Building Apps and Services with the Hapi.js Framework

Hapi.js is described as “a rich framework for building applications and services”. Hapi’s smart defaults make it a breeze to create JSON APIs, and its modular design and plugin system allow you to easily extend or modify its behavior.
The recent release of version 17.0 has fully embraced async
and await
, so you’ll be writing code that appears synchronous but is non-blocking and avoids callback hell. Win-win.
Key Takeaways
- Hapi.js is a comprehensive framework designed for building applications and services, featuring smart defaults and a modular design that simplifies the creation of JSON APIs.
- The framework fully supports modern JavaScript features like async/await, improving code readability and avoiding callback hell.
- Hapi.js allows for detailed route handling, including responses with various content types and handling of different HTTP methods, which can be extended or customized using plugins.
- It integrates seamlessly with databases through ORMs like Sequelize, providing a clean API for interacting with databases without enforcing a specific database structure.
- Hapi.js supports robust authentication mechanisms using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and includes built-in support for input validation with tools like Joi to ensure data integrity.
- The framework is highly suitable for building RESTful APIs, as demonstrated by the creation of a blog API handling articles and comments, complete with routes for fetching, creating, updating, and deleting records.
The Project
In this article, we’ll be building the following API for a typical blog from scratch:
# RESTful actions for fetching, creating, updating and deleting articles
GET /articles articles#index
GET /articles/:id articles#show
POST /articles articles#create
PUT /articles/:id articles#update
DELETE /articles/:id articles#destroy
# Nested routes for creating and deleting comments
POST /articles/:id/comments comments#create
DELETE /articles/:id/comments comments#destroy
# Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
POST /authentications authentications#create
The article will cover:
- Hapi’s core API: routing, request and response
- models and persistence in a relational database
- routes and actions for Articles and Comments
- testing a REST API with HTTPie
- authentication with JWT and securing routes
- validation
- an HTML View and Layout for the root route
The Starting Point
Make sure you’ve got a recent version of Node.js installed; node -v
should return 8.9.0
or higher.
Download the starting code from here with git:
git clone
cd hapi-api
npm install
Open up package.json
and you’ll see that the “start” script runs server.js
with nodemon
. This will take care of restarting the server for us when we change a file.
Run npm start
and open http://localhost:3000/
[{ "so": "hapi!" }]
Let’s look at the source:
// server.js
const Hapi = require('hapi')
// Configure the server instance
const server = Hapi.server({
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000
// Add routes
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: () => {
return [{ so: 'hapi!' }]
// Go!
server.start().then(() => {
console.log('Server running at:',
}).catch(err => {
The Route Handler
The route handler is the most interesting part of this code. Replace it with the code below, comment out the return lines one by one, and test the response in your browser.
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: () => {
// return [{ so: 'hapi!' }]
return 123
return `HTML rules!`
return null
return new Error('Boom')
return Promise.resolve({ whoa: true })
return require('fs').createReadStream('index.html')
To send a response, you simply return
a value and Hapi will send the appropriate body and headers.
- An
will respond with stringified JSON andContent-Type: application/json
values will beContent-Type: text/html
- You can also return a
The handler function is often made async
for cleaner control flow with Promises:
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: async () => {
let html = await Promise.resolve(`Google`)
html = html.replace('Google', 'Hapi')
return html
It’s not always cleaner with async
though. Sometimes returning a Promise is simpler:
handler: () => {
return Promise.resolve(`Google`)
.then(html => html.replace('Google', 'Hapi'))
We’ll see better examples of how async
helps us out when we start interacting with the database.
The Model Layer
Like the popular Express.js framework, Hapi is a minimal framework that doesn’t provide any recommendations for the Model layer or persistence. You can choose any database and ORM that you’d like, or none — it’s up to you. We’ll be using SQLite and the Sequelize ORM in this tutorial to provide a clean API for interacting with the database.
SQLite comes pre-installed on macOS and most Linux distributions. You can check if it’s installed with sqlite -v
. If not, you can find installation instructions at the SQLite website.
Sequelize works with many popular relational databases like Postgres or MySQL, so you’ll need to install both sequelize
and the sqlite3
npm install --save sequelize sqlite3
Let’s connect to our database and write our first table definition for articles
// models.js
const path = require('path')
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
// configure connection to db host, user, pass - not required for SQLite
const sequelize = new Sequelize(null, null, null, {
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: path.join('tmp', 'db.sqlite') // SQLite persists its data directly to file
// Here we define our Article model with a title attribute of type string, and a body attribute of type text. By default, all tables get columns for id, createdAt, updatedAt as well.
const Article = sequelize.define('article', {
title: Sequelize.STRING,
body: Sequelize.TEXT
// Create table
module.exports = {
Let’s test out our new model by importing it and replacing our route handler with the following:
// server.js
const { Article } = require('./models')
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: () => {
// try commenting these lines out one at a time
return Article.findAll()
return Article.create({ title: 'Welcome to my blog', body: 'The happiest place on earth' })
return Article.findById(1)
return Article.update({ title: 'Learning Hapi', body: `JSON API's a breeze.` }, { where: { id: 1 } })
return Article.findAll()
return Article.destroy({ where: { id: 1 } })
return Article.findAll()
If you’re familiar with SQL or other ORM’s, the Sequelize API should be self explanatory, It’s built with Promises so it works great with Hapi’s async
handlers too.
