jQuery Floating Bookmark Globe – Awesome Fun!

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Fun floating bookmark globe using some pretty clever JS/CSS coding which I won’t go into trying to explain (but if you want to see it i’ve included it below!). It’s based of the katamari ball game where is moves around and picks up stuff! The bookmark floats around the page when you hold down right click on your mouse.

Try it yourself

  1. Visit your website
  2. Copy the code below into your address bar
  3. Click it and enjoy :)

var _0x6e06=["x68x74x74x70x3Ax2Fx2Fx63x6Fx64x65x2Ex6Ax71x75x65x72x79x2Ex63x6Fx6Dx2Fx6Ax71x75x65x72x79x2Dx6Cx61x74x65x73x74x2Ex6Ax73","x68x74x74x70x3Ax2Fx2Fx6Bx61x74x68x61x63x6Bx2Ex63x6Fx6Dx2Fx6Ax73x2Fx6Bx68x2Ex6Ax73","x67x65x74x53x63x72x69x70x74","x72x65x61x64x79"];jQuery(document)[_0x6e06[3]](function (){jQuery[_0x6e06[2]](_0x6e06[0],function (){jQuery[_0x6e06[2]](_0x6e06[1]);} );} );

Or run in Firebug:

jQuery(document).ready( function()
	jQuery.getScript('https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js', function() {

or if you you just want to see things blow up…

jQuery(document).ready( function()
	jQuery.getScript('https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js', function() {

The JavaScript Code

Copyright Alex Leone, David Nufer, David Truong, 2011-03-11. kathack.com

javascript:var i,s,ss=[‘http://kathack.com/js/kh.js’,’https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js’];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement(‘script’);s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);

var BORDER_STYLE = “1px solid #bbb”,
POSSIBLE_TRANSFORM_PREFIXES = [‘-webkit-‘, ‘-moz-‘, ‘-o-‘, ‘-ms-‘, ”],
khFirst = false;

/* When running twice on one page, update pick-uppable nodes instead of
* creating more.
if (!window.khNodes) {
khFirst = true;
window.khNodes = new StickyNodes();

