Introducing the Proximity API

Aurelio De Rosa
Aurelio De Rosa
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Key Takeaways

  • The Proximity API is a tool that provides information about the distance between a device and an object, as measured by a proximity sensor. This API was originally part of the Sensor API but has since become an independent API.
  • This API has a variety of use cases, such as powering the feature on smartphones that turns off the screen when the device is near your ear. It can also be used to pause a music player when an object (like a hand) is close to the device.
  • The Proximity API defines two events: ‘deviceproximity’, which provides information about the distance between the device and a nearby object, and ‘userproximity’, which specifies if the device has sensed a nearby object. These events can be listened to and reacted to based on the proximity of an object.
  • Currently, the support for the Proximity API is quite low. The only browser that supports it is Firefox, both on desktop and mobile, starting from version 15. This is despite the fact that it has reached the status of W3C Candidate Recommendation.

Smartphones and mobile devices have gained a lot of importance in our life and it seems increasingly that we cannot live without them.

When used properly and with moderation they are valuable tools that can help us in achieving common tasks such as knowing the next bus, locating the nearest tube, searching for an Italian restaurant and so on.

They have also opened a whole new world to web developers. In fact, thanks to the rise of needs derived from the use of mobile devices, a set of new APIs specifically created for them has been standardized.

In the last months I’ve introduced you to several APIs, such as the Web Notifications API and the Web Speech API. In this article I’ll describe a simple, yet useful API called Proximity API.


The Proximity API defines events that provide information about the distance between a device and an object, as measured by a proximity sensor. This API was initially part of the the Sensor API, later split and become an independent API. The specifications of the Proximity API are considered stable because it reached the status of W3C Candidate Recommendation as of 1st October 2013.

If you’ve ever had or used a smartphone, which I assume you have, you’ve already seen this API in action.

Want an example? Think of your last phone call and what you did. You unlocked your smartphone, typed the number you wanted to call, and then tapped the “Call” button. Once done, you placed the smartphone near your ear and suddenly something magic happened, the screen turned off.

This is an action many smartphones perform to safe your battery, but what powered this feature was the Proximity API. When you place your mobile device near enough to your ear, the proximity sensor fires an event that is listened to by your smartphone, which in turn shuts off the screen.

On the web, we have other interesting use cases. Have you ever been driving while listening to music using a web service and had to stop it?

How painful was it to take your device and then manually stop the player? I guess the answer is “A lot!”. Thanks to this API, web developers can now add a feature so that if an object (the hand in this case) is close to the device the player will pause.

Now that we know what the Proximity API is and its use cases, we can dive into the events it exposes.


The Proximity API defines two events that we can listen to and react to based on the proximity of an object. The first event is deviceproximity and provides information about the distance between the hosting device and a nearby object. The second event is userproximity and specifies if the device has sensed a nearby object. Both fire on the window object, so to listen to them we attach a handler to it.

An example of how to attach a handler for the deviceproximity event is below:

window.addEventListener('deviceproximity', function(event) {
   console.log('An object is ' + event.value + ' centimeters far away');

The handler attached receives an object as its first parameter containing the info we need. The object passed by the deviceproximity event offers three properties: value, min, and max. value is a number that represents the proximity of the device to an object in centimeters. The min and max properties describe the minimum and the maximum distance the sensor can detect, in centimeters. The object passed by the userproximity event exposes the near property. It’s a boolean that specifies if an object is close enough to the device (true) or not (false). In this case close enough means the object is within the detectable range for the specific device.

Excited about this API? Not so fast…

Browser Compatibility

The support for the Proximity API is very low at the moment. The only browser that supports it is Firefox, both on desktop and mobile, starting from version 15. This is strange considering that it has already reached the status of W3C Candidate Recommendation but this is what we have for now.

Because this API has been implemented only in Firefox, knowing how to test for its support is crucial. We can do that using a well-known method that you may have encountered when dealing with other APIs. This method is shown below:

if ('ondeviceproximity' in window) {
   // API supported. Don't get too close, I can feel you
} else {
   // API not supported

As shown above, we can test the support of the userproximity event. At this point, we know what the Proximity API is and what events it exposes. To complete our journey, we’ll develop a simple demo to see it in action.


The demo we’ll build in this section attaches a handler to the deviceproximity and userproximity event and shows the value returned on the screen. To show the values, we’ll use an unordered list. Also, we’ll place two span tags at the beginning of the page to specify if a given event is not supported. By default they are hidden but if the browser doesn’t support an event they will be shown.

The JavaScript code is also simple. Firstly we test the browser to see if it supports the Proximity API. Because the latter comprises of two independent events, we’ll test them once at a time. If a given event isn’t supported, we show the relevant message to the user using the associated . Otherwise, we attach a handler so that we can retrieve and then show the values returned.