Note: using Article.sync()
to create the tables or Article.sync({ force: true })
to drop and create are fine for the purposes of this demo. If you’re wanting to use this in production you should check out sequelize-cli and write Migrations for any schema changes.
Our RESTful Actions
Let’s build the following routes:
GET /articles fetch all articles
GET /articles/:id fetch article by id
POST /articles create article with `{ title, body }` params
PUT /articles/:id update article with `{ title, body }` params
DELETE /articles/:id delete article by id
Add a new file, routes.js
, to separate the server config from the application logic:
// routes.js
const { Article } = require('./models')
exports.configureRoutes = (server) => {
// server.route accepts an object or an array
return server.route([{
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles',
handler: () => {
return Article.findAll()
}, {
method: 'GET',
// The curly braces are how we define params (variable path segments in the URL)
path: '/articles/{id}',
handler: (request) => {
return Article.findById(
}, {
method: 'POST',
path: '/articles',
handler: (request) => {
const article =
}, {
// method can be an array
method: ['PUT', 'PATCH'],
path: '/articles/{id}',
handler: async (request) => {
const article = await Article.findById(
}, {
method: 'DELETE',
path: '/articles/{id}',
handler: async (request) => {
const article = await Article.findById(
return article.destroy()
Import and configure our routes before we start the server:
// server.js
const Hapi = require('hapi')
const { configureRoutes } = require('./routes')
const server = Hapi.server({
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000
// This function will allow us to easily extend it later
const main = async () => {
await configureRoutes(server)
await server.start()
return server
main().then(server => {
console.log('Server running at:',
}).catch(err => {
Testing Our API Is as Easy as HTTPie
HTTPie is great little command-line HTTP client that works on all operating systems. Follow the installation instructions in the documentation and then try hitting the API from the terminal:
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles
http POST http://localhost:3000/articles article:='{"title": "Welcome to my blog", "body": "The greatest place on earth"}'
http POST http://localhost:3000/articles article:='{"title": "Learning Hapi", "body": "JSON APIs a breeze."}'
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles/2
http PUT http://localhost:3000/articles/2 article:='{"title": "True happiness, is an inner quality"}'
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles/2
http DELETE http://localhost:3000/articles/2
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles
Okay, everything seems to be working well. Let’s try a few more:
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles/12345
http DELETE http://localhost:3000/articles/12345
Yikes! When we try to fetch an article that doesn’t exist, we get a 200
with an empty body and our destroy handler throws an Error
which results in a 500
. This is happening because findById
returns null
by default when it can’t find a record. We want our API to respond with a 404
in both of these cases. There’s a few ways we can achieve this.
Defensively Check for null
Values and Return an Error
There’s a package called boom
which helps create standard error response objects:
npm install --save boom
Import it and modify GET /articles/:id
// routes.js
const Boom = require('boom')
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles/{id}',
handler: async (request) => {
const article = await Article.findById(
if (article === null) return Boom.notFound()
return article
Extend Sequelize.Model to throw an Error
is a reference to the prototype that all of our Models inherit from, so we can easily add a new method find
to findById
and throw an error if it returns null
// models.js
const Boom = require('boom')
Sequelize.Model.find = async function (...args) {
const obj = await this.findById(...args)
if (obj === null) throw Boom.notFound()
return obj
We can then revert the handler to its former glory and replace occurrences of findById
with find
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles/{id}',
handler: (request) => {
return Article.find(
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles/12345
http DELETE http://localhost:3000/articles/12345
Boom. We now get a 404
Not Found error whenever we try to fetch something from the database that doesn’t exist. We’ve replaced our custom error checks with an easy-to-understand convention that keeps our code clean.
Note: another popular tool for making requests to REST APIs is Postman. If you prefer a UI and ability to save common requests, this is a great option.
Path Parameters
The routing in Hapi is a little different from other frameworks. The route is selected on the specificity of the path, so the order you define them in doesn’t matter.
and passes'bob'
as the name param/hello/{name?}
— the?
makes name optional and matches both/hello
— the*
denotes multiple segments, matching/hello/bob/marley
by passing'bob/marley'
as the name param/{args*}
and has the lowest specificity.
