hi guys!!! give me an idea about what are the type of topics which you want to read mostly but don’t found them easily on other web pages…actually I am making a new blog and want to have an idea about it…bundle of thanks:)
Just make a blog related to tech news with share its great pics also.people like to read teach news then other share.
Famous people are good to blog. ofcourse being famous, they are search-able.
Yeah. Pictures make blogs more interesting :x
If I know the topic you are experienced in I would have suggested you. Can you share what is your area of expertise?
A truly great blog is something that you’re passionate about, that you can create compelling content with. There might be niches out there that aren’t totally saturated, but if you’re not interested in the topic, your blog will never reach its full potential. Think of something that you have a genuine interest in, would be able to write about, would be able to promote - without getting bored. Then, do some research and see if it’s a niche that fits your needs numbers-wise.
Nicole is right. If there is no passion… the work will never be complete. But, as an idea, i’ll enjoy a blog/website with stories behind the movies scene.
thanks a lot dudes for giving me such a nice ideas…
I would like to read something about the relations between the people, how to have an efficient communication, things like this, psychological.