PHPMaster: Sending Emails with PHP

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We know why you’re here… you want to write a script to send emails to your friends with funny return addresses. I’m here to tell you you’re better than that. There’s so much more you could be doing with your life! But, what other reasons could you possibly have? Well, maybe you have a cron job that you want to inform you of issues, have a user-initiated script you’d like to be notified when run, have a “Contact Us” form that forwards messages to you, want to flex your PHP muscles and write your own web-based mail client, need to set up a confirmation-by-email script – there are plenty of other reasons to send email with PHP

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PHPMaster: Sending Emails with PHP

Jason PasnikowskiJason Pasnikowski
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Whether it happened on its own, or if it only occurred because he finally acknowledged it, Jason Pasnikowski decided at the age of date('Y',now())-date('Y',strtotime('1974-07-29'))) to join the ranks of adulthood. This epiphany occurred while lounging about his partners' home in Newark, NY, and one of his missions pursuant to this realization is to share bits and pieces of his accumulated knowledge. Jason brings with him a skill set born of necessity; what he knows of PHP is because he needed it. Jason hopes this makes what he contributes more relevant to newcomers to PHP and others who are looking to learn just what they need to get the task done.

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