
A Closer Look at SVG Path Data

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Key Takeaways

  • SVG paths represent the outline of a shape that can be filled, stroked, used to navigate text, become a pattern, or used as a clipping path. The details of these paths are exposed when SVG is written by hand in HTML or embedded from vector graphic software.
  • The element in SVG contains the command details that a path takes to complete a shape, which can include straight lines and curves. The path data includes specific information that defines a graphic’s path, such as start and end points, subpaths, and curves. This data is contained within a ‘d’ attribute in the element.
  • There are various commands that can be used within the path data of SVG, including moveto commands that establish a new point, lineto commands that draw straight lines from the current point to a new point, and closepath commands that end the current subpath. Curve commands are used to draw curved paths, including Cubic Bézier, Quadratic Bézier, and Elliptical arc.
  • SVG paths can be optimized through SVG optimizers, which can clean up and reduce the file’s size. Understanding the data within a element can aid in the effortless editing and manipulation of these paths, and understanding the impact of various command options can make the code less intimidating to work with.

SVG paths represent the outline of a shape. This shape can be filled, stroked, used to navigate text, become a pattern, and/or used as a clipping path.

When we write SVG by hand in our HTML or embed the XML code from vector graphic software, the code details of the paths that make up our graphics are exposed. This way of utilizing SVG is referred to as “inline” and this handy post over at CSS-Tricks should help get you started on that and other SVG concepts.

Depending on the shapes used, these paths can get fairly complex, especially when there are many curves involved. Understanding what exactly is going on “behind the scenes” here can be really beneficial in terms of editing these graphics and eliminating any surprises when they are rendered.

In this article, I’ll review the possible commands that reside within the path data of SVG, with a special focus on an image of a banana and a number of diagrams for further understanding.

The path Element

The <path> element within <svg> contains the command details that a path takes to complete a shape, which can consist of both straight lines and curves.

While the <path> element accepts a number of attributes, in this article I’ll strictly focus on the commands within the path data.

Path Data

The path data makes up the specific information that defines a graphic’s path. This data can include a start and end point, subpaths, and curves through moveto, lineto, closepath, and various curve commands.

This data is contained within a d attribute in the <path> element:

    <path d="<path data details>" />

Let’s take a look at a banana graphic. This banana consists of two <path> elements, each containing a start point and at least one curve command.

<svg width="228px" height="253px" viewBox="0 0 228 253">
    <g class="banana">
        <path fill="none" stroke="#f7c562" stroke-width="8" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M8.64,223.948c0,0,143.468,3.431,185.777-181.808c2.673-11.702-1.23-20.154,1.316-33.146h16.287c0,0-3.14,17.248,1.095,30.848
  c21.392,68.692-4.179,242.343-204.227,196.59L8.64,223.948z" />
        <path fill="none" stroke="#f7c562" stroke-width="8" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M8.767,230.326c0,0,188.246,40.154,196.485-160.139" />

See the Pen SVG banana demonstrating path data syntax by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

The first <path> comprises the outer closed outline of the banana while the second <path> makes up the inner unclosed line.

The moveto Command

The moveto commands (M or m) establish a new point, as lifting a pen and starting to draw in a new location on paper would. The line of code making up the path data must begin with a moveto command, as shown in the above example of the banana. moveto commands that follow the initial one represent the start of a new subpath.

An uppercase M here indicates absolute coordinates will follow, while a lowercase m indicates relative coordinates. So while these two may initially appear as if they would produce identical graphics, the difference between them is quite dramatic in terms of how our paths are mapped onto the canvas.

If this command is followed by multiple pairs of coordinates, these coordinates that follow are treated as lineto commands (discussed further in the next section), drawing a straight line. These assumed lineto commands will be relative if the moveto is relative, and absolute if the moveto is absolute.

If the first element begins with a relative moveto (m) path then those pairs of coordinates are treated as absolute ones and pairs of coordinates to follow are treated as relative.


The lineto commands draw straight lines from the current point to a new point.

L, l

The L and l commands draw a line from a start point to the end point. Each time a line is drawn to a specified point, this point becomes the “current point” until the path drawing is complete. The end point becomes the final “current point”, just as would be the case when actually drawing.

An uppercase L signals that absolute coordinates will follow, while a lowercase l signals relative coordinates.

H, h

The H and h commands draw a horizontal line from the current point. An uppercase H signals that absolute positioning will follow, while a lowercase h signals relative.

