Between January 2011 and January 2015, the number of job listings on Indeed containing “content marketing” or “content strategy” grew by about 350 percent; therefore, I think it’s safe to assume some of you startup founders are hiring a marketer or two.

But how many of you actually know anything about digital marketing, specifically social media marketing and/or content marketing? I’m guessing not many of you.

You’re probably thinking: Well, duh – that’s why I’m hiring someone to do it. Which makes me remember something my father told me a long, long time ago:

“Lauren, before you ever hire someone for a job, you better know how to do the job yourself.”

There’s a plethora of reasons why my father is right about this, but instead of boring you with all my arguments, I figure my time would be better spent telling you where you can quickly pick up these digital marketing skills.

Here’s a comprehensive (but not overwhelming) list of the best places to learn digital marketing online. Enjoy!

1. The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media

By: Moz, Cost: Free

The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media is a beautifully laid out and interactive guide that makes it easy to learn what you want when you want.

2. Social Media Calendar

By: Twenty20, Cost: Free

According to Micah Cohen, Twenty20 Product Manager, Twenty20 interviewed hundreds of social media managers to come up with the best social media content calendar, which gives you seven days notice on all major events/holidays accompanied with popular hashtags.

3. Content Marketing Stack

Curated By: Nicolas Nemni, Cost: Free

The Content Marketing Stack is a curated directory of content marketing resources and tutorials.

4. Marketing Stack

By: Ben Tossell, Mubashar Iqbal, Daniel Kempe Cost: Free

Marketing Stack, which inspired the above Content Marketing Stack, is a curated directory of marketing resources and tools. It was inspired by StartUp Stash.

5. Content Machine

By: Dan Norris, Cost: Free

Free on Kindle, Norris provides nine proven frameworks for content marketing to scale a content marketing machine.

6. Getting Started With Social Media: A Resource Guide

By: Social Media Examiner, Cost: Free

If you are new to social media or you’re not sure you’re doing the right thing, this page is for you. It contains a number of resources to help bring you up to speed.

7. Social Marketing Success Kit

By: Marketo, Cost: Free

Discover how to drive new business and revenue through various social media channels with the Marketo Social Marketing Success Kit.

8. HubSpot Social Media Blog

By: HubSpot, Cost: Free

Learn about the latest news and updates on social media via HubSpot, which breaks the marketing news before anyone else.

9. Learn Local Marketing

By: Moz, Cost: Free

The Moz Local Learning Center will teach you: what local search is; whether local search is the best marketing option for your business; and how to implement local search best practices to drive the maximum number of customers to you.

10. The Beginner’s Guide to SEO

By: Moz, Cost: Free

The Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an in-depth tutorial on how search engines work. This guide covers the fundamental strategies that make your websites search engine–friendly.

11. The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building

By: Moz, Cost: Free

Whether you’re brand new to link building or have been doing it for a while, we’re sure you’ll find something useful in this guide.

12. 48 Content Marketing Tools To Help You Save Time And Get Better Results

By: Adam Connell, Cost: Free

Connell shares a powerhouse of epic content marketing tools with you that will help you do everything from planning to promoting and improving your content.

13. The Blogging Wizard Resource Library

By: Adam Connell, Cost: Free

You’ll find a collection of guides, templates and checklists that you can use to grow your traffic, email subscribers, social following and more.

14. A 52-Installment Content Marketing Course

By: Copyblogger, Cost: Free

This guide will fill in the gaps to your content marketing knowledge, and it will help you become a content marketing expert in your industry or company.

15. Content Marketing Glossary

By: Curata, Cost: Free

All the words (and influencers) you need to know to kill content marketing.

16. 212 Blog Post Ideas

By: Digital Marketer, Cost: Free

This article is divided into 8 sections, each representing a goal you might be trying to reach with your blog. You can also download a mind map of this post here.

17. Effective Blog Content MindMap

By: Lauren Holliday (me), Cost: Free

This is a mindmap I created to help content marketers come up with effective blog content ideas.

18. Inbound Certification

By: HubSpot, Cost: Free

This free and open-to-anyone certification created by HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing course that covers the core elements of the Inbound methodology.

19. HubSpot Marketing Library

By: HubSpot, Cost: Free

A free and open-to-anyone library of anything and everything inbound marketing related, from ebooks to templates and more goodies for you to download.

20. The Definitive Guide to Content Marketing

By: iDoneThis, Cost: Free

A free, interactive content marketing guide based on the framework iDoneThis used to grow its startup from nothing to a million-dollar business.

