Self Types with Java’s Generics

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Self Types with Java’s Generics

In some situations, particularly when implementing the builder pattern or creating other fluent APIs, methods return this. The method’s return type is likely to be the same as the class in which the method is defined–but sometimes that doesn’t cut it! If we want to inherit methods and their return type should be the inheriting type (instead of the declaring type), then we’re fresh out of luck. We would need the return type to be something like “the type of this”, often called a self type but there is no such thing in Java.

Or is there?

Key Takeaways

  • Self types are crucial in scenarios like the builder pattern or fluent APIs where methods such as `clone()` or `withName()` should return the type of the current class rather than the base class to maintain type safety and fluency.
  • Java lacks built-in support for self types, but developers can emulate this functionality using generics by introducing a type parameter (e.g., `THIS`) that represents the current class in a generic class hierarchy.
  • Using generics to emulate self types introduces complexity and potential confusion, such as convoluted type declarations and difficulties with multi-level inheritance, which can alienate users and complicate code maintenance.
  • Recursive generics can refine the approach by ensuring type safety and allowing methods to return the correct type across different levels of inheritance, although this adds complexity to type declarations.
  • Practical implementations of self types in Java require careful design, such as using abstract class hierarchies and potentially hiding complex generic types from public APIs to maintain clean and understandable code interfaces.

Some Examples

Before we go any further let’s look at some situations where self types would come in handy.


A very good example is hiding in plain sight: Object::clone. With some black magic incantations it creates a copy of the object on which it is called. Barring an exception that we can ignore here, it has the following signature:

protected Object clone();

Note the return type: Object. Why so general? Let’s say we have a Person and would like to expose clone:

public class Person {

    // ...

    public Person clone() {
        return (Person) super.clone();


We have to override the method to make it publicly visible. But we also have to cast the result of super.clone(), which is an Object, to Person. Mentally freeing ourselves from Java’s type system for a moment, we can see why that is weird. What else could clone return but an instance of the same class on which the method is called?


Another example arises when employing the builder pattern. Let’s say our Person needs a PersonBuilder:

public class PersonBuilder {

    private String name;

    public PersonBuilder withName(String name) { = name;
        return this;

    public Person build() {
        return new Person(name);


We can now create a person as follows:

Person doe = new PersonBuilder()
    .withName("John Doe")

So far, so good.

Now let’s say we do not only have persons in our system–we also have employees and contractors. Of course they are also persons (right?) so Employee extends Person and Contractor extends Person. And because it went so well with Person we decide to create builders for them as well.

And here our journey begins. How do we set the name on our EmployeeBuilder?

We could just implement a method with the same name and code as in PersonBuilder, thus duplicating it except that it returns EmployeeBuilder instead of PersonBuilder. And then we do the same for ContractorBuilder? And then whenever we add a field to Person we add three fields and three methods to our builders? That doesn’t sound right.

Let’s try a different approach. What’s our favorite tool for code reuse? Right, inheritance. (Ok, that was a bad joke. But in this case I’d say that inheritance is ok.) So we have EmployeeBuilder extend PersonBuilder and we get withName for free.

But while the inherited withName indeed returns an EmployeeBuilder, the compiler does not know that–the inherited method’s return type is declared as PersonBuilder. That’s no good either! Assuming our EmployeeBuilder does some employee-specific stuff (like withHiringDate) we can’t access those methods if we call in the wrong order:

Employee doe = new EmployeeBuilder()
    // now we have an EmployeeBuilder
    .withName("John Doe")
    // now we have a PersonBuilder
    .withHiringDate( // compile error :(

We could override withName in EmployeeBuilder:

public class EmployeeBuilder {

    public EmployeeBuilder withName(String name) {
        return (EmployeeBuilder) super.withName(name);


But that requires almost as many lines as the original implementation. Repeating such snippets in every subtype of PersonBuilder for each inherited method, is clearly not ideal.

Taking a step back, let’s see how we ended up here. The problem is that the return type of withName is explicitly fixed to the class that declares the method: PersonBuilder.

public class PersonBuilder {

    public PersonBuilder withName(String name) { = name;
        return this;


So if the method is inherited, e.g. by EmployeeBuilder, the return type remains the same. But it shouldn’t! It should be the type on which the method was called instead of the one that declares it.

This problem quickly rears its head in fluent APIs, like the builder pattern, where the return type is of critical importance to make the whole API work.