The source code of the demo is below, but you can also play with a live demo. This API is part of my HTML5 API demos repository, a collection of demos that allows you to play with dozens of APIs introduced by HTML5 and the related technologies.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
      <meta name="author" content="Aurelio De Rosa">
      <title>Proximity API Demo by Aurelio De Rosa</title>
            -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
            -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
            box-sizing: border-box;

            max-width: 500px;
            margin: 2em auto;
            padding: 0 0.5em;
            font-size: 20px;

            text-align: center;

            display: block;

            display: none;

            font-weight: bold;

            display: block;
            margin-top: 1em;
      <h1>Proximity API</h1>

      <span id="dp-unsupported" class="api-support hidden">deviceproximity event not supported</span>
      <span id="up-unsupported" class="api-support hidden">userproximity event not supported</span>

            An object is at a distance of <span id="dp-value" class="value">null</span> centimeters
            (within a detectable range of <span id="dp-min" class="value">null</span> -
            <span id="dp-max" class="value">null</span> centimeters).
            Object close to the device? <span id="up-value" class="value">unavailable</span>

      <small class="author">
         Demo created by <a href="">Aurelio De Rosa</a>
         (<a href="">@AurelioDeRosa</a>).<br />
         This demo is part of the <a href="">HTML5 API demos repository</a>.

         if (!('ondeviceproximity' in window)) {
         } else {
            var proximityValue = document.getElementById('dp-value');
            var proximityMax = document.getElementById('dp-max');
            var proximityMin = document.getElementById('dp-min');

            window.addEventListener('deviceproximity', function(event) {
               proximityValue.innerHTML = event.value;
               proximityMax.innerHTML = event.max;
               proximityMin.innerHTML = event.min;

         if (!('onuserproximity' in window)) {
         } else {
            var inProximity = document.getElementById('up-value');

            window.addEventListener('userproximity', function(event) {
               inProximity.innerHTML = event.near;


In this article I introduced you to the Proximity API. We’ve seen what this API does and its use cases. We’ve discussed the events provided and how we can use them to adapt the behaviour of a web application based on the presence of an object near a device. Unfortunately, this API is only supported by Firefox so it may not be the time to use it yet.

What do you think about this API? Do you find it useful? Will you employ it in your next project?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Proximity API

What is the Proximity API and how does it work?

The Proximity API is a web-based interface that allows devices to detect the presence or absence of an object within a specified range. It works by using sensors embedded in the device to measure the distance between the device and the object. The API then interprets this data and triggers specific actions based on the proximity of the object. For example, it can be used to dim the screen of a smartphone when it is held close to the face during a call, saving battery life and preventing accidental touches.

What are the main uses of the Proximity API?

The Proximity API has a wide range of applications. It is commonly used in smartphones for features like auto screen off during calls or auto pause while playing a video when the device is not in proximity. In addition, it can be used in interactive installations, robotics, and other fields where object detection and distance measurement are required.

How does the Proximity API differ from other proximity sensors?

The Proximity API is a software interface that interprets data from physical proximity sensors. It provides a standardized way for applications to use this data, regardless of the specific hardware used. This makes it more flexible and versatile than standalone proximity sensors, which may require custom programming to integrate with different applications.

Can I use the Proximity API on any device?

The Proximity API can be used on any device that has the necessary hardware, typically a proximity sensor. This includes most modern smartphones and tablets, as well as some laptops and desktop computers. However, the exact capabilities and range of the sensor may vary depending on the device.

Is the Proximity API difficult to implement?

Implementing the Proximity API is relatively straightforward for developers with some experience in web or mobile development. The API is well-documented and there are many resources available to help with implementation. However, as with any API, it requires a good understanding of programming concepts and the specific language used.

What languages does the Proximity API support?

The Proximity API is a web-based interface, so it can be used with any programming language that supports HTTP requests. This includes languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and many others.

How accurate is the Proximity API?

The accuracy of the Proximity API depends on the underlying hardware sensor. Most proximity sensors used in consumer devices are accurate within a few centimeters, but this can vary depending on the specific device and conditions.

Can the Proximity API be used for long-range detection?

The Proximity API is typically used for short-range detection, up to a few centimeters. For longer ranges, other technologies like radar or lidar may be more appropriate.

Is the Proximity API secure?

As a web-based interface, the Proximity API uses standard web security protocols to ensure data privacy and integrity. However, like any API, it is important to use it responsibly and follow best practices for secure coding.

Where can I find more information about the Proximity API?

More information about the Proximity API can be found in the official documentation, as well as in various online developer communities and forums. There are also many tutorials and guides available that can help you get started with using the API.

I'm a (full-stack) web and app developer with more than 5 years' experience programming for the web using HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, and PHP. I'm an expert of JavaScript and HTML5 APIs but my interests include web security, accessibility, performance, and SEO. I'm also a regular writer for several networks, speaker, and author of the books jQuery in Action, third edition and Instant jQuery Selectors.

apiHTML5 Tutorials & Articlesmobile web

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