21. Kapost Resource Library

By: Kapost, Cost: Free

Explore Kapost’s entire catalog of free marketing resources.

22. The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing

By: Neil Patel, Kathryn Aragon, Cost: Free

The most extensive and detailed guide of advanced content marketing techniques available today, according to guide authors.

23. The Essential List of Startup Marketing Resources

By: Ryan Gum, Cost: Free

Ryan Gum put together a list of the essentials you need to know to acquire customers for your startup.

24. Distributing Content Marketing – The Complete Guide

By: Iris Shoor, Cost: Free

So you created great content, now what? Distribute it!

25. The ultimate guide to creating content that converts

By: WPCurve, Cost: Free

In this post you’ll learn how to create content that converts (i.e. content that drives opt ins, leads and revenue to your business).

26. Primer

By: Google, Cost: Free

Primer is an experimental mobile app we created to make navigating the digital world easier for you.

27. The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing

By: Neil Patel, Ritika Puri, Cost: Free

According to authors, this is the most extensive and comprehensive introduction to online marketing that you’ll find anywhere.

28. Learn Marketing

By:, Cost: Free

Learn how research-driven and experience-driven marketing can help your product or vision succeed.

29. Advanced Content Promotion Checklist and Guide

By:, Cost: Free created this checklist you can use to promote the content you work so hard to create.

30. Ultimate Website Launch Checklist

By:, Cost: Free created this handy checklist for you use on your next website launch or redesign.

Frequently Asked Questions about Learning Marketing

What are the key concepts I need to understand in marketing?

Marketing is a broad field with many key concepts. Some of the most important include understanding your target audience, the 4 Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion), branding, digital marketing, and marketing analytics. Each of these areas has its own set of strategies and tools that you’ll need to master. For example, understanding your target audience involves market research and customer segmentation, while digital marketing includes SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing.

How can I apply what I learn in marketing to my own business?

The knowledge you gain from learning marketing can be directly applied to your business in numerous ways. You can use it to identify your target audience, develop effective marketing strategies, create compelling content, and measure the success of your campaigns. By understanding the principles of marketing, you can make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability for your business.

What are some of the best resources for learning marketing?

There are many great resources available for learning marketing. Online platforms like Coursera and HubSpot offer free courses on various aspects of marketing. Websites like SitePoint and Buffer provide a wealth of articles and guides on marketing topics. Additionally, books by marketing experts can provide in-depth insights and practical advice.

How long does it take to learn marketing?

The time it takes to learn marketing can vary greatly depending on your starting point, the specific areas of marketing you’re interested in, and how much time you can dedicate to learning. However, with consistent study and practice, you can gain a solid understanding of the basics of marketing in a few months.

Can I learn marketing without a degree?

Yes, it’s definitely possible to learn marketing without a degree. Many successful marketers are self-taught, using online resources, books, and practical experience to build their skills. While a degree can provide a structured learning experience and potential networking opportunities, it’s not the only path to learning marketing.

What are the benefits of learning marketing?

Learning marketing can provide numerous benefits, whether you’re a business owner, a freelancer, or an employee. It can help you understand your customers better, develop effective strategies to reach them, and measure the success of your efforts. Additionally, marketing skills are highly in demand, making them valuable for career advancement.

How can I stay updated with the latest marketing trends?

Staying updated with the latest marketing trends is crucial in this rapidly evolving field. You can do this by following reputable marketing blogs, attending industry conferences, and participating in online marketing communities. Additionally, many online courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and best practices.

What are some common challenges in learning marketing and how can I overcome them?

Some common challenges in learning marketing include keeping up with the rapid pace of change, understanding complex concepts, and applying theory to practice. To overcome these challenges, it’s important to have a structured learning plan, seek help when needed, and gain practical experience through projects or internships.

How can I measure the success of my marketing efforts?

Measuring the success of your marketing efforts is crucial to understanding what’s working and what’s not. This can be done through various marketing analytics tools and techniques. Key metrics to track include website traffic, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer lifetime value.

What are some good practices for effective marketing?

Some good practices for effective marketing include understanding your target audience, setting clear marketing goals, using a mix of marketing channels, creating high-quality content, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your strategies based on performance data.

Lauren HollidayLauren Holliday
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Lauren Holliday is a full-stack marketer.

laurenhlearn marketingMarketing
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