I Love a Good Challenge

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This week the focus of the SitePoint community is Facebook. There are a couple of exciting things happening and both of them involve me giving free stuff away to you! It doesn’t get much better than that, right?

The first of the things is the culmination of my first monthly ‘Get To Know Us’ campaign. Those of you that follow us will know that the campaign involved weekly biographies of staff members with a focus on WordPress and how they specifically use it in their work for SitePoint. We heard from developers Mark Cipolla and Andy White, as well as Creative Director Matt Magain. Right now there are 2 days left if you would like to enter the WordPress quiz which wraps up the campaign for this month. You have the chance to win a copy of our newest book “Build Your Own Wicked WordPress Themes.” Next week I’ll be kicking off a new subject – cloud computing.

The second Facebook related thing that’s going on started with a challenge from my colleagues. Every couple of months we have what we call an ‘All In’ meeting. Staff from across the three companies (SitePoint, 99Designs and Flippa) all get together to talk about what we’ve achieved since the last meeting. My workmates have challenged me to pick up 300 new Facebook fans before the next meeting (which is this Friday). In order to do that I am appealing to our current fans to tag us on their walls with something that they love about us. I want your friends to like us too! To show you how much I appreciate your help, I’m giving away one of our orange retro SitePoint t-shirts every day. If you’re keen on getting your hands on one of those shirts (which are no longer available for sale) then jump onto Facebook and help me out!SitePoint forums

Anyway, that’s enough on Facebook – I do appreciate that some of you choose not to use it. So let’s look at what’s happening at the forums this week. We have a winner in the August programming competition, and that winner is wwb_99, who knocked together a fantastic PM utility using ASP.NET. So here’s your chance to join me in congratulating Wyatt for a job well done.

We have a new forum in our Content for Your Site section. If you are a Facebook developer or have an interest in learning FBML & FBJS, then our Facebook forum is definitely worth checking out.

If you prefer to be a part of our community via Twitter, then don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you. My next competition is going to be Twitter based and I’m working on something that should be a bit of fun. Stay tuned for more details.

Last up for this week is that subject that I’ve been teasing you with for way too long now… t-shirts. I am in the final stages of finalising our store and I’ll have something for you any day, I promise!

Hot Topics This Week
Part IV in our series of Photography Principals series of tutorials is out – this time the subject is Focal Length and Angle of View II. If that is something you are interested in, head on over to the Photography forum and check it out.

In the Web Page Design forum the discussion is all about alternatives to Google in terms of analytics and advertising. Do you have anything to share?

In the Apache Configuration forum people are rallying around to help someone with issues with his mod rewrite code.

Do you know your FBML from your HTML? If so, jump on over to our new Facebook forum where the conversation is about Facebook forms.

The last one for this week comes from the WordPress forum. If you know anything about creating image galleries in WordPress then check out the thread.

That’s it from me. Have a great week.

Feature image by Chris Roberts from Digital Precision

Sarah HawkSarah Hawk
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Formerly a developer in the corporate world, HAWK (known as Sarah by her mother) said goodbye to the code and succumbed to the lure of social media to become the Community Manager for the SitePoint network. Now Hawk is working with Discourse to build their product and community.

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