function getCssTransform() {
var i, d = document.createElement(‘div’), pre;
for (i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_TRANSFORM_PREFIXES.length; i++) { pre = POSSIBLE_TRANSFORM_PREFIXES[i]; d.style.setProperty(pre + 'transform', 'rotate(1rad) scaleX(2)', null); if (d.style.getPropertyValue(pre + 'transform')) { CSS_TRANSFORM = pre + 'transform'; CSS_TRANSFORM_ORIGIN = pre + 'transform-origin'; return; } } alert("Your browser doesn't support CSS tranforms!"); throw "Your browser doesn't support CSS tranforms!"; } getCssTransform(); /** * Returns true if the circle intersects the element rectangle. * 0 | 1 | 2 * ------------------ * 3 | 4 | 5 * ------------------ * 6 | 7 | 9 */ function circleGridObjInt(cx, cy, cr, cr2, go) { var dx, dy; if (cx < go.left) { dx = go.left - cx; if (cy < go.top) { /* zone 0. */ dy = go.top - cy; return ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= cr2); } else if (cy <= go.bottom) { /* zone 3. */ return (dx <= cr); } else { /* zone 6. */ dy = cy - go.bottom; return ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= cr2); } } else if (cx <= go.right) { if (cy < go.top) { /* zone 1. */ return ((go.top - cy) <= cr); } else if (cy <= go.bottom) { /* zone 4. */ return true; } else { /* zone 7. */ return ((cy - go.bottom) <= cr); } } else { dx = cx - go.right; if (cy < go.top) { /* zone 2. */ dy = go.top - cy; return ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= cr2); } else if (cy <= go.bottom) { /* zone 5. */ return (dx <= cr); } else { /* zone 9. */ dy = cy - go.bottom; return ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= cr2); } } } /** * Returns [x,y] where the rectangle is closest to (cx, cy). * 0 | 1 | 2 * ------------------ * 3 | 4 | 5 * ------------------ * 6 | 7 | 9 */ function getClosestPoint(cx, cy, go) { var dx, dy; if (cx < go.left) { dx = go.left - cx; if (cy < go.top) { /* zone 0. */ return [go.left, go.top]; } else if (cy <= go.bottom) { /* zone 3. */ return [go.left, cy]; } else { /* zone 6. */ return [go.left, go.bottom]; } } else if (cx <= go.right) { if (cy < go.top) { /* zone 1. */ return [cx, go.top]; } else if (cy <= go.bottom) { /* zone 4. */ return [cx, cy]; } else { /* zone 7. */ return [cx, go.bottom]; } } else { dx = cx - go.right; if (cy < go.top) { /* zone 2. */ return [go.right, go.top]; } else if (cy <= go.bottom) { /* zone 5. */ return [go.right, cy]; } else { /* zone 9. */ return [go.right, go.bottom]; } } } /** * Returns the "volume" of the grid object. */ function gridObjVol(go) { return go.w * go.h * Math.min(go.w, go.h); } function StickyNodes() { var domNodes = [], grid = [], GRIDX = 100, GRIDY = 100, REPLACE_WORDS_IN = { a: 1, b: 1, big: 1, body: 1, cite:1, code: 1, dd: 1, div: 1, dt: 1, em: 1, font: 1, h1: 1, h2: 1, h3: 1, h4: 1, h5: 1, h6: 1, i: 1, label: 1, legend: 1, li: 1, p: 1, pre: 1, small: 1, span: 1, strong: 1, sub: 1, sup: 1, td: 1, th: 1, tt: 1 }; function addDomNode(el) { if (el !== undefined && el !== null) { el.khIgnore = true; el.style.border = BORDER_STYLE; domNodes.push(el); } } this.addDomNode = addDomNode; this.addWords = function (el) { var textEls = []; function shouldAddChildren(el) { return el.tagName && REPLACE_WORDS_IN[el.tagName.toLowerCase()]; } function buildTextEls(el, shouldAdd) { var i, len; if (shouldAdd && el.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && el.nodeValue.trim().length > 0) {
if (!el.childNodes || el.khIgnore) {
shouldAdd = shouldAddChildren(el);
for (i = 0, len = el.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { buildTextEls(el.childNodes[i], shouldAdd); } } function wordsToSpans(textEl) { var p = textEl.parentNode, words = textEl.nodeValue.split(/s+/), ws = textEl.nodeValue.split(/S+/), i, n, len = Math.max(words.length, ws.length); /* preserve whitespace for pre tags. */ if (ws.length > 0 && ws[0].length === 0) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i < words.length && words[i].length > 0) {
n = document.createElement(‘span’);
n.innerHTML = words[i];
p.insertBefore(n, textEl);
if (i < ws.length && ws[i].length > 0) {
n = document.createTextNode(ws[i]);
p.insertBefore(n, textEl);

buildTextEls(el, shouldAddChildren(el));

