Key Takeaways
- In ActiveRecord, many-to-many relationships can be modeled as either intransitive or transitive. Intransitive associations are straightforward and can be modeled with the has_and_belongs_to_many (HABTM) association.
- Mono-transitive associations require an additional model to fully express the relationship. These can be modeled using the has_many :through association.
- Multi-transitive associations, which require multiple other entities to describe the relationship, can be modeled using a has_many :through :source association.
- When handling many-to-many associations in forms, the collection_check_boxes helper method can be used. This generates a series of checkboxes, one for each instance of a particular model. Rails will automatically update the association based on which checkboxes were selected.
Modeling many-to-many relationships between data entities in the ActiveRecord world isn’t always a straightforward task. Even if we have a well-defined ER diagram to work with, it’s not always clear which ActiveRecord associations we should be using and what the implications of our decision will be. There are two types of many-to-many relationships: transitive and intransitive. In mathematics,
A binary relation R is transitive whenever an element A is related to an element B, and B is in turn related to an element C.
To put this into a data modeling context, a relationship between two entities is transitive if it can be best expressed through the introduction of one or more other entities. So, for instance, it’s easy to see that a Buyer buys from many Sellers while a Seller sells to many Buyers. However, the relationship is not fully expressed until we start adding entities such as Product, Payment, Marketplace and so on. Such relationships can be called transitive many-to-many as we rely on the presence of other entities to fully capture the semantics of the relationship. Luckily, ActiveRecord allows us to model such relationships with ease. Let’s start by looking at the simplest ActiveRecord many-to-many associations and work our way up.
Intransitive Associations
This is the simplest many-to-many association. Two models are associated by simple virtue of their existence. A Book can be written by many authors and an Author may write many books. It is a direct association and there is a direct dependency between the two models. We can’t really have one without the other. In ActiveRecord this can easily be modeled with the has_and_belongs_to_many (HABTM) association. We can create the models and migrations for this relationship in Rails by running the following commands:
rails g model Author name:string
rails g model Book title:string
rails g migration CreateJoinTableAuthorsBooks authors books
We need to define the HABTM association in our models like this:
class Book < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :authors
class Author < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :books
Then, we can create our database tables by running:
rails db:migrate
Finally, we can populate our database:
herman = Author.create name: 'Herman Melville'
moby = Book.create title: 'Moby Dick'
herman.books << moby
We can now, among other things, access: a book’s Authors, all Books written by an Author and all Authors that have written a specific book:
herman.books.where(title: 'Moby Dick')
Nice and simple.
Mono-transitive Associations
A transitive association that can be best described with the addition of a single extra model. Take the example of a Student. A Student can be taught by many Tutors and a Tutor can teach many Students, but we can’t fully express the relationship unless we include another entity: Class (to avoid Ruby reserved-name conflicts, let’s name it Klass)
rails g model Student name:string
rails g model Tutor name:string
rails g model Klass subject:string student:references tutor:references
We can say that a Student is taught through attending Klasses and that a Tutor teaches Students through giving Klasses. The word through is important here, as we use the same term in ActiveRecord to define the association:
class Student < ApplicationRecord
has_many :klasses
has_many :tutors, through: :klasses
class Tutor < ApplicationRecord
has_many :klasses
has_many :students, through: :klasses
class Klass < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :tutor
Now we can create our database tables by running:
rails db:migrate
We can then populate the database:
bart = Student.create name: 'Bart Simpson'
edna = Tutor.create name: 'Mrs Krabapple'
Klass.create subject: 'Maths', student: bart, tutor: edna
As well as the usual simple finds we can also create some more complex queries:
Student.find_by(name: 'Bart Simpson').tutors # find all Bart's tutors
Student.joins(:klasses).where(klasses: {subject: 'Maths'}).distinct.pluck(:name) # get all students who attend the Maths class
Student.joins(:tutors).joins(:klasses).where(klasses: {subject: 'Maths'}, tutors: {name: 'Mrs Krabapple'}) {|x| puts} # get all students who attend Maths taught by Mrs Krabapple
As in most cases of mono-transitive associations, the existing model names reflect the association implicitly (i.e. X has_many Z through Y
), there is no need for us to do anything more and ActiveRecord will model our association perfectly.
Multi-transitive Associations
A multi-transitive association is one that can be expressed best through many other models. We as Developers, for example, are associated with many software Communities. Our association, though, takes many forms: we may contribute code, post at forums, attend events, and many others. Each Developer is associated with a Community in their own way through specific actions. Let’s pick three of these actions for our example:
- Contributing code
- Posting on forums
- Attending events
The next step in our modeling process is to define the data entities (models) which help realize these actions (associations). For our example, we can safely come up with:
Association | through Model |
contributing code | Repository |
posting at forums | Forum |
attending events | Event |
Now let’s go ahead and create the models we need:
rails g model Community name:string
rails g model Developer name:string
rails g model Repo url:string comment:string developer:references community:references
rails g model Forum url:string post:text developer:references community:references
rails g model Event location:string name:string developer:references community:references
rails db:migrate
Let’s also create some Developers and Communities:
devs = %w(joe sue fred mary).map {|dev| Developer.create name: dev}
comms = %w(rails nosql javascript postgres).map {|comm| Community.create name: comm}
We then can define the associations between our models. At this point we may be tempted to use the same technique we used in the mono-transitive example and repeat the has_many..through
invocation for each association:
class Developer < ApplicationRecord
has_many :events
has_many :forums
has_many :repos
has_many :appearances, through: :events #FAIL
has_many :postings, through: :forums #FAIL
has_many :contributions, through: :repos #FAIL
However, this won’t work as ActiveRecord will try to infer the name of the association’s source model from the association name (e.g appearance) and it will fail. For this reason we need to specify the source model name using the :source
class Developer < ApplicationRecord
has_many :events
has_many :forums
has_many :repos
has_many :appearances, through: :events, source: :community
has_many :postings, through: :forums, source: :community
has_many :contributions, through: :repos, source: :community
Similarly, we do the same for Communities:
class Community < ApplicationRecord
has_many :events
has_many :forums
has_many :repos
has_many :hostings, through: :events, source: :developer
has_many :discussions, through: :forums, source: :developer
has_many :contributions, through: :repos, source: :developer
As you may have noticed, on the Community model we are changing the names of some associations to reflect their nature from this side of the relationship. For instance, a Developer makes appearances at events, while a Community hosts events. A Developer posts at forums, while a Community fosters discussions at forums. This way, we are ensuring that our method names (that AR will dynamically create based on our associations) are meaningful and clear.