The Request Object
The request object that’s passed to the route handler has the following useful properties:
— path paramsrequest.query
— query string paramsrequest.payload
— request body for JSON or form paramsrequest.state
— cookiesrequest.headers
Adding a Second Model
Our second model will handle comments on articles. Here’s the complete file:
// models.js
const path = require('path')
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
const Boom = require('boom')
Sequelize.Model.find = async function (...args) {
const obj = await this.findById(...args)
if (obj === null) throw Boom.notFound()
return obj
const sequelize = new Sequelize(null, null, null, {
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: path.join('tmp', 'db.sqlite')
const Article = sequelize.define('article', {
title: Sequelize.STRING,
body: Sequelize.TEXT
const Comment = sequelize.define('comment', {
commenter: Sequelize.STRING,
body: Sequelize.TEXT
// These associations add an articleId foreign key to our comments table
// They add helpful methods like article.getComments() and article.createComment()
// Create tables
module.exports = {
For creating and deleting comments we can add nested routes under the article’s path:
// routes.js
const { Article, Comment } = require('./models')
method: 'POST',
path: '/articles/{id}/comments',
handler: async (request) => {
const article = await Article.find(
return article.createComment(request.payload.comment)
}, {
method: 'DELETE',
path: '/articles/{articleId}/comments/{id}',
handler: async (request) => {
const { id, articleId } = request.params
// You can pass options to findById as a second argument
const comment = await Comment.find(id, { where: { articleId } })
return comment.destroy()
Lastly, we can extend GET /articles/:id
to return both the article and its comments:
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles/{id}',
handler: async (request) => {
const article = await Article.find(
const comments = await article.getComments()
return { ...article.get(), comments }
here is the Model object; article.get()
returns a plain object with the model’s values, on which we can use the spread operator to combine with our comments. Let’s test it out:
http POST http://localhost:3000/articles/3/comments comment:='{ "commenter": "mb4", "body": "Agreed, this blog rules!" }'
http POST http://localhost:3000/articles/3/comments comment:='{ "commenter": "Nigerian prince", "body": "You are the beneficiary of a Nigerian prince’s $4,000,000 fortune." }'
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles/3
http DELETE http://localhost:3000/articles/3/comments/2
http GET http://localhost:3000/articles/3
Our blog API is almost ready to ship to production, just needing a couple of finishing touches.
Authentication with JWT
JSON Web Tokens are a common authentication mechanism for APIs. There’s a plugin hapi-auth-jwt2
for setting it up, but it hasn’t yet been updated for Hapi 17.0, so we’ll need to install a fork for now:
npm install --save salzhrani/hapi-auth-jwt2#v-17
The code below registers the hapi-auth-jwt2
plugin and sets up a strategy named admin
using the jwt
scheme. If a valid JWT token is sent in a header, query string or cookie, it will call our validate
function to verify that we’re happy to grant those credentials access:
// auth.js
const jwtPlugin = require('hapi-auth-jwt2').plugin
// This would be in an environment variable in production
const JWT_KEY = 'NeverShareYourSecret'
var validate = function (credentials) {
// Run any checks here to confirm we want to grant these credentials access
return {
isValid: true,
credentials // request.auth.credentials
exports.configureAuth = async (server) => {
await server.register(jwtPlugin)
server.auth.strategy('admin', 'jwt', {
key: JWT_KEY,
verifyOptions: { algorithms: [ 'HS256' ] }
// Default all routes to require JWT and opt out for public routes
Next, import and configure our auth strategy before starting the server:
// server.js
const { configureAuth } = require('./auth')
const main = async () => {
await configureAuth(server)
await configureRoutes(server)
await server.start()
return server
Now all routes will require our admin
auth strategy. Try these three:
http GET localhost:3000/articles
http GET localhost:3000/articles Authorization:yep
http GET localhost:3000/articles Authorization:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwibmFtZSI6IkFudGhvbnkgVmFsaWQgVXNlciIsImlhdCI6MTQyNTQ3MzUzNX0.KA68l60mjiC8EXaC2odnjFwdIDxE__iDu5RwLdN1F2A
The last one should contain a valid token and return the articles from the database. To make a route public, we just need to add config: { auth: false }
to the route object. For example:
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles',
handler: (request) => {
return Article.findAll()
config: { auth: false }
Make these three routes public so that anyone can read articles and post comments:
GET /articles articles#index
GET /articles/:id articles#show
POST /articles/:id/comments comments#create
Generating a JWT
There’s a package named jsonwebtoken
for signing and verifying JWT:
npm install --save jsonwebtoken
Our final route will take an email / password and generate a JWT. Let’s define our login function in auth.js
to keep all auth logic in a single place:
// auth.js
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
const Boom = require('boom')
exports.login = (email, password) => {
if (!(email === '' && password === 'bears')) return Boom.notAcceptable()
const credentials = { email }
const token = jwt.sign(credentials, JWT_KEY, { algorithm: 'HS256', expiresIn: '1h' })
return { token }
// routes.js
const { login } = require('./auth')
method: 'POST',
path: '/authentications',
handler: async (request) => {
const { email, password } = request.payload.login
return login(email, password)
config: { auth: false }
http POST localhost:3000/authentications login:='{"email": "", "password": "bears"}'
Try using the returned token
in your requests to the secure routes!