/* includes el. */
this.addTagNames = function (el, tagNames) {
var tname = el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase(),
i, j, els, len;
if (el.khIgnore) {
if (tagNames.indexOf(tname) !== -1) {
if (!el.getElementsByTagName) {
for (i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) { els = el.getElementsByTagName(tagNames[i]); for (j = 0, len = els.length; j < len; j++) { if (!els[j].khIgnore) { addDomNode(els[j]); } } } }; this.finalize = function (docW, docH) { var xi, yi, i, len, startXI, startYI, el, go, off, w, h, endXI = Math.floor(docW / GRIDX) + 1, endYI = Math.floor(docH / GRIDY) + 1; /* initialize grid. */ grid = new Array(endXI); for (xi = 0; xi < endXI; xi++) { grid[xi] = new Array(endYI); } /* add nodes into grid. */ for (i = 0, len = domNodes.length; i < len; i++) { el = domNodes[i]; if (el.khPicked) { continue; } off = jQuery(el).offset(); w = jQuery(el).width(); h = jQuery(el).height(); go = { el: domNodes[i], /* dom element. */ left: off.left, right: off.left + w, top: off.top, bottom: off.top + h, w: w, h: h, x: off.left + (w / 2), /* center x. */ y: off.top + (h / 2), /* center y. */ diag: Math.sqrt(((w * w) + (h * h)) / 4), /* center to corner */ /* these are for removing ourselves from the grid. */ arrs: [], /* which arrays we're in (grid[x][y]). */ idxs: [] /* what indexes. */ }; startXI = Math.floor(go.left / GRIDX); startYI = Math.floor(go.top / GRIDY); endXI = Math.floor((go.left + go.w) / GRIDX) + 1; endYI = Math.floor((go.top + go.h) / GRIDY) + 1; for (xi = startXI; xi < endXI; xi++) { for (yi = startYI; yi < endYI; yi++) { if (grid[xi] === undefined) { grid[xi] = []; } if (grid[xi][yi] === undefined) { grid[xi][yi] = [go]; } else { grid[xi][yi].push(go); } go.arrs.push(grid[xi][yi]); go.idxs.push(grid[xi][yi].length - 1); } } } }; function removeGridObj(go) { var i; for (i = 0; i < go.arrs.length; i++) { go.arrs[i][go.idxs[i]] = undefined; } go.el.style.visibility = "hidden"; go.el.khPicked = true; delete go.arrs; delete go.idxs; } /** * cb(gridObj) -> boolean true if the object should be removed.
this.removeIntersecting = function (x, y, r, cb) {
var xi, yi, arr, i, r2 = r * r, go,
startXI = Math.floor((x – r) / GRIDX),
startYI = Math.floor((y – r) / GRIDY),
endXI = Math.floor((x + r) / GRIDX) + 1,
endYI = Math.floor((y + r) / GRIDY) + 1;
for (xi = startXI; xi < endXI; xi++) { if (grid[xi] === undefined) { continue; } for (yi = startYI; yi < endYI; yi++) { arr = grid[xi][yi]; if (arr === undefined) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { go = arr[i]; if (go !== undefined && circleGridObjInt(x, y, r, r2, go) && cb(go)) { removeGridObj(go); } } } } }; } function PlayerBall(parentNode, stickyNodes, ballOpts, sounds) { var x = 300, y = 300, vx = 0, vy = 0, radius = 20, lastR = 0, /**< optimization: only resize when necessary. */ docW = 10000, docH = 10000, attached = [], attachedDiv, /* div to put attached nodes into. */ canvas_el, canvas_ctx, color = ballOpts.color, accelTargetX = 0, accelTargetY = 0, accel = false, VOL_MULT = ballOpts.VOL_MULT, MAX_ATTACHED_VISIBLE = ballOpts.MAX_ATTACHED_VISIBLE, CHECK_VOLS = ballOpts.CHECK_VOLS, /** * which direction the ball is facing in the xy axis, in radians. * th: 0 is facing dead East * th: 1/2 PI is facing dead South * note that this is like regular th on a graph with y inverted. * Same rotation as css transform. */ th = 0, /** * Ball angle in the rotation axis / z plane, in radians. * phi: 0 is pointing in the direction the ball is rolling. * phi: 1/2 PI is pointing straight up (out of the page). * note that forward rotation means phi -= 0.1. */ phi = 0; this.init = function () { canvas_el = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas_el.width = radius * 2; canvas_el.height = radius * 2; canvas_el.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; z-index: 500;'; parentNode.appendChild(canvas_el); canvas_ctx = canvas_el.getContext('2d'); attachedDiv = document.createElement('div'); parentNode.appendChild(attachedDiv); }; this.setRadius = function (r) { radius = r; }; this.getState = function () { return { x: x, y: y, vx: vx, vy: vy, radius: radius, th: th, phi: phi, }; }; this.setState = function (s) { x = s.x; y = s.y; vx = s.vx; vy = s.vy; radius = s.radius; th = s.th; phi = s.phi; }; this.setXY = function (sx, sy) { x = sx; y = sy; }; this.setTh = function (sth) { th = sth; }; this.setPhi = function (sphi) { phi = sphi; }; this.setColor = function (c) { color = c; }; this.setDocSize = function (w, h) { docW = w; docH = h; }; this.setAccel = function (bool) { accel = bool; }; this.setAccelTarget = function (tx, ty) { accelTargetX = tx; accelTargetY = ty; }; function getVol() { return (4 * Math.PI * radius * radius * radius / 3); } function grow(go) { var newVol = getVol() + gridObjVol(go) * VOL_MULT; radius = Math.pow(newVol * 3 / (4 * Math.PI), 1 / 3); } function attachGridObj(go) { var attXY = getClosestPoint(x, y, go), dx = attXY[0] - x, dy = attXY[1] - y, r = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), attTh = 0 - th, offLeft = attXY[0] - go.left, offTop = attXY[1] - go.top, offTh = Math.atan2(dy, dx) - th, attX = r * Math.cos(offTh), attY = r * Math.sin(offTh), el = go.el.cloneNode(true), go_jel = jQuery(go.el), newAtt = { el: el, attX: attX, attY: attY, attT: 'translate(' + Math.round(attX) + 'px,' + Math.round(attY) + 'px) ' + 'rotate(' + attTh + 'rad)', r: r, offTh: offTh, offPhi: 0 - phi, diag: go.diag, removeR: r + go.diag, visible: false, display: go_jel.css('display') }; attached.push(newAtt); grow(go); el.style.position = 'absolute'; el.style.left = (-offLeft) + 'px'; el.style.top = (-offTop) + 'px'; el.style.setProperty(CSS_TRANSFORM_ORIGIN, offLeft + 'px ' + offTop + 'px', null); el.style.display = 'none'; /* copy computed styles from old object. */ el.style.color = go_jel.css('color'); el.style.textDecoration = go_jel.css('text-decoration'); el.style.fontSize = go_jel.css('font-size'); el.style.fontWeight = go_jel.css('font-weight'); el.khIgnore = true; attachedDiv.appendChild(el); if (sounds) { sounds.play_pop(); } } /** * @return true if the object should be removed from stickyNodes. */ function removeIntCb(go) { if (CHECK_VOLS && gridObjVol(go) > getVol()) {
return false;
return true;