We can now create some events, forums, and repos:
Repo.create url: '', comment: 'ruby code', developer: devs[0], community: comms[0]
Repo.create url: '', comment: 'callbacks sample', developer: devs[0], community: comms[2]
Repo.create url: '', comment: 'reactive sample', developer: devs[1], community: comms[3]
Repo.create url: '', comment: 'promises sample', developer: devs[2], community: comms[3]
Forum.create url: '', post: 'this is what I think...', developer: devs[2], community: comms[1]
Forum.create url: '', post: 'my opinion is...', developer: devs[3], community: comms[1]
Event.create location: 'Bath, UK', name: 'Bath Ruby', developer: devs[2], community: comms[0]
Event.create location: 'Tech Institute', name: 'London NoSQL Meetup', developer: devs[2], community: comms[1]
We can then start extracting useful information from our models:
devs.find_by(name: 'fred').appearances # events a developer has appeared at
Event.find_by(community: comms[0]) # all events for the Rails community
Forum.where(developer: Developer.find_by(name: 'fred') # all forums where a specific developer has posted
Community.find_by(name: 'rails').hostings + Community.find_by(name: 'rails').discussions + Community.find_by(name: 'rails').contributions # get all events, forums and repositories for a specific community'distinct').joins(:repos).joins(:events).joins(:forums) # find developers who have appeared in Events, contributed to Repos and chatted on Forums, for any Community
We can use the associations directly and/or join the through
models in an endless variety of permutations to retrieve the data we need.
The Gist
- If you have a direct, many-to-many relationship between two models, where no further semantical clarification is needed to describe the relationship, use a
association. - If the many-to-many relationship is indirect or needs a single extra entity in order to be described fully and the relationship name can be captured by the extra model name, use a
has_many :through
association. - If the many-to-many relationship has nuances that require multiple other entities in order to describe it, then use a
has_many :through :source
Modeling with many-to-many relationships using ActiveRecord can be challenging to get right. Once you understand the nature of each association and the options ActiveRecord offers, it makes this task much easier.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Many-to-Many Associations with ActiveRecord
What is the importance of many-to-many associations in Rails?
Many-to-many associations in Rails are crucial for creating complex data relationships in applications. They allow multiple records in one model to be associated with multiple records in another model. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you have entities that naturally have multiple relationships. For example, in a book store application, a book can have many authors, and an author can have many books. Without many-to-many associations, managing such relationships would be cumbersome and inefficient.
How do I set up a many-to-many association in Rails?
Setting up a many-to-many association in Rails involves three main steps. First, you need to create a join table that will hold the foreign keys of the two models you want to associate. This can be done using a migration. Second, you need to set up the associations in your models using the has_many
and belongs_to
methods. Finally, you need to update your controllers and views to handle the new association.
What is a join table and why is it necessary?
A join table is a table that sits between two other tables and holds the foreign keys of these tables. It is necessary in a many-to-many association because it allows Rails to efficiently manage and query the association. Without a join table, Rails would have to perform expensive queries to retrieve associated records, which would slow down your application.
How do I handle many-to-many associations in forms?
Handling many-to-many associations in forms can be done using the collection_check_boxes
helper method. This method generates a series of checkboxes, one for each instance of a particular model. When the form is submitted, Rails will automatically update the association based on which checkboxes were selected.
How do I query a many-to-many association?
Querying a many-to-many association can be done using the includes
method. This method allows you to specify one or more associations that should be loaded at the same time as the primary record. This can significantly improve performance by reducing the number of database queries.
Can I create a many-to-many association with additional attributes?
Yes, you can create a many-to-many association with additional attributes by using a has_many :through
association. This type of association allows you to set up a many-to-many relationship with an additional model, which can hold additional attributes.
What is the difference between has_and_belongs_to_many
and has_many :through
The main difference between has_and_belongs_to_many
and has_many :through
is that the latter allows you to work with an additional model, which can hold additional attributes. This can be useful if you need to store additional information about the association.
How do I delete a many-to-many association?
Deleting a many-to-many association can be done using the destroy
method. This method will remove the association from the join table, but it will not delete the associated records themselves.
How do I validate a many-to-many association?
Validating a many-to-many association can be done using the validates_associated
method. This method will ensure that the associated records are valid before saving the primary record.
How do I handle nested attributes in a many-to-many association?
Handling nested attributes in a many-to-many association can be done using the accepts_nested_attributes_for
method. This method allows you to save attributes on associated records through the parent.
Fred is a software jack of all trades, having worked at every stage of the software development life-cycle. He loves: solving tricky problems, Ruby, Agile methods, meta-programming, Behaviour-Driven Development, the semantic web. Fred works as a freelance developer, and consultant, speaks at conferences and blogs.