Build Interactive Gantt Charts with Airtable, Gatsby and React

Key Takeaways
- Gatsby simplifies the integration of various data sources like Airtable into applications, enabling the creation of interactive Gantt charts for task management.
- React is employed to develop the front end of the Gantt chart, which allows tasks to be manipulated directly via drag-and-drop and synchronizes changes with Airtable.
- The project setup involves using Node.js, npm, and the Gatsby CLI to create a static site that loads quickly due to pre-built HTML files served from the server.
- Airtable serves as the backend, storing tasks and resources which are fetched using GraphQL queries facilitated by the Gatsby source plugin for Airtable.
- Real-time synchronization between the Gantt chart and Airtable is achieved using both server-side (webhooks for automatic rebuilds) and client-side (polling with React’s useEffect) updates.
- Enhancements like making tasks draggable within the Gantt chart are managed through React components, with changes pushed back to Airtable using its REST API to ensure data consistency across platforms.
Setting Up the Project
Gatsby is a static site generator. This means you write your application with React, and Gatsby translates your code into HTML files that are understandable to the browser. This build process is carried out at regular intervals on the server side, in contrast to conventional web applications where the HTML code is first assembled on the client side in the user’s browser. The HTML files are therefore statically available on the server (hence the name static site generator) and can be sent directly to the client when requested. This reduces the loading time of the application for the user. SitePoint’s Gatsby tutorial provides all the information you need to develop an application with this framework. If you want to develop my example application step by step, you should start as outlines below. First, you should download and install Node.js. You can check if it’s installed correctly by typingnode -v
on the console. The current version of Node should be displayed:
node -v
> v14.16.0
With Node we also get npm, the Node package manager. With this tool, we can now install the Gatsby CLI:
npm install -g gatsby-cli
We’re ready to create a new project using the Gatsby CLI. I name it “gantt-chart-gatsby”:
gatsby new gantt-chart-gatsby
Then move into the project folder with the command cd gantt-chart-gatsby
and build the project with the command gatsby develop
. Now you can open the index page of the project in the browser on http://localhost:8000. At first, you should only see the welcome page that Gatsby has prepared for us.
In the next step, you should examine the src
folder of the project. The subfolder src/pages
contains the React components of the individual pages of the project. For now, it’s sufficient for you to keep the index.js
file for the index page, because, in our example application, we only need one page. You can delete the other files in this folder, except for 404.js
(which can be useful if someone enters a wrong address).
It’s a good starting point if you overwrite the existing code in index.js
with this code:
import * as React from 'react'
const IndexPage = () => {
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
export default IndexPage;
You can build the project again with the command gatsby develop
on the command line and open the index page in the browser. Now you should see an empty page with the heading “Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart”.
Building the Front End with React
The first version of the index page
We will implement the Gantt chart as a reusable React component. Before I explain the implementation of the component in detail in the following sections, I’d first like to show how it’s initialized and embedded in the index page. So I’d recommend you to hold off using thegatsby develop
command until we’ve finished the first version of the component. (I’ll let you know when we’re ready!)
In this example project, I use the concept of “jobs” and “resources”. Jobs are the tasks that are drawn into the chart cells and that can be moved by drag and drop. Resources contain the labels for the rows in which the jobs can be moved. These can be names for the tasks, but in other use cases also the names of people, vehicles or machines carrying out the tasks.
Jobs and resources are passed to the Gantt chart component as properties. Before connecting the task management tool to Airtable, we fill the lists with some hard-coded test data in JSON format:
import * as React from "react";
import {GanttChart} from "../GanttChart";
import "../styles/index.css";
let j = [
{id: "j1", start: new Date("2021/6/1"), end: new Date("2021/6/4"), resource: "r1"},
{id: "j2", start: new Date("2021/6/4"), end: new Date("2021/6/13"), resource: "r2"},
{id: "j3", start: new Date("2021/6/13"), end: new Date("2021/6/21"), resource: "r3"},
let r = [{id:"r1", name: "Task 1"}, {id:"r2", name: "Task 2"}, {id:"r3", name: "Task 3"}, {id:"r4", name: "Task 4"}];
const IndexPage = () => {
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
<GanttChart jobs={j} resources={r}/>
export default IndexPage;
CSS styles for the Gantt chart
In the next step, we create a newindex.css
file in the styles
folder. (If the folder doesn’t exist, create a new folder styles
in the folder src
of the project.) The following CSS settings control the layout and appearance of the Gantt chart:
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
display: grid;
color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.726);
border:1px solid rgb(133, 129, 129);
text-align: center;
padding: 15px;
color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.726);
border:1px solid rgb(133, 129, 129);
text-align: center;
grid-auto-flow: column;
grid-auto-columns: minmax(40px, 1fr);
padding: 10px 0 10px 0;
border: 1px solid rgb(214, 214, 214);
padding: 10px 0 10px 0;
position: relative;
position: absolute;
z-index: 100;
background-color:rgb(167, 171, 245);
cursor: pointer;
Implementing the GanttChart
Now I’ll explain the implementation of the GanttChart
component in more detail. First, we need a file named GanttChart.js
in the src
folder. In this tutorial, I use a simplified version of the GanttChart
for only one month (June 2021). An extended version with select fields for starting month and end month can be found at GitHub under the name GanttChart_extended.js.
