to target in their automation. Working with the developers, most likely the front end engineers, they would then work out a pattern for a custom attribute to place into each target the automation team needs to hook into. For this example, we attach a “tid” attribute to the target elements.

One technical note to highlight here is a limitation in CSS Selectors. They are intentionally not allowed to select parent elements like XPath can. This is done to avoid infinite loops in CSS styling on web pages. While this is a good thing for web design, it is a limitation for its use as an automation element selector strategy. Fortunately, this limitation can be avoided with custom attributes implemented by development. QA should request the appropriate custom attributes so that there is no need to select a parent element.

If the collaboration between your development and QA team doesn’t exist yet in your organization, don’t worry! You should implement this strategy because it can be the mechanism that drives that collaboration. Regardless of whether that culture exists or not, you should take on this approach and watch what comes of it. Not only will you have an easy to maintain element selector strategy, but you will see benefits from the collaboration spill-over into other areas of your organization. The collaborative relationship this will build will benefit you across many aspects of quality assurance such as reduced defects, reduced time to market, and increased productivity.

To best implement this element selector strategy and to create that collaboration, your QA team should be involved with the design process from the beginning. Working with development, they should review the requirements. As development designs the feature, QA should suggest where custom attributes can be implemented to best support the automation effort. By encouraging this collaboration at the beginning of the design phase, you will move the QA and development teams closer together in terms of collaboration and improve efficiency in the development process. This will likely have a beneficial spill-over effect into other areas of the Software Development Life Cycle. Encouraging collaboration here will familiarize development and QA with each other so that collaboration in other areas is likely to occur as well.


Implementing custom attributes on the anchor tags in our example HTML would result in something like this:
<div id="main-menu">
  <div class="menu"><a tid="home-link" href="/home">Home</a></div>
  <div class="menu"><a tid="shop-link" href="/shop">Shop</a>
    <div class="submenu">
      <a tid="gizmo-link" href="/shop/gizmo">Gizmo</a>
      <a tid="widget-link" href="/shop/widget">Widget</a>
      <a tid="sprocket-link" href="/shop/sprocket">Sprocket</a>

Notice the new attribute in some of the elements. We created a new attribute that does not conflict with any standard HTML attribute called “tid”. With this custom attribute, we can use a CSS selector to target it:

driver.find_element(By. CSS_SELECTOR, "[tid=home-link]")

Let’s say you wanted to select all of the links in the menu, regardless of whether it’s a top level menu item or a submenu. With CSS Selectors, you can create highly versatile element selectors:

driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#main-menu [tid*='-link']")

What the “*=” does is do a wildcard search for the value “-link” within the tid field of any element. Placing this behind the #main-menu ID specifier, it focuses the search for elements to within the main menu.

If you want to select this strategy without the use of custom attributes, you are still on the right track. For example, you can target the links in the Shop submenu using the following approach:

driver.find_element(By. CSS_SELECTOR, "#main-menu .submenu a")

This strategy will allow automation engineers the ability to create solid automation that is easy to maintain and is not broken by irrelevant changes in the UI. Selecting this strategy is the best possible approach. It will not only be an easily maintainable solution for automation but will encourage collaboration between your QA team and your developers.

Summary: Custom Attributes with CSS Selectors

Pros Cons
Easy to learn Initial effort involved in establishing a collaborative relationship with the development team




Lots of support online
Excellent performance in all browsers


There are some great options for implementing an enterprise standard element selector strategy in your automation framework. Options like the tag name or link text should be avoided unless it’s your only option. XPath, ID, and Class selectors are a good route. By far, the best approach is to implement custom attributes and target them with CSS Selectors. This also encourages collaboration between the development and QA team.

Here are your options compared side-by-side:

– Yes
/ – Partial
– No
Tag Name, Link Text (etc.)
ID & Class
Custom Attributes with CSS Selectors
Easy to Use
Online Support
Versatile /
Easy to Maintain
Encourages Collaboration

Frequently Asked Questions on CSS Selector Custom Attributes

What are CSS Selector Custom Attributes?

CSS Selector Custom Attributes are a powerful feature in CSS that allows developers to select and style elements based on their attribute values. This can be particularly useful when you want to apply specific styles to elements that share a common attribute, but may not share the same tag name or class. For example, you could use a custom attribute selector to style all elements that have a data attribute of ‘active’, regardless of their tag name or class.

How do I use CSS Selector Custom Attributes?

To use CSS Selector Custom Attributes, you need to use square brackets [] in your CSS selector. Inside the brackets, you specify the attribute and the value you want to select. For example, to select all elements with a data attribute of ‘active’, you would use the selector [data-active]. You can then apply any styles you want to these elements.

Can I use CSS Selector Custom Attributes with any attribute?

Yes, you can use CSS Selector Custom Attributes with any attribute. This includes standard HTML attributes like ‘class’ and ‘id’, as well as any custom data attributes you may have added to your elements.

What are the different types of CSS Attribute Selectors?

There are several types of CSS Attribute Selectors. The most basic type is the exact match selector, which selects elements based on an exact match of their attribute value. There are also selectors for matching the beginning, end, or any part of an attribute value. Additionally, there are selectors for matching elements that have a certain attribute, regardless of its value.

Can I use CSS Selector Custom Attributes in all browsers?

CSS Selector Custom Attributes are supported in all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, they may not be supported in older versions of these browsers, or in other less common browsers. It’s always a good idea to test your CSS in multiple browsers to ensure compatibility.

How can I use CSS Selector Custom Attributes to improve my website’s performance?

CSS Selector Custom Attributes can help improve your website’s performance by reducing the amount of CSS you need to write. By selecting elements based on their attributes, you can apply styles to multiple elements at once, without having to write separate CSS for each element. This can make your CSS more efficient and easier to maintain.

Can I combine CSS Selector Custom Attributes with other selectors?

Yes, you can combine CSS Selector Custom Attributes with other selectors. For example, you could use a custom attribute selector in combination with a class selector to select only elements that have a certain class and a certain attribute.

What are some common use cases for CSS Selector Custom Attributes?

CSS Selector Custom Attributes are commonly used for styling elements based on their state or functionality. For example, you could use a custom attribute selector to style all buttons that are disabled, or all form fields that are required. They can also be used for theming, by applying different styles based on a data-theme attribute.

How do CSS Selector Custom Attributes compare to other CSS selectors?

CSS Selector Custom Attributes offer more flexibility than many other CSS selectors. While other selectors are limited to selecting elements based on their tag name, class, or id, custom attribute selectors can select elements based on any attribute. This makes them a powerful tool for styling complex web pages.

Are there any downsides to using CSS Selector Custom Attributes?

One potential downside to using CSS Selector Custom Attributes is that they can make your CSS more complex. If you’re using a lot of custom attribute selectors, it can be harder to understand and maintain your CSS. However, with careful planning and organization, this can be mitigated.

Tim HarrisonTim Harrison
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Tim Harrison is a Principal & QA Architect at SQA² with 8 years of experience in the QA industry. Having a deep background in enterprise Software Quality Assurance, he leads QA teams in a diverse set of industries such as Online Retail, Web Hosting, Automotive, Health Care, and Expense Management. As the Chief Knowledge Officer of SQA², he drove effective learning and growth in the enterprise through the implementation of a Learning Management System as well as weekly hands-on technical training sessions. He drives and delivers process driven continuous improvement, risk mitigation, cost reduction and effective communication.

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