What Theme Words Mean to Google

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There are many factors that Google and other search engines use to rank content: back links, keywords, social signals and age among them.

There is one factor, however, that is often over looked when creating quality content and that is theme words.

Theme words are the body of your article and tie your content together. With the talk of Google trying to turn into a semantic search engine, we need to understand theme words. Coincidentally, understanding theme words will allow you to write more relevant content and rank better in organic search results

What are Theme Words?

Theme words are another form of keywords that Google uses to understand and rank your content. Let’s put a block of example text up: the theme words will be in bold.

In the aftermath of Penguin and Panda, search engine optimization is still alive. More so than ever we are able to rank our content through simple white hat methods. Theories and practices that have always allowed a website to rank in organic search traffic are still true. Staying relevant is the key for back linking, content creation and social interaction.

These simple theme words tell search engines that you know what you are talking about. While using these words will come naturally to an expert in the field of search engine optimization, they may not come easy to someone new to the field.

Tools for Brainstorming Theme Words

As I said, if you are an expert in the field for which you are writing content, using theme words should come naturally. That being said, everyone can use a little help to ensure they are getting the highest rankings from their content. Some simple tools to help you brainstorm theme words and help ensure you are using them are essential.

LSI Keywords: a great tool for brainstorming, it will help you come up with relevant theme keywords. This will give you some extra food for thought when writing your article

Ubersuggest: basically the Google instant method of research on steroids. Type in your seed keyword and get a full list of related theme and keywords.

ctrl Semantic Engine: will allow you to properly enrich your post with relevant content. Use this tool after you complete your blog post to ensure you are using relevant theme words.

The point is to ensure you are in the right mindset before you create your content and ensure you are using the proper theme words and keywords that will do the most work when ranking your content.

Using Back Links and Relevant Content

While most of us understand how to link our content, I still want to briefly talk about it. While creating a powerful piece of content is important for rankings, search engines still use back links to rank content. The only catch is they do it a little differently now.

Google (maybe not other search engines) is trying to move into the semantic world with theme words being the key for their move. This is why the latest updates changed the way back links work in general.

Anchor text is no longer the best practice for back links (still can help). Now the best practice is to get links and to link out to other relevant content and websites. Yes, linking out can now be a benefit when before it was kind of frowned upon.

Linking out is beneficial when linking to relevant content. Be careful and ensure all of your links are quality. Quality, not quantity, is the key.

Putting it all Together

I want to put everything together so we ensure everything is done right. When laying out a new blog post or article, we want to follow a simple process.

  1. Pick a good topic
  2. Brainstorm Keywords
  3. Brainstorm Theme words
  4. Write quality relevant content
  5. Link to quality relevant content that builds on the article
  6. Get back links from quality relevant content that complements the article

If you can carry out these six steps correctly, and create a good piece of content using theme words, and build the link structure correctly, then your content will have a very good chance of ranking highly in Google.

Writing high quality content that will rank in Google all boils down to the new way of thinking from the recent changes that Google has made to its algorithm and the intricate web that it all entails.

Again, the most important factor is relevance and if you keep your content, back links and words relevant you will do well in rankings.

Don’t forget about the social signals as well, and if you are doing your job of creating great content all of those signals will point at you.

Dan KaufenbergDan Kaufenberg
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Dan Kaufenberg is a Wild Land Firefighter by summer and an internet marketer in the winter. He spends most of his winter time researching new techniques for marketing, website creation and search engine optimization. The rest of his time he spends tweaking and writing on his website.

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