The chart table is built up in three steps, represented by the functions initFirstRow
, initSecondRow
and initGanttRows
import React from 'react';
export class GanttChart extends React.Component {
names = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
dateFrom: new Date(2021,5,1),
dateTo: new Date(2021,5,30),
let month = new Date(this.state.dateFrom.getFullYear(), this.state.dateFrom.getMonth(), 1);
let grid_style = "100px 1fr";
let firstRow = this.initFirstRow(month);
let secondRow = this.initSecondRow(month);
let ganttRows = this.initGanttRows(month);
return (
<div className="gantt-chart">
<div id="gantt-container" style={{gridTemplateColumns : grid_style}}>
//helper functions:
return d.getFullYear()+"-"+this.zeroPad(d.getMonth()+1)+"-"+this.zeroPad(d.getDate());
return n<10 ? "0"+n : n;
monthDiff(d1, d2) {
let months;
months = (d2.getFullYear() - d1.getFullYear()) * 12;
months -= d1.getMonth();
months += d2.getMonth();
return months <= 0 ? 0 : months;
dayDiff(d1, d2){
let diffTime = Math.abs(d2 - d1);
let diffDays = Math.ceil(diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
return diffDays;
In the initFirstRow
function, the first row of the chart table is generated. As you can see from the picture above, the first row consists of two grid cells. These are generated as divs, which in turn are inserted as children into the “gantt-container” (see the listing above). The second div also contains the label for the current month.
React requires a unique “key” property for all elements that are part of an enumeration. This helps to optimize the rendering performance:
let elements = []; let i = 0;
elements.push(<div key={"fr"+(i++)} className="gantt-row-resource"></div>);
elements.push(<div key={"fr"+(i++)} className="gantt-row-period"><div className="period">{this.names[month.getMonth()] + " " + month.getFullYear()}</div></div>);
return elements;
The next row of the chart table is generated in the initSecondRow
function. We use the same principle again: for each table cell, a div is created. You have to make sure that the divs are nested correctly (the second div in the row contains individual divs for each day of the month) so that the CSS Grid settings (see the index.css
file) will produce the desired layout:
let elements = []; let i=0;
//first div
elements.push(<div key={"sr"+(i++)} style={{borderTop : 'none'}} className="gantt-row-resource"></div>);
let days = [];
let f_om = new Date(month); //first day of month
let l_om = new Date(month.getFullYear(), month.getMonth()+1, 0); //last day of month
let date = new Date(f_om);
for(date; date <= l_om; date.setDate(date.getDate()+1)){
days.push(<div key={"sr"+(i++)} style={{borderTop: 'none'}} className="gantt-row-period period">{date.getDate()}</div>);
//second div in the row with child divs for the individual days
elements.push(<div key={"sr"+(i++)} style={{border: 'none'}} className="gantt-row-period">{days}</div>);
return elements;
The remaining rows of the chart table are generated in the initGanttRows
function. They contain the grid cells into which the jobs are drawn. Again, the rendering is done row by row: for each row we first place the name of the resource, then we iterate over the individual days of the month. Each grid cell is initialized as a ChartCell
component for a specific day and resource. With the cell_jobs
list, the individual cell is assigned the jobs that need to be drawn into it (typically this is exactly one job):
let elements = []; let i=0;
this.props.resources.forEach(resource => {
elements.push(<div key={"gr"+(i++)} style={{borderTop : 'none'}} className="gantt-row-resource">{}</div>);
let cells = [];
let f_om = new Date(month);
let l_om = new Date(month.getFullYear(), month.getMonth()+1, 0);
let date = new Date(f_om);
for(date; date <= l_om; date.setDate(date.getDate()+1)){
let cell_jobs = => job.resource == && job.start.getTime() == date.getTime());
cells.push(<ChartCell key={"gr"+(i++)} resource={resource} date={new Date(date)} jobs={cell_jobs}/>);
elements.push(<div key={"gr"+(i++)} style={{border: 'none'}} className="gantt-row-period">{cells}</div>);
return elements;
Now add the following code for the ChartCell
component at the end of GanttChart.js
. The component renders a single table cell of the chart as a div containing one or more jobs as child elements. The HTML code for displaying a job is provided by the getJobElement
class ChartCell extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
let jobElements = => this.getJobElement(job));
return (
style={{borderTop: 'none', borderRight: 'none', backgroundColor: ( || ? "whitesmoke" : "white" }}
let d = this.dayDiff(job.start, job.end);
//Example: a job with a duration of 2 days covers exactly two grid cells, so the width is 2*100% and we have to add up 2px for the width of the grid lines
return (
<div style={{width: "calc("+(d*100)+"% + "+ d + "px)"}}
dayDiff(d1, d2){
let diffTime = Math.abs(d2 - d1);
let diffDays = Math.ceil(diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
return diffDays;
At this point, you can build the project from the root folder using the gatsby develop
command. The hard-coded jobs from the index page should be visible in the Gantt chart. They can’t be dragged and dropped yet, but we’ll take care of that later.
