Understanding Angular’s $apply() and $digest()

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$apply() and $digest() are two core, and sometimes confusing, aspects of AngularJS. To understand how AngularJS works one needs to fully understand how $apply() and $digest() work. This article aims to explain what $apply() and $digest() really are, and how they can be useful in your day-to-day AngularJS programming.

Key Takeaways

  • $apply() and $digest() are vital for understanding how AngularJS works, enabling two-way data binding and automatic updates between the view and the scope model.
  • $apply() triggers a $digest cycle at the $rootScope level, visiting all child scopes and calling watchers along the way. It is called automatically by AngularJS when changes to models are made within Angular’s context.
  • $apply() must be manually called if changes to models are made outside of Angular’s context, for example, when using JavaScript’s setTimeout() function or setting up a DOM event listener. This informs Angular to fire the watchers and properly propagate changes.
  • The $digest loop runs multiple times, checking for changes in scope models. It continues to loop until there are no more model changes or it reaches the maximum loop count of 10.

$apply and $digest Explored

AngularJS offers an incredibly awesome feature known as two way data binding which greatly simplifies our lives. Data binding means that when you change something in the view, the scope model automagically updates. Similarly, whenever the scope model changes, the view updates itself with the new value. How does does AngularJS do that? When you write an expression ({{aModel}}), behind the scenes Angular sets up a watcher on the scope model, which in turn updates the view whenever the model changes. This watcher is just like any watcher you set up in AngularJS:
$scope.$watch('aModel', function(newValue, oldValue) {
//update the DOM with newValue
The second argument passed to $watch() is known as a listener function, and is called whenever the value of aModel changes. It is easy for us to grasp that when the value of aModel changes this listener is called, updating the expression in HTML. But, there is still one big question! How does Angular figure out when to call this listener function? In other words, how does AngularJS know when aModel changes so it can call the corresponding listener? Does it run a function periodically to check whether the value of the scope model has changed? Well, this is where the $digest cycle steps in. It’s the $digest cycle where the watchers are fired. When a watcher is fired, AngularJS evaluates the scope model, and if it has changed then the corresponding listener function is called. So, our next question is when and how this $digest cycle starts. The $digest cycle starts as a result of a call to $scope.$digest(). Assume that you change a scope model in a handler function through the ng-click directive. In that case AngularJS automatically triggers a $digest cycle by calling $digest(). When the $digest cycle starts, it fires each of the watchers. These watchers check if the current value of the scope model is different from last calculated value. If yes, then the corresponding listener function executes. As a result if you have any expressions in the view they will be updated. In addition to ng-click
, there are several other built-in directives/services that let you change models (e.g. ng-model, $timeout, etc) and automatically trigger a $digest cycle. So far, so good! But, there is a small gotcha. In the above cases, Angular doesn’t directly call $digest(). Instead, it calls $scope.$apply(), which in turn calls $rootScope.$digest(). As a result of this, a digest cycle starts at the $rootScope, and subsequently visits all the child scopes calling the watchers along the way. Now, let’s assume you attach an ng-click directive to a button and pass a function name to it. When the button is clicked, AngularJS wraps the function call within $scope.$apply(). So, your function executes as usual, change models (if any), and a $digest cycle starts to ensure your changes are reflected in the view. Note: $scope.$apply() automatically calls $rootScope.$digest(). The $apply() function comes in two flavors. The first one takes a function as an argument, evaluates it, and triggers a $digest cycle. The second version does not take any arguments and just starts a $digest cycle when called. We will see why the former one is the preferred approach shortly.

When Do You Call $apply() Manually?

If AngularJS usually wraps our code in $apply() and starts a $digest cycle, then when do you need to do call $apply() manually? Actually, AngularJS makes one thing pretty clear. It will account for only those model changes which are done inside AngularJS’ context (i.e. the code that changes models is wrapped inside $apply()). Angular’s built-in directives already do this so that any model changes you make are reflected in the view. However, if you change any model outside of the Angular context, then you need to inform Angular of the changes by calling $apply() manually. It’s like telling Angular that you are changing some models and it should fire the watchers so that your changes propagate properly. For example, if you use JavaScript’s setTimeout() function to update a scope model, Angular has no way of knowing what you might change. In this case it’s your responsibility to call $apply() manually, which triggers a $digest cycle. Similarly, if you have a directive that sets up a DOM event listener and changes some models inside the handler function, you need to call $apply() to ensure the changes take effect. Let’s look at an example. Suppose you have a page, and once the page loads you want to display a message after a two second delay. Your implementation might look something like the JavaScript and HTML shown in the following listing.

See the Pen fukyn by Sandeep Panda (@Sandeep92) on CodePen.

By running the example, you will see that the delayed function runs after a two second interval, and updates the scope model message. Still, the view doesn’t update. The reason, as you may have guessed, is that we forgot to call $apply() manually. Therefore, we need to update our getMessage()
function as shown below.