V, v

The V and v commands draw a vertical line from the current point. An uppercase V signals that absolute positioning will follow, while a lowercase v is relative.


The closepath (Z or z) ends the current subpath and results in a straight line being drawn from that point to the initial point of the path.

If the closepath is followed immediately by a moveto, these moveto coordinates represent the start of the next subpath. If this same closepath is followed by anything other than moveto, the next subpath begins at the same point as the current (or last active) subpath.

If we closed the second <path> of the banana, a line would be drawn connecting the start and end points of the path.

See the Pen sofet by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

Both uppercase or lowercase z here have identical outcomes.

Curve Commands

There are three groups of commands that draw curved paths: Cubic Bézier (C, c, S, s), Quadratic Bézier (Q, q, T, t), and Elliptical arc (A, a).

As with most of the commands we have reviewed thus far, the use of uppercase or lowercase commands has a significant impact on the graphic. For example, the demo of the banana above contains several relatively positioned curve commands, “c”.

Changing one of these commands to “C” establishes this curve in absolute space, having a tragic effect on the rendered shape as shown with the second banana (or what was once a banana) below.

See the Pen SVG banana demonstrating relative curve positioning by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

The following curve sections will introduce the basic concept behind each curve command, review the mapping details, and then provide a diagram for further understanding.

Cubic Bézier

The C and c Cubic Bézier commands draw a curve from the initial point using (x1,y1) parameters as a control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end, defining the shape details of the curve.

Cubic Bézier

The code below draws a basic Cubic Bézier curve:

    <path fill="none" 
          d="M10,55 C15,5 100,5 100,55" />

Manipulating the first and last sets of values for this curve will impact its start and end location, while manipulating the two center sets of values will impact the shape and positioning of the curve itself at the beginning and end.

The S and s commands also draw a Cubic Bézier curve, but in this instance there is an assumption that the first control point is a reflection of the last control point for the previous C command. This reflection is relative to the start point of the S command.

S Command Reflection

Quadratic Bézier

Quadratic Bézier curves (Q, q, T, t) are similar to Cubic Bézier curves except that they have only one control point.

Quadratic Bézier

The following code draws a basic Quadratic Bézier curve:

    <path fill="none"
          d="M20,50 Q40,5 100,50" />

Manipulating the first and last sets of values, M20,50 and 100,50, impacts the positioning of the beginning and end points of the curve. The center set of values, Q40,5, define the control point for the curve, establishing its shape.

Q and q draw the curve from the initial point to the end point using (x1,y1) as the control. T and t draw the curve from the initial point to the end point by assuming that the control point is a reflection of the control on the previously listed command relative to the start point of the new T or t command.

T Command Control Point

An uppercase Q signals that absolute positioning will follow, while a lowercase q is relative. This same logic applies to T and t.

Elliptical Arc

An Elliptical Arc (A, a) defines a segment of an ellipse. These segments are created through the A or a commands which create the arc by specifying the start point, end point, x and y radii, rotation, and direction.

Here is a look at the code for a basic Elliptical Arc:

    <path fill="none"
          d="M65,10 a50,25 0 1,0 50,25" />

The first and last sets of values within this path, M65,10 and 50,25, represent initial and final coordinates, while the second set of values define the two radii. The values of 1,0 (large-arc-flag and sweep-flag) determine how the arc is drawn, as there are four different options here.

The following diagram shows the four arc options and the impact that large-arc-flag and sweep-flag values have on the final rendering of the arc segment.

Elliptical Arc

A Note on Optimization

When including embeds from vector graphic software it is often encouraged to first run this code through an SVG optimizer, such as SVGO or the one developed by Peter Collingridge. The content of a path’s data is often where this graphic can be cleaned up and optimized the most, greatly reducing the file’s size in most cases.

The file size for our banana graphic was reduced to 65.9% of the original file after being run through an optimizer. Here is a look at the new reduced code:

<svg width="228" height="253" viewBox="0 0 228 253">
    <g class="banana"><path fill="none" stroke="#f7c562" stroke-width="8" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M8.6 223.9c0 0 143.5 3.4 185.8-181.8 2.7-11.7-1.2-20.2 1.3-33.1h16.3c0 0-3.1 17.2 1.1 30.8 21.4 68.7-4.2 242.3-204.2 196.6L8.6 223.9zM8.8 230.3c0 0 188.2 40.2 196.5-160.1" />


The data within a <path> element can make up the longest and most complex details of an SVG, but dissecting and understanding what exactly is going on within this string of code can really help to better understand the workings of your SVG and aid in the effortless editing and manipulation of these paths.