Recursive Containers

Finally let’s say we want to build a graph:

public class Node {

    private final List<Node> children;

    public Stream<? extends Node> children() {


Down the road we realize that we need different kinds of nodes and that trees can only contain nodes of one kind. As soon as we use inheritance to model the different kinds of nodes we end up in a very similar situation:

public class SpecialNode extends Node {

    public Stream<? extends SpecialNode> children() {
        return; // compile error :(


A Stream<? extends Node> is no Stream<? extends SpecialNode> so this doesn’t even compile. Again we have the problem that we would like to say “we return a stream of nodes of the type on which this method was called”.


Self Types to the Rescue

Some languages have the concept of self types:

A self type refers to the type on which a method is called (more formally called the receiver).

If a self type is used in an inherited method, it represents a different type in each class that declares or inherits that method–namely that specific class, no matter whether it declared or inherited the method. Casually speaking it is the compile-time equivalent of this.getClass() or “the type of this”.

In the remainder of this post I will notate it as [this] ([self] would be good, too, but with [this] we get some syntax highlighting).

The Examples with Self Types

To be perfectly clear: Java has no self types. But what if it had? How would our examples look then?


Object::clone was supposed to return a copy of the instance it was called on. That instance should of course be of the same type, so the signature could look as follows:

protected [this] clone();

Subclasses can then directly get an instance of their own type:

public class Person {

    // ...

    public [this] clone() {
        // no cast required
        // because in this class [this] means Person
        Person clone = super.clone();
        return clone;



For the builders we discussed above, the solution is similarly obvious. We simply declare all with... methods to return the type [this]:

public class PersonBuilder {

    public [this] withName(String name) { = name;
        return this;


As before EmployeeBuilder::withName returns an instance of EmployeeBuilder but this time the compiler knows that and what we wanted before works now:

Employee doe = new EmployeeBuilder()
    // now we have an EmployeeBuilder
    .withName("John Doe")
    // still an EmployeeBuilder thanks to [this]
    .withHiringDate( // works! :)

Recursive Containers

Last but not least, let’s see how our graph works out:

public class Node {

    private final List<[this]> children;

    public Stream<? extends [this]> children() {


Now SpecialNode::children returns a Stream<? extends SpecialNode>, which is exactly what we wanted.

Emulating Self Types with Generics

While Java doesn’t have self types, there is a way to emulate them with generics. This is limited and a little convoluted, though.

If we had a generic type parameter referring to this class, say THIS, we could simply use it wherever we used [this] above. But how do we get THIS? Simple (almost), we just add THIS as a type parameter and have inheriting classes specify their own type as THIS.

Wait, what? I think an example clears this up.

public class Object<THIS> {

    protected THIS clone();


public class Person extends Object<Person> {

    public Person clone() {
        // no cast required because
        // in this class THIS was specified as Person
        Person clone = super.clone();
        return clone;


If this looks fishy (what does Object<Person> even mean?), you already stumbled upon one of the weaknesses of this approach but we’ll cover that in a minute. First, let’s explore it a little more and check our other examples.

public class PersonBuilder<THIS> {

    private String name;

    public THIS withName(String name) { = name;
        return (THIS) this;
        // if we do this more often, '(THIS) this'
        // should become its own method

public class EmployeeBuilder
        extends PersonBuilder<EmployeeBuilder> { }

Now EmployeeBuilder::withName returns an EmployeeBuilder without us having to do anything.

Similarly our problems with Node goes away:

public class Node<THIS> {

    private final List<THIS> children;

    public Stream<? extends THIS> children() {


public class SpecialNode extends Node<SpecialNode> { }

Same as with [this], we need no additional code in SpecialNode.

Limitations and Weaknesses

That doesn’t look too bad, right? But there are some limitations and weaknesses that we have to iron out.

Confusing Abstraction

As I said above, what does Object<Person> even mean? Is it an object that holds, creates, processes or otherwise deals with a person? Because that is how we usually understand a generic type argument. But it is not–it’s just an “Object of Person”, which is rather strange.

Convoluted Types

It is also unclear how to declare the supertypes now. Is it Node, Node<Node>, or even more Nodes? Consider the following:

Node<Node> node = new Node<>();
Stream<Node> children = node.children();
Stream grandchildren = children
    .flatMap(child -> child.children());

Calling children twice, we “used up” the generic types we declared für node and now we get a raw stream. Note that thanks to the recursive declaration of SpecialNode extends Node<SpecialNode> we don’t have that problem there:

SpecialNode node = new SpecialNode();
Stream<SpecialNode> children = node.children();
Stream<SpecialNode> grandchildren = children
    .flatMap(child -> child.children());

All of this will confuse and ultimately alienate users of such types.