this.updatePhysics = function () {
var oldX = x, oldY = y, dx, dy,
bounce = false,
if (accel) {
accelTh = Math.atan2(accelTargetY – y, accelTargetX – x);
vx += Math.cos(accelTh) * 0.5;
vy += Math.sin(accelTh) * 0.5;
} else {
vx *= 0.95;
vy *= 0.95;
x += vx;
y += vy;
/* bounce ball on edges of document. */
if (x – radius < 0) { bounce = true; x = radius + 1; vx = -vx; } else if (x + radius > docW) {
bounce = true;
x = docW – radius – 1;
vx = -vx;
if (y – radius < 0) { bounce = true; y = radius + 1; vy = -vy; } else if (y + radius > docH) {
bounce = true;
y = docH – radius – 1;
vy = -vy;
if (vx !== 0 || vy !== 0) {
th = Math.atan2(vy, vx);
dx = x – oldX;
dy = y – oldY;
/* arclen = th * r, so th = arclen / r. */
phi -= Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / radius;
stickyNodes.removeIntersecting(x, y, radius, removeIntCb);
if (bounce && sounds) {

function drawBall() {
var sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, dx, dy, i, pct1, pct2, z1, z2;
/* move/resize canvas element. */
canvas_el.style.left = (x – radius) + ‘px’;
canvas_el.style.top = (y – radius) + ‘px’;
if (radius != lastR) {
canvas_el.width = 2 * radius + 1;
canvas_el.height = 2 * radius + 1;
lastR = radius;
/* draw white circle. */
canvas_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 2 * radius, 2 * radius);
canvas_ctx.fillStyle = “#fff”;
canvas_ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius – 1, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
/* draw outer border. */
canvas_ctx.strokeStyle = color;
canvas_ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius – 1, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
/* draw stripes. */
canvas_ctx.fillStyle = color;
sx1 = radius + radius * Math.cos(th + Math.PI / 16);
sy1 = radius + radius * Math.sin(th + Math.PI / 16);
sx2 = radius + radius * Math.cos(th – Math.PI / 16);
sy2 = radius + radius * Math.sin(th – Math.PI / 16);
dx = (radius + radius * Math.cos(th + Math.PI * 15 / 16)) – sx1;
dy = (radius + radius * Math.sin(th + Math.PI * 15 / 16)) – sy1;
for (i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 7) { pct1 = (-Math.cos(phi + i) + 1) / 2; pct2 = (-Math.cos(phi + i + Math.PI / 32) + 1) / 2; z1 = Math.sin(phi + i); z2 = Math.sin(phi + i + Math.PI / 32); if (z1 > 0 && z2 > 0) {
canvas_ctx.moveTo(sx1 + pct1 * dx, sy1 + pct1 * dy);
canvas_ctx.lineTo(sx1 + pct2 * dx, sy1 + pct2 * dy);
canvas_ctx.lineTo(sx2 + pct2 * dx, sy2 + pct2 * dy);
canvas_ctx.lineTo(sx2 + pct1 * dx, sy2 + pct1 * dy);

* @return true if the attached object is roughly visible.
function drawAttached(att) {
var oth = th + att.offTh,
ophi = phi + att.offPhi,
ox = att.r * Math.cos(oth),
oy = att.r * Math.sin(oth),
dx = (att.r * Math.cos((th – att.offTh) + Math.PI)) – ox,
dy = (att.r * Math.sin((th – att.offTh) + Math.PI)) – oy,
pct = (-Math.cos(ophi) + 1) / 2,
cx = ox + pct * dx,
cy = oy + pct * dy,
oz = att.r * Math.sin(ophi);
if (oz < 0 && Math.sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy) + att.diag < radius) { /* hidden behind circle. */ if (att.visible) { att.visible = false; att.el.style.display = "none"; } return false; } /* attached node is visible. */ if (!att.visible) { att.visible = true; att.el.style.display = att.display; } //att.el.style.zIndex = 500 + Math.round(oz); att.el.style.zIndex = (oz > 0)? 501 : 499;
‘translate(‘ + x + ‘px,’ + y + ‘px) ‘ +
‘rotate(‘ + th + ‘rad) ‘ +
‘scaleX(‘ + Math.cos(ophi) + ‘) ‘ +
att.attT, null);
return true;

function onAttachedRemoved(att) {
delete att.el;

this.draw = function () {
var i, att, numAttachedVisible = 0;
for (i = attached.length; –i >= 0;) {
att = attached[i];
if (att.removeR < radius) { attached.splice(i, 1).map(onAttachedRemoved); } else if (drawAttached(att)) { if (++numAttachedVisible > MAX_ATTACHED_VISIBLE) {
/* remove older items and stop. */
attached.splice(0, i).map(onAttachedRemoved);

function preventDefault(event) {
event.returnValue = false;
return false;

function Game(gameDiv, stickyNodes, ballOpts) {
var stickyNodes, player1, physicsInterval, resizeInterval, listeners = [];
player1 = new PlayerBall(gameDiv, stickyNodes, ballOpts, false);
player1.setXY(300, 300);
window.scrollTo(0, 200);

function on_resize() {
player1.setDocSize(jQuery(document).width() – 5,
jQuery(document).height() – 5);

