Creating a Simple Style Switcher

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One way to enhance your site’s user experience is to allow your visitors to personalize certain aspects of it. This could be anything from increasing font size, to selecting an appropriate language or locale. As a developer, the challenge in implementing this is twofold. You have to enable the user to make the personalizations in the first place, as well as remember them the next time they visit. This tutorial will teach you how to create a style switcher and use local storage to remember your user’s preferences.

The Basics

The first thing we’ll need is a basic HTML page with a bit of content and styling. I’ll also add a select element which will enable the visitor to change between styles. An example of what this page might look like is shown below.

See the Pen Simple Style Switcher (1) by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

Reacting to Events

Since a dropdown menu is used to switch between styles, we need to attach an event listener to the select element that reacts appropriately each time the user selects a new style. According to the W3C DOM Level 2 Event Model, the standard way to register event handlers is as follows:
element.addEventListener(<event-name>, <callback>, <use-capture>);
The meaning of each argument is:
  • event-name – A string representing the name or type of event that you would like to listen for.
  • callback – A function that is invoked whenever the event fires.
  • use-capture – A Boolean declaring whether the callback should be fired in the capture phase. This is when the event flows from the document’s root to the target.
Unfortunately, IE8 and its predecessors don’t adhere to this model. Instead they provide an alternative attachEvent() method for the same purpose. Whether or not you choose to support these older versions of IE is up to you, and depends on your visitor metrics. You should weigh the cost of supporting older browsers against the benefits this will bring. In this particular case, it’s a matter of using a simple polyfill, so supporting IE8 is not a big deal. The following code sample shows how the select element’s change event is handled across all browsers.

See the Pen Simple Style Switcher (2) by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

Within the switchStyles() function, it’s important to note that this refers to the element that triggered the event (in this case the select element). Consequently, this.options will give us access to the select element’s option elements, and this.options[this.selectedIndex]
will give us access to the currently selected one. From there it is simple to access the option‘s value attribute. Also notice that the code uses a console.log(), instead of an alert(). This is done because an alert() blocks the UI, and needs to be dismissed before JavaScript execution can resume. In this example that’s not too bad, but in more complex cases (such as examining the elements of a sizable array), this approach can be very ugly. If you are unsure about how to open your browser’s console, you can find out here. If you would like to learn a little more about using the console for JavaScript debugging, you can do so here.

Changing Styles

Now it’s time to add some simple styles to our page which the user will be able to choose between. Add the following CSS code to your project:
/* High contrast */
    background-color: DarkBlue;
    color: yellow

body.high-contrast h1{
    text-shadow: none;

/* Print */
body.print h1{
    text-shadow: none;

body.print img{
    display: none;
When a user selects a different style from the drop-down, we’re going to apply the appropriate class directly to the body, removing all other classes:
function switchStyles() {
  var selectedOption = this.options[this.selectedIndex],
      className = selectedOption.value;

  document.body.className = className;
At this point, we have a fully functional style switcher, as shown in the following demo:

See the Pen Simple Style Switcher (3) by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

Working at the Sheet Level

Swapping out class names serves us well for this demonstration. However, if you are dealing with a larger number of styles, it is preferable to put them in external style sheets. You can then swap out the style sheets instead of individual classes. The following code, which assumes a single style sheet per page, shows how this is done.
function switchStyles() {
  var linkTag = document.getElementsByTagName('link')[0],
      currentStylesheet = linkTag.href.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ''),
      newStylesheet = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + '.css';

  linkTag.href = linkTag.href.replace(currentStylesheet, newStylesheet);

Remembering User Preferences

At this point, we have a functional style switcher. Unfortunately, when the page is reloaded, any changed styles will be lost. To circumvent this problem we will use client-side storage to save the user’s preferences. We can then restore these preferences each time the page is loaded. There are a variety of client-side storage technologies available to choose from. You can find a good overview of them in the article, HTML5 Browser Storage: the Past, Present and Future. For the purposes of this example, we’re going to use local storage. Local storage enjoys wide browser support and provides us with up to 5MB of persistent storage. And, unlike cookies, the information stored in local storage is never transferred to the server. If you do need to support ancient browsers (poor you), there are polyfills available to make your life easier. Also, please note that some browsers, such as IE8, don’t support local storage with the file:// protocol. The basic syntax of local storage is shown below.
// is localStorage available?
if (typeof window.localStorage != 'undefined') {
    // store
    localStorage.setItem('hello', 'Hello World!');
    // retrieve
    // delete
To implement this on our page, we’ll need to save the user’s preferred styles every time the value of the select element changes:
localStorage.setItem('bodyClassName', className);
We’ll also need to check for the presence of this key value pair on page load and, if we find them, set the body’s class name accordingly. We can do this by first attempting to retrieve the key value pair:
// this will be null if not present
var storedClassName = localStorage.getItem('bodyClassName');
If the item is present, we can iterate over the select element’s options and compare their value to what we have retrieved from local storage. If they match, then we can set our select element’s selected index property accordingly:
if (storedClassName) {
  for(var i = 0; i < styleSwitcher.options.length; i++){
    if (styleSwitcher.options[i].value === storedClassName){
      styleSwitcher.selectedIndex = i;
The following demo incorporates these changes.

