On Our Radar: Responsive Images Are Trolling Us All

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It’s been a week of putting on our best old school berets, magnifying glasses, optional fashionable pipe, and detective vest. Responsive images are difficult to comprehend. 0 is is false and 1 is true, right? 1?

On Our Radar

We begin with DaMarkov’s frustration towards this whole ‘responsive web design’ thing that’s been going around. Designing and working in the field since 1996, DaMarkov’s seen things and it makes him angry. Big bight colours and large CTA’s that look great on mobile don’t translate well to Desktops. So have we taken this too far, and are Desktops paying the price?

We probably have because Forums user Qim isn’t sure why images are adopting different sizes. Detective Technobear leaps in to detect what’s up with the CSS code, and it all seems to go well for a little while, but it comes down to a case of what we’re seeing in code isn’t translating. Very frustrating for qim, so help a fellow developer out if you’re experienced in CSS and value your sanity.

Transmitter comes in with an age-old question on responsive design: what do you do with responsive images and no width? And in this age of mobile design, can we do something about speed as well? Responsive design has trolled us well this week.

In Short

We had non HTML/CSS questions as well. In the world of PHP, we wondered about controller in MVC and what it does exactly, while txt3rob had issues with their MySQL table and switch case dynamic.

We also wondered about logic leaps: how do you get a user to a new page based on their input from a form? Have you ever wondered about that? You should probably click this, then.

In other news we wondered about adding JavaScript to CSS; transferring domains from SiteBuilder; and constraining aspects of a box.

A special shoutout to Jim’s This Week in JavaScript and Matt’s This Week in .NET. If you’re in these worlds, these are not-to-be-missed updates.

Your Two Bitcoins

Sign up to our exclusive SitePoint Forums newsletter and you might just become a millionaire. Not that it’s a guarantee, as we learned from logic leaps.

Jasmine EliasJasmine Elias
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Jasmine has been in the social behaviour and marketing world for over 10 years. She's now looking after the SitePoint Community in all its variations, and really likes apples.

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