/* touch events – always on? */
document.addEventListener(‘touchstart’, function (event) {
if (event.touches.length === 1) {
return preventDefault(event);
}, true);
document.addEventListener(‘touchmove’, function (event) {
}, true);
document.addEventListener(‘touchend’, function (event) {
if (event.touches.length === 0) {
return preventDefault(event);
}, true);

if (ballOpts.MOUSEB !== -5) {
/* mouse buttons */
document.addEventListener(‘mousemove’, function (event) {
player1.setAccelTarget(event.pageX, event.pageY);
}, true);
document.addEventListener(‘mousedown’, function (event) {
if (event.button === ballOpts.MOUSEB) {
return preventDefault(event);
}, true);
document.addEventListener(‘mouseup’, function (event) {
if (event.button === ballOpts.MOUSEB) {
return preventDefault(event);
}, true);

if (ballOpts.MOUSEB === 0) {
/* block click events. */
document.addEventListener(‘click’, function (event) {
if (event.button === 0) {
return preventDefault(event);
}, true);
} else if (ballOpts.MOUSEB === 2) {
/* block right-click context menu. */
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu’, preventDefault, true);

physicsInterval = setInterval(function () {
}, 25);
resizeInterval = setInterval(on_resize, 1000);

function whenAllLoaded(gameDiv, popup, stickyNodes) {
stickyNodes.finalize(jQuery(document).width(), jQuery(document).height());
jQuery(‘‘).click(function () {
var game, bgmusic, ballOpts;
if (jQuery(‘#bgmusicc’).attr(‘checked’)) {
if (!(bgmusic = document.getElementById(‘khbgmusic’))) {
bgmusic = document.createElement(‘audio’);
bgmusic.id = ‘khbgmusic’;
bgmusic.loop = ‘loop’;
bgmusic.src = ‘http://kathack.com/js/katamari.mp3’;
ballOpts = {
color: jQuery(‘#khcolor’).val(),
VOL_MULT: parseFloat(jQuery(‘#vol_mult’).val()),
MAX_ATTACHED_VISIBLE: parseInt(jQuery(‘#maxAtt’).val(), 10),
CHECK_VOLS: (jQuery(‘#checkv’).attr(‘checked’))? true : false,
MOUSEB: parseInt(jQuery(‘#mouseb’).val(), 10)
game = new Game(gameDiv, stickyNodes, ballOpts);

function buildPopup(gameDiv) {
var d = document.createElement(‘div’), b;
d.style.cssText = ‘
position: fixed;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
width: 400px;
border:1px solid black;
d.innerHTML = ‘


Controls: Hold down to control the ball!


d.getElementsByTagName(‘button’)[0].addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
}, true);
return d;

function main() {
var gameDiv, checkInterval, stickyNodes, popup;

gameDiv = document.createElement(‘div’);
gameDiv.khIgnore = true;
popup = buildPopup(gameDiv);

/* setTimeout so that the popup displays before we freeze. */
setTimeout(function () {
var i, len, el;
for (i = 0, len = document.body.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { el = document.body.childNodes[i]; window.khNodes.addTagNames(el, [ 'button', 'canvas', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'select', 'textarea' ]); } checkInterval = setInterval(function () { if (window.jQuery) { clearInterval(checkInterval); whenAllLoaded(gameDiv, popup, window.khNodes); } }, 100); }, 0); } if (!window.noMain) { main(); } [/js] Source: http://kathack.com/

Sam DeeringSam Deering
View Author

Sam Deering has 15+ years of programming and website development experience. He was a website consultant at Console, ABC News, Flight Centre, Sapient Nitro, and the QLD Government and runs a tech blog with over 1 million views per month. Currently, Sam is the Founder of Crypto News, Australia.

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