Single Level Inheritance

The trick to get SpecialNode to behave as expected on repeated calls to children meant that it had no self-referencing type parameter of its own. Now, a type extending it can not specify itself anywhere, so its methods return special nodes instead:

public class VerySpecialNode extends SpecialNode { }

VerySpecialNode node = new VerySpecialNode();
// we a want Stream<VerySpecialNode>
Stream<SpecialNode> children = node.children(); // damn :(

THIS Is Too Generic

As it stands, THIS can be any type, which means we must treat it as an Object. But what if we wanted to do something with our instances of it that was specific to our current class?

public class Node<THIS> {

    // as before, especially `children`

    public Stream<THIS> grandchildren() {
        // doesn't compile because `child` is no `Node`
        // and hence has no `children` method
        return children.flatMap(child -> child.children());


Well, that’s just stupid.

Refining the Approach

Let’s see if we can’t do a little better than before and tackle some of those weaknesses. And there is indeed something we can do that addresses all the problems we just discussed.

Recursive Generics

Last things first, let’s look at THIS being too generic. This can easily be fixed with recursive generics:

public class Node<THIS extends Node<THIS>> {

    // as before, especially `children`

    public Stream<THIS> grandChildren() {
        // hah, now `child` is a `Node`
        return children.flatMap(child -> child.children());


(I said “easily” not “simply”.)

But this exacerbates the problem of convoluted types considerably. Now it’s not even possible to declare a Node because the compiler always expects another type parameter:

// doesn't compile
// the fourth `Node` is not
// within its type bounds of `Node<Node>`
Node<Node<Node<Node>>> node = new Node<>();

Private Hierarchy

We can fix this, though, and the remaining problems with another detour.

We can create a hierarchy of abstract classes that contain all the code we talked about so far. The concrete implementations our clients will use are then offshoots of that hierarchy. Because nobody will ever directly use the abstract classes we can use THIS on every level of inheritance–the implementations will then specify it.

Ideally the abstract classes are package visible so their hideousness is hidden from the outside world.

abstract class NodeScaffold<THIS extends NodeScaffold<THIS>> {

    private final List<THIS> children;

    public Stream<THIS> children() {

    public Stream<THIS> grandChildren() {
            .flatMap(child -> child.children());


abstract class SpecialNodeScaffold<THIS extends SpecialNodeScaffold<THIS>>
        extends NodeScaffold<THIS> {
    // special methods

abstract class VerySpecialNodeScaffold<THIS extends VerySpecialNodeScaffold<THIS>>
        extends SpecialNodeScaffold<THIS> {
    // more special methods

public class Node
        extends NodeScaffold<Node> { }

public class SpecialNode
        extends SpecialNodeScaffold<SpecialNode> { }

public class VerySpecialNode
        extends VerySpecialNodeScaffold<VerySpecialNode> { }

A small detail: The publicly visible classes do not inherit from one another so a SpecialNode is no Node. If we did the same with the builders that might be ok but it is awkward with nodes. To fix this, we need yet another layer of abstraction, namely some interfaces that extend each other and are implemented by the public classes.

Now the users of the public classes see clear abstractions and no convoluted types. The approach works across arbitrary many levels of inheritance and THIS always refers to the most specific type.

THIS As Argument Type

You might have noticed that all the examples use [this] and THIS as a return type. Can’t we also use it as a type for arguments? Unfortunately not because while return types are covariant, argument types are contravariant–and [this]/THIS is inherently covariant. (Check out this StackOverflow question for a brief explanation of these terms.)

If you try to do it (e.g. by adding void addChild(THIS node)) following the approach above, it will seem to work out until you try to create the interfaces that bring Node, SpecialNode, and VerySpecialNode into an inheritance relationship. Then the type of node can not become more specific as you go down the inheritance tree.

This post is already long enough so I will leave the details as an exercise to the curious reader.