Integrating Data from Airtable
It’s time to connect our application to Airtable so we can import jobs and resources from there. First, create a free account at Airtable. After logging in, you’ll see an “Untitled Base” (see image below). Click Add a base, then Start from scratch, and enter a name for your base. I entered “Task Manager”.
Setting up the Airtable base with the “Jobs” and “Resources” tables
Now you can define the tables for your base, in the following steps:- Define the table “Jobs” with the fields
(field type: text),start
(field type: Date) andend
(field type: Date). - Define the table “Resources” with the fields
(field type: text) andname
(field type: text). - Go to the table “Jobs”, add a field
with the field type “Link to another record”, then choose the fieldid
as a lookup field for the table “Resource”.

Importing data from Airtable with GraphQL and Gatsby’s Airtable plugin
Next, we want to import data from Airtable into our application. For this purpose, install the plugin “gatsby-source-airtable” withnpm install --save gatsby-source-airtable
. Then, modify the gatsby-config.js
file in your project folder as shown in the list below:
- your API-Key:
- your Base-ID: go to, choose your base, and the following page will reveal the ID of your base
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
siteUrl: "https://www.yourdomain.tld",
title: "Gatsby Gantt Chart",
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-airtable",
options: {
apiKey: "XXX", // may instead specify via env, see below
concurrency: 5, // default, see using markdown and attachments for more information
tables: [
baseId: "YYY",
tableName: "Jobs",
baseId: "YYY",
tableName: "Resources",
Now we can try to fetch data from Airtable. Start your application with gatsby develop
, then open the GraphiQL editor in the browser at http://localhost:8000/___graphql
and paste the following query into the area on the left:
jobs: allAirtable(filter: {table: {eq: "Jobs"}, data: {}}) {
edges {
node {
data {
resources: allAirtable(
filter: {table: {eq: "Resources"}}
sort: {fields: [data___name], order: ASC}
) {
edges {
node {
data {
Click on the arrow symbol to run the query. The result of the query should appear on the right side.

. Update the code in index.js
as shown in the following listing. What’s happening here? First, at the end of the file you can see a so-called “page query” that requests all jobs and resources. The result of the query is automatically assigned to the data
property of the component IndexPage
. Thus, the data
property stores exactly what you’ve seen as a query result in the GraphiQL editor on the right side. We can use the map
function to transform the jobs
and resources
arrays into our preferred format.
Even if it seems a bit cumbersome, we have to keep the properties recordID
and id__from_resource
, which are automatically created by Airtable, for all jobs. This is necessary so that we can later save changes to the jobs via the Airtable REST API:
import * as React from "react"
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
import {GanttChart} from "../GanttChart"
import '../styles/index.css';
// markup
const IndexPage = (data) => {
let j = => {
let s = new Date(;
let e = new Date(;
return {
airtable_id: edge.node.recordId,,
start: s,
end: e,
let r = => {
if(r && j){
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
<GanttChart jobs={j} resources={r}/>
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
<p>Missing data...</p>
export const query = graphql`
jobs: allAirtable(filter: {table: {eq: "Jobs"}, data: {}}) {
edges {
node {
data {
resources: allAirtable(
filter: {table: {eq: "Resources"}}
sort: {fields: [data___name], order: ASC}
) {
edges {
node {
data {
export default IndexPage;
If you build and start your application locally with gatsby develop
, the data is fetched from Airtable and displayed in your Gantt chart. If you’ve set up a Gatsby Cloud site according to the Gatsby tutorial, the site is updated as soon as you push the code changes to the associated GitHub account. However, you’ll notice that the Airtable query is only executed when the project is built (regardless of whether that happens locally or on the Gatsby Cloud site). If you modify the data in your Airtable base, the changes aren’t reflected in the Gantt chart unless you re-build the project. This is typical for the server-side rendering process of Gatsby.