Validation with joi
You can validate request params by adding config to the route object. The code below ensures that the submitted article
has a body
and title
between three and ten characters in length. If a validation fails, Hapi will respond with a 400
const Joi = require('joi')
method: 'POST',
path: '/articles',
handler: (request) => {
const article =
config: {
validate: {
payload: {
article: {
title: Joi.string().min(3).max(10),
body: Joi.string().required()
In addition to payload
, you can also add validations to path
, query
and headers
. Learn more about validation in the docs.
Who Is Consuming this API?
We could serve a single-page app from /
. We’ve already seen — at the start of the tutorial — one example of how to serve an HTML file with streams. There are much better ways of working with Views and Layouts in Hapi, though. See Serving Static Content and Views and Layouts for more on how to render dynamic views:
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
handler: () => {
return require('fs').createReadStream('index.html')
config: { auth: false }
If the front end and API are on the same domain, you’ll have no problems making requests: client
-> hapi-api
If you’re serving the front end from a different domain and want to make requests to the API directly from the client, you’ll need to enable CORS. This is super easy in Hapi:
const server = Hapi.server({
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000,
routes: {
cors: {
credentials: true
// See options at
You could also create a new application in between the two. If you go down this route, you won’t need to bother with CORS, as the client will only be making requests to the front-end app, and it can then make requests to the API on the server without any cross-domain restrictions: client
-> hapi-front-end
-> hapi-api
Whether that front end is another Hapi application, or Next, or Nuxt … I’ll leave that for you to decide!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Building Apps and Services with Hapi.js
What Makes Hapi.js Different from Other Frameworks?
Hapi.js is a powerful and flexible framework that allows developers to build applications and services with ease. Unlike other frameworks, Hapi.js focuses on providing a robust plugin system and an abstracted server layer, which allows for more modular and maintainable code. It also offers built-in support for input validation, caching, authentication, and other essential facilities for web applications and services.
How Can I Get Started with Hapi.js?
To get started with Hapi.js, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system. Once you have these prerequisites, you can install Hapi.js using npm. After installation, you can create a new Hapi.js server and start building your application or service.
Can I Use Hapi.js with MongoDB?
Yes, Hapi.js can be used with MongoDB. Hapi.js provides a plugin system that allows you to integrate with various databases, including MongoDB. You can use the MongoDB Node.js driver to connect your Hapi.js application to a MongoDB database.
Is Hapi.js Suitable for Building Large-Scale Applications?
Hapi.js is designed to handle the demands of large-scale, complex applications. Its robust plugin system allows for modular code, making it easier to maintain and scale your application. Furthermore, Hapi.js provides built-in support for essential features like input validation, caching, and authentication, which are crucial for large-scale applications.
How Secure is Hapi.js?
Hapi.js provides several built-in security features, including input validation, user authentication, and session management. It also supports secure HTTP headers and has a robust plugin system that allows for additional security measures. However, like any framework, the security of your Hapi.js application ultimately depends on how well you implement these features.
Can I Build Mobile Apps with Hapi.js?
While Hapi.js is primarily used for building web applications and services, it can also be used as a backend for mobile applications. You can use Hapi.js to build a RESTful API that your mobile application can interact with.
What Kind of Support is Available for Hapi.js?
Hapi.js has a vibrant and active community that provides support through various channels, including GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Gitter. There are also numerous tutorials, guides, and documentation available online to help you get started with Hapi.js.
How Can I Contribute to Hapi.js?
If you’re interested in contributing to Hapi.js, you can check out the project on GitHub. There, you’ll find information on how to contribute, including guidelines for submitting pull requests and reporting issues.
What are Some Common Use Cases for Hapi.js?
Hapi.js is used in a wide range of applications, from small personal projects to large-scale enterprise applications. Some common use cases include building web applications, RESTful APIs, real-time chat applications, and even full-stack JavaScript applications.
How Does Hapi.js Handle Error Handling?
Hapi.js provides a comprehensive error handling mechanism. It allows you to define custom error handlers and supports Boom, a library for creating HTTP-friendly error objects. This makes it easier to manage and handle errors in your application.
Hello. I'm a front end web developer from Melbourne, Australia. I enjoy working on the web, appreciate good design and working along side talented people I can learn from. I have a particular interest in visual programming so have fun working with SVG and Canvas.