We have seen why we would sometimes need to reference “the type of this” and how a language feature could look like that does that. But Java doesn’t have that feature, so we had to come up with some tricks to do it ourselves:

  • we defined the methods we want to inherit in an abstract classes (A)
  • we gave them a recursive generic type parameter (A<THIS extends A<THIS>>)
  • we created publicly visible concrete implementations that specify themselves as that type (C extends A<C>)
  • if required we create an interface inheritance tree that our concrete classes implement

Whether this was worth all the effort and trickery is up to you to decide and depends on the use case you have. Generally speaking, the more methods you can inherit this way the more you’ll feel the benefits (look at AssertJ’s API implementation for an example of how many this can be). Conversely the friction from understanding this pattern decreases when the classes you create this way are fundamental for your code base–in line with “if it hurts, do it more often”. If it remains a fringe solution, developers will not know it’s there and stumble into it inadvertently and unexpectedly, being more easily confused.

What do you think? Do you see a use case in your code base? I’m interested to hear about it, so leave a comment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Self-Types with Java’s Generics

What is the concept of ‘self’ in Java’s Generics?

In Java’s Generics, the concept of ‘self’ is not explicitly defined like in Python. However, it is implicitly present in the form of ‘this’ keyword. ‘This’ refers to the current instance of the class. It can be used to access class variables and methods. In the context of generics, ‘self’ can be used to ensure type safety and avoid ClassCastException at runtime.

How does ‘self’ differ from ‘this’ in Java?

In Java, ‘this’ is a keyword that refers to the current object. It is used to access the methods and variables of the current class. On the other hand, ‘self’ is not a keyword in Java. It is a concept used in the context of generics to refer to the current type. It is used to ensure that the correct type is returned by a method, enhancing type safety.

How can I use ‘self’ in Java’s Generics?

In Java’s Generics, ‘self’ is used as a type parameter. It is used to ensure that a method returns the correct type. For example, in a generic class, you can define a method that returns ‘self’. This ensures that the method returns an instance of the current type, not just the base type. This enhances type safety and avoids potential ClassCastException at runtime.

What is the advantage of using ‘self’ in Java’s Generics?

The main advantage of using ‘self’ in Java’s Generics is that it enhances type safety. By using ‘self’ as a type parameter, you can ensure that a method returns the correct type. This avoids potential ClassCastException at runtime. It also makes the code more readable and maintainable, as the return type of a method is clearly defined.

Can ‘self’ be used in non-generic classes in Java?

No, ‘self’ cannot be used in non-generic classes in Java. It is a concept that is specifically used in the context of generics. In non-generic classes, you can use the ‘this’ keyword to refer to the current instance of the class.

How does ‘self’ in Java’s Generics compare to ‘self’ in Python?

In Python, ‘self’ is used to refer to the current instance of a class. It is explicitly passed as the first parameter of a class method. In Java’s Generics, ‘self’ is used as a type parameter to ensure type safety. It is not a keyword and is not explicitly passed as a parameter.

Can ‘self’ be used in interfaces in Java’s Generics?

Yes, ‘self’ can be used in interfaces in Java’s Generics. It can be used as a type parameter to ensure that a method in the interface returns the correct type. This enhances type safety and makes the code more readable and maintainable.

What is the syntax for using ‘self’ in Java’s Generics?

In Java’s Generics, ‘self’ is used as a type parameter. The syntax for using ‘self’ is as follows:
public class MyClass<T extends MyClass<T>> {
T doSomething() {
// do something
return (T) this;
In this example, ‘T’ is used as a ‘self’ type. The method ‘doSomething’ returns an instance of ‘T’, which is the current type.

Can ‘self’ be used in abstract classes in Java’s Generics?

Yes, ‘self’ can be used in abstract classes in Java’s Generics. It can be used as a type parameter to ensure that a method in the abstract class returns the correct type. This enhances type safety and makes the code more readable and maintainable.

What is the difference between ‘self’ in Java’s Generics and ‘super’ in Java’s Generics?

In Java’s Generics, ‘self’ is used as a type parameter to ensure type safety. It ensures that a method returns the correct type. On the other hand, ‘super’ is used in the context of bounded type parameters. It is used to restrict the types that can be used as type arguments. ‘Super’ allows a type parameter to accept a type or any of its superclasses, while ‘self’ ensures that the type parameter is exactly the current type.

Nicolai ParlogNicolai Parlog
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Nicolai is a thirty year old boy, as the narrator would put it, who has found his passion in software development. He constantly reads, thinks, and writes about it, and codes for a living as well as for fun. Nicolai is the former editor of SitePoint's Java channel, writes The Java 9 Module System with Manning, blogs about software development on, and is a long-tail contributor to several open source projects. You can hire him for all kinds of things.

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