See the Pen Simple Style Switcher (4) by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

We can now change the styles via the dropdown menu. Additionally, when we refresh the page, the drop-down menu is restored to the previous selection. However, on reload, the styles don’t change to match those of the drop-down selection. What gives? Well, when we alter the select element programatically, the event handler attached to it is not executed. Let’s remedy that with our own trigger function:
function trigger(action, el) {
  if (document.createEvent) {
    var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');

    event.initEvent(action, true, false);
  } else {
    el.fireEvent('on' + action);
We can pass this function an action we would like to trigger, as well as an element to trigger it on. The function then checks if the browser responds to document.createEvent() (which all modern, standards-compliant browsers do). If so, then it uses dispatchEvent() to trigger the action. Otherwise, it reverts to using fireEvent(). You can read more about creating custom events in this article: How to Create Custom Events in JavaScript The final piece of the puzzle is to add this line of code:
trigger('change', styleSwitcher);
After adding this line, the final code is shown in the following demo.

See the Pen Simple Style Switcher (5) by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.


This tutorial has shown you how to allow your users to customize parts of the page. You have also learned how to remember your users’ preferences in order to enhance their overall experience of your site. Used correctly, this is a powerful technique which can make your site stand out from the crowd. I’d be interested to hear if you are employing this technique in the comments, along with any success (or horror) stories.

Frequently Asked Questions about Creating a Simple Style Switcher

How can I add more styles to my style switcher?

Adding more styles to your style switcher is quite simple. You just need to create additional CSS files for each style you want to add. Then, in your HTML file, add a link to each CSS file in the head section. Make sure to give each link a unique title, as this will be used to identify the style in the style switcher. Finally, update your JavaScript code to include the new styles in the style switcher.

Can I use a style switcher with SVG?

Yes, you can use a style switcher with SVG. However, you need to ensure that your SVG code includes the necessary CSS classes or IDs that your style switcher will target. You can then create different CSS files for each style you want to apply to your SVG, and use your style switcher to switch between them.

How can I make my style switcher accessible?

To make your style switcher accessible, you should ensure that it can be operated using only the keyboard. This can be achieved by using the ‘tabindex’ attribute to make the style switcher focusable, and the ‘aria-label’ attribute to provide a descriptive label for screen readers. Additionally, you should ensure that the style switcher provides a clear visual indication of the currently selected style.

Can I use a style switcher with Drupal?

Yes, you can use a style switcher with Drupal. There are several Drupal modules available that can help you implement a style switcher, such as the Style Switcher module. This module allows you to define multiple styles for your Drupal site, and provides a block that users can use to switch between them.

How can I implement a style switcher using JavaScript?

Implementing a style switcher using JavaScript involves creating a function that changes the ‘href’ attribute of the link element that links to your CSS file. This function should be called whenever the user selects a different style from your style switcher. You can use the ‘getElementById’ method to get the link element, and the ‘setAttribute’ method to change its ‘href’ attribute.

How can I save the user’s style selection?

You can save the user’s style selection using cookies or local storage. When the user selects a style, you can store their selection in a cookie or in local storage. Then, whenever the page is loaded, you can check for the existence of this cookie or local storage item, and if it exists, apply the corresponding style.

Can I use a style switcher with a responsive design?

Yes, you can use a style switcher with a responsive design. You just need to ensure that each of your CSS files includes the necessary media queries to adapt the style to different screen sizes. The style switcher will then allow the user to switch between different styles, regardless of their device’s screen size.

How can I test my style switcher?

You can test your style switcher by manually selecting each style and checking that it is applied correctly. You should also test your style switcher on different browsers and devices to ensure that it works correctly in all environments. Additionally, you can use automated testing tools to simulate user interactions with your style switcher and check its functionality.

Can I use a style switcher to change the layout of my site?

Yes, you can use a style switcher to change the layout of your site. You just need to include the necessary CSS rules in each of your CSS files to change the layout. The style switcher will then allow the user to switch between different layouts by changing the CSS file.

How can I add a style switcher to my site without coding?

If you’re not comfortable with coding, you can use a plugin or module to add a style switcher to your site. There are several plugins and modules available for different content management systems that provide a style switcher functionality. You just need to install the plugin or module, configure it according to your needs, and add it to your site.

James HibbardJames Hibbard
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Network admin, freelance web developer and editor at SitePoint.

local storage
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