In the next section, we’ll discuss how to deal with changes in the data.
Realizing a Two-way Synchronization between Gatsby and Airtable
In our example, changes to the data can be made in Airtable (by editing the table cells) or in the Gantt chart (by drag and drop). For synchronizing these parts, I follow a hybrid strategy that involves both server-side and client-side update operations.1. Transfer changes from Airtable to the Gantt chart (server-side)
Gatsby offers webhooks to remotely trigger the server-side build process. It’s possible to configure Airtable to automatically trigger the build hook on certain events (such as creating or changing records), provided you have a pro membership there. (You can find more detailed information about the settings that are necessary for this purpose here).2. Transfer changes from Airtable to the Gantt chart (client-side)
While the application is used in the browser, the Gantt chart should load updates from Airtable dynamically (for example, at a certain time interval). To make the process simple, we just want to re-download the complete lists of jobs and resources at the specified interval. For this, we’ll use the official Airtable API. In theIndexPage
component, we use React’s useState hook to set the lists with the jobs and resources as the component’s state. Then we apply the useEffect hook to set an interval at which the function loadDataFromAirtable
should be called once the component has been initialized:
const IndexPage = (data) => {
let j = => {...});
let r = => {...});
const [resources, setResources] = useState(r);
const [jobs, setJobs] = useState(j);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
let jobsLoaded = (j) => { setJobs(j) };
let resourcesLoaded = (r) => { setResources(r) };
loadDataFromAirtable(jobsLoaded, resourcesLoaded);
}, 60000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
if(resources && jobs){
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
<GanttChart jobs={jobs} resources={resources}/>
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
<p>Missing data...</p>
For the implementation of the loadDataFromAirtable
function, we take a look at the documentation of the Airtable API. The documentation is adapted to the selected base (in our case “Task Manager”). If you click on Jobs Table and List records on the left side, you’ll see the exact structure of a GET request to retrieve the data of all jobs in the “curl” area. This request can be implemented very easily in JavaScript using the “fetch” method.
So, to download the data of all jobs and resources, we execute two asynchronous GET requests to Airtable in sequence. I’ve masked the exact URLs because they contain my personal API key:
function loadDataFromAirtable(onJobsLoaded, onResourcesLoaded){
let j,r;
let url_j= "XXXX";
let url_r= "YYYY";
fetch(url_j, {headers: {"Authorization": "ZZZZ"}})
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
j = => {
let s = new Date(record.fields.start);
let e = new Date(record.fields.end);
return {
start: s,
end: e,
resource: record.fields['id (from resource)'][0],
resource_airtable_id: record.fields.resource[0]
fetch(url_r, {headers: {"Authorization": "ZZZZ"}})
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
r = => {
return {
As a test, you can make some changes to the job data in your Airtable base. After the given interval time (here one minute) the Gantt chart should update automatically in your browser.
3. Transfer changes from the Gantt chart to the Airtable base (client-side)
Before the user can modify the Gantt chart, we must first make the jobs draggable. For this, update theChartCell
component as follows:
class ChartCell extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
let jobElements = => this.getJobElement(job));
let dragOver = (ev) => {ev.preventDefault()};
let drop = (ev) => {
let job_id = ev.dataTransfer.getData("job");
return (
style={{borderTop: 'none', borderRight: 'none', backgroundColor: ( || ? "whitesmoke" : "white" }}
className="gantt-row-item" onDragOver={dragOver} onDrop={drop}>
let d = this.dayDiff(job.start, job.end);
return (
<div style={{width: "calc("+(d*100)+"% + "+ d + "px)"}}
dragStart(ev){ ev.dataTransfer.setData("job",;}
dayDiff(d1, d2){
let diffTime = Math.abs(d2 - d1);
let diffDays = Math.ceil(diffTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
return diffDays;
Implementing drag and drop isn’t particularly complicated with JavaScript. You have to implement handlers for the events onDragStart
(for the draggable elements), onDragOver
and onDrop
(for the drop targets), as shown in this tutorial.
We need to specify which handler function is called on the onDropJob
event, which is triggered by the drop
handler. In the initGanttRows
function, update the following line:
cells.push(<ChartCell key={"gr"+(i++)} resource={resource} date={new Date(date)} jobs={cell_jobs} onDropJob={this.dropJob}/>);
In the GanttChart
component, add the function dropJob
dropJob(id, newResource, newDate){
let job = => == id );
let newJob = {};
newJob.resource = newResource;
let d = this.dayDiff(job.start, job.end);
let end = new Date(newDate);
newJob.start = newDate;
newJob.end = end