Working with the page title in ASP.NET

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Recently, I’ve had a chance to work with ASP.NET 2.0 a bit, but I still don’t have a business reason to really dive in. One thing I have noticed with the next version is more access to page elements. One particular feature is access to a page’s title, so it can easily be changed in code. I’ve often wanted to do this and I usually utilize pass-thru code to accomplish something dynamic.

Thankfully, it can be accomplished in the current version of ASP.NET. It is easy enough by setting the page title tag as a server control (i.e. with a
runat=”server”) and utilize the following in your codebehind or on the page:

Protected pageTitle As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load pageTitle.InnerText = "Title" End Sub

This is VB.NET but it is easily translated to C#.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Working with the Page Title in ASP.NET

How can I dynamically set the page title in ASP.NET?

In ASP.NET, you can dynamically set the page title using the Page.Title property in the code-behind file. This property allows you to set or retrieve the title of the HTML page. You can assign a string value to the Page.Title property in the Page_Load event handler or any other appropriate event handler. For example:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = "My Dynamic Page Title";

What is the difference between the page title and title tag in ASP.NET?

In ASP.NET, the page title refers to the title of the HTML page, which is set using the Page.Title property. This title is displayed in the browser’s title bar or tab. On the other hand, the title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of the webpage. It is included in the head section of the HTML document. In ASP.NET, the content of the title tag is set by the value of the Page.Title property.

How can I set the page title in the Master Page in ASP.NET?

In ASP.NET, you can set the page title in the Master Page using the ContentPlaceHolder control. This control is used to define a region where the content pages can insert their content. You can place a ContentPlaceHolder control inside the title tag in the Master Page, and then set the title in the content pages. For example:

In Master Page:

<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" />

In Content Page:

<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
My Page Title

How can I set the page title in ASP.NET MVC?

In ASP.NET MVC, you can set the page title in the layout page using the ViewBag object. This object allows you to share values dynamically between the controller and the view. You can assign a value to the ViewBag.Title property in the controller action method, and then use this value in the title tag in the layout page. For example:

In Controller:

public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Title = "My Page Title";
return View();

In Layout Page:


How can I set the page title in ASP.NET Core?

In ASP.NET Core, you can set the page title using the ViewData dictionary. This dictionary allows you to share data between the controller and the view. You can assign a value to the ViewData[“Title”] key in the controller action method, and then use this value in the title tag in the layout page. For example:

In Controller:

public IActionResult Index()
ViewData["Title"] = "My Page Title";
return View();

In Layout Page:


How can I set the page title in ASP.NET Web Forms?

In ASP.NET Web Forms, you can set the page title using the Page.Title property in the code-behind file. This property allows you to set or retrieve the title of the HTML page. You can assign a string value to the Page.Title property in the Page_Load event handler or any other appropriate event handler. For example:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = "My Page Title";

How can I set the page title in ASP.NET Razor Pages?

In ASP.NET Razor Pages, you can set the page title using the ViewData dictionary. This dictionary allows you to share data between the page model and the Razor page. You can assign a value to the ViewData[“Title”] key in the OnGet method or any other appropriate method in the page model, and then use this value in the title tag in the layout page. For example:

In Page Model:

public void OnGet()
ViewData["Title"] = "My Page Title";

In Layout Page:


How can I set the page title in ASP.NET Blazor?

In ASP.NET Blazor, you can set the page title using the Title component from the Toolbelt.Blazor.HeadElement package. This component allows you to set the title of the HTML page dynamically. You can use the Title component in the Razor component and assign a string value to its Value parameter. For example:

@page "/"
@using Toolbelt.Blazor.HeadElement
<Title Value="My Page Title" />

How can I set the page title in ASP.NET AJAX?

In ASP.NET AJAX, you can set the page title using the Page.Title property in the code-behind file. This property allows you to set or retrieve the title of the HTML page. You can assign a string value to the Page.Title property in the Page_Load event handler or any other appropriate event handler. For example:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = "My Page Title";

How can I set the page title in ASP.NET Web API?

In ASP.NET Web API, the concept of a page title does not apply because it is a framework for building HTTP services, not HTML pages. However, you can include a title in the response data if needed. For example, you can return a JSON object with a title property from the API controller action method.

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