I hope this article has given you an overview of the basic function of the <path> element and the impact that various command options will have on the final shape that is rendered, potentially making this code less intimidating to work with.

Frequently Asked Questions about SVG Path Data

What is the significance of the ‘d’ attribute in SVG paths?

The ‘d’ attribute in SVG paths is crucial as it defines the path to be drawn. It contains a series of commands and parameters used by the SVG path data to create complex shapes. Each command is denoted by a letter (like M for moveto, L for lineto, etc.) and is followed by parameters that define the coordinates or control points. The ‘d’ attribute allows for the creation of intricate designs with precision and flexibility.

How can I create curves in SVG paths?

Curves in SVG paths can be created using the cubic Bezier curve commands ‘C’ or ‘c’, and the quadratic Bezier curve commands ‘Q’ or ‘q’. These commands are followed by parameters that define the control points and end points of the curve. The cubic Bezier curve requires three sets of coordinates, while the quadratic Bezier curve needs two. The first set of coordinates in both commands represents the control points that shape the curve, while the last set represents the end point of the curve.

What is the difference between absolute and relative commands in SVG paths?

Absolute commands in SVG paths are denoted by uppercase letters and specify the exact coordinates for the path data. On the other hand, relative commands, denoted by lowercase letters, specify coordinates relative to the current position. For instance, if the current position is (x, y), the relative command ‘l 10 10’ would draw a line to the point (x+10, y+10). Using relative commands can simplify the path data and make it easier to manipulate.

How can I close a path in SVG?

To close a path in SVG, you can use the ‘Z’ or ‘z’ command. This command draws a straight line from the current point to the starting point of the path, effectively closing the shape. It’s important to note that the ‘Z’ command does not require any parameters and it does not change the current position.

What are elliptical arc commands in SVG paths?

Elliptical arc commands in SVG paths, denoted by ‘A’ or ‘a’, are used to draw an elliptical arc from the current point to a specified end point. The command is followed by seven parameters: the x and y radii of the ellipse, the x-axis rotation, a large-arc flag, a sweep flag, and the x and y coordinates of the end point. The large-arc flag determines whether the arc should be greater than or less than 180 degrees, while the sweep flag determines the direction of the arc.

How can I create complex shapes using SVG paths?

SVG paths allow for the creation of complex shapes by combining multiple commands. For instance, you can start with a ‘moveto’ command to set the starting point, use ‘lineto’ commands to draw straight lines, ‘curveto’ commands to add curves, and finally a ‘closepath’ command to close the shape. By varying the parameters of these commands, you can create intricate designs.

Can I use SVG paths to create text paths?

Yes, SVG paths can be used to create text paths. This is done by defining a path and then using the ‘textPath’ element to align text along that path. The ‘href’ attribute of the ‘textPath’ element is used to reference the id of the path. This allows for the creation of text that follows any shape or curve.

How can I manipulate SVG paths?

SVG paths can be manipulated using CSS or JavaScript. CSS can be used to change the color, stroke width, and other visual properties of the path. JavaScript, on the other hand, can be used to animate the path, change its shape, or interact with user events.

What is the ‘fill-rule’ property in SVG paths?

The ‘fill-rule’ property in SVG paths determines how the fill of a path is calculated. It has two possible values: ‘nonzero’ and ‘evenodd’. The ‘nonzero’ rule determines the fill by the direction of the path, while the ‘evenodd’ rule counts the number of path crossings. This property is useful when creating complex shapes with holes or overlaps.

Can I use SVG paths to create responsive designs?

Yes, SVG paths are ideal for creating responsive designs. Since SVG is a vector-based format, it scales perfectly to any size without losing quality. This makes it perfect for creating graphics that look sharp on all screen sizes and resolutions. Additionally, SVG paths can be manipulated with CSS and JavaScript, allowing for interactive and dynamic designs.

Joni TrythallJoni Trythall
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Joni Trythall is a modest and slightly confused creator of web sundries living in always sunny Seattle, WA. She mainly writes about the creation of adorable things on the web and is author of Pocket Guide to Writing SVG. You can find her code ramblings at jonibologna.com or @jonitrythall.

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