PHPMaster: A Tour of PHP.INI

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Anyone who has a server using PHP has undoubtedly heard of php.ini – it’s the configuration file used to control and customize PHP’s run-time behavior. It provides a simple way to configure settings for such things as: Upload Directories Log Errors Maximum Script execution time File Upload limit … and so much more. php.ini is the first file PHP looks for when starting up, because of the importance of the configuration directives it sets. However if you make changes to your php.ini , it will requires a server reboot before the changes take effect

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PHPMaster: A Tour of PHP.INI

Callum HopkinsCallum Hopkins
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Callum Hopkins is a designer and front-end developer with over 6 years web experience and has a Bachelors degree in Design for Digital Media. With knowledge in both design and development he is able to influence both sides of the web building process, and has a love for complex coding functions and beautiful design. Callum works as a developer for Deer Digital LTD and runs his own personal blog at where he writes thought provoking articles.

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