See the Pen bEmBn by Sandeep Panda (@Sandeep92) on CodePen.

If you run this updated example, you can see the view update after two seconds. The only change is that we wrapped our code inside $scope.$apply() which automatically triggers $rootScope.$digest(). As a result the watchers are fired as usual and the view updates. Note: By the way, you should use $timeout service whenever possible which is setTimeout() with automatic $apply() so that you don’t have to call $apply() manually. Also, note that in the above code you could have done the model changes as usual and placed a call to $apply() (the no-arg version) in the end. Have a look at the following snippet:
$scope.getMessage = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$scope.message = 'Fetched after two seconds';
console.log('message:' + $scope.message);
$scope.$apply(); //this triggers a $digest
}, 2000);
The above code uses the no-arg version of $apply() and works. Keep in mind that you should always use the version of $apply() that accepts a function argument. This is because when you pass a function to $apply(), the function call is wrapped inside a try...catch block, and any exceptions that occur will be passed to the $exceptionHandler service.

How Many Times Does the $digest Loop Run?

When a $digest cycle runs, the watchers are executed to see if the scope models have changed. If they have, then the corresponding listener functions are called. This leads to an important question. What if a listener function itself changed a scope model? How would AngularJS account for that change? The answer is that the $digest loop doesn’t run just once. At the end of the current loop, it starts all over again to check if any of the models have changed. This is basically dirty checking, and is done to account for any model changes that might have been done by listener functions. So, the $digest cycle keeps looping until there are no more model changes, or it hits the max loop count of 10. It’s always good to stay idempotent and try to minimize model changes inside the listener functions. Note: At a minimum, $digest will run twice even if your listener functions don’t change any models. As discussed above, it runs once more to make sure the models are stable and there are no changes.


I hope this article has clarified what $apply and $digest are all about. The most important thing to keep in mind is whether or not Angular can detect your changes. If it cannot, then you must call $apply() manually.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about AngularJS’s $apply and $digest

What is the main difference between $apply and $digest in AngularJS?

The $apply and $digest are both integral parts of AngularJS’s data binding. The main difference between them lies in their scope. $apply is a global function that triggers a digest cycle for the entire application. It checks for changes in all the watchers of all the scopes within the application. On the other hand, $digest is a scope level function that only checks for changes in the watchers of the current scope and its children. It does not check for changes in the parent scopes or sibling scopes.

When should I use $apply instead of $digest?

You should use $apply when you want to check for changes in all the watchers of all the scopes within the application. This is typically useful when you are dealing with events that are outside the AngularJS context, such as DOM events, setTimeout, and third-party libraries. On the other hand, if you only want to check for changes in the current scope and its children, you should use $digest.

Can I use $apply and $digest interchangeably?

No, $apply and $digest are not interchangeable. They serve different purposes and have different scopes. Using them interchangeably can lead to unexpected results and potential performance issues. Always use the one that is appropriate for your specific use case.

What happens if I call $apply or $digest while a digest cycle is already in progress?

If you call $apply or $digest while a digest cycle is already in progress, AngularJS will throw an error. This is because AngularJS does not allow nested digest cycles. To avoid this error, you can use the $evalAsync function, which schedules the execution of the code for the next digest cycle.

Why do I sometimes get a “$digest already in progress” error?

The “$digest already in progress” error occurs when you call $apply or $digest while a digest cycle is already in progress. This is because AngularJS does not allow nested digest cycles. To avoid this error, you can use the $evalAsync function, which schedules the execution of the code for the next digest cycle.

What is the performance impact of using $apply and $digest?

The performance impact of using $apply and $digest depends on the number of watchers in your application. Since $apply triggers a digest cycle for the entire application, it can be more performance-intensive if your application has a large number of watchers. On the other hand, $digest only checks for changes in the current scope and its children, so it can be more performance-efficient in certain scenarios.

How can I optimize the performance of $apply and $digest?

You can optimize the performance of $apply and $digest by reducing the number of watchers in your application. This can be achieved by minimizing the use of data binding, using one-time binding where possible, and avoiding the use of watchers for constant values. Additionally, you can use $digest instead of $apply when you only need to check for changes in the current scope and its children.

Can I manually trigger a digest cycle?

Yes, you can manually trigger a digest cycle by calling $apply or $digest. However, this should be done sparingly and only when necessary, as it can lead to performance issues if overused.

What is the role of $apply and $digest in AngularJS’s two-way data binding?

$apply and $digest play a crucial role in AngularJS’s two-way data binding. They are responsible for checking for changes in the model and updating the view accordingly, and vice versa. This is done through a process known as the digest cycle, which is triggered by $apply and $digest.

Can I use $apply and $digest in Angular?

No, $apply and $digest are specific to AngularJS and are not available in Angular. In Angular, change detection is handled automatically by the framework, so there is no need to manually trigger a digest cycle.

Sandeep PandaSandeep Panda
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Sandeep is the Co-Founder of Hashnode. He loves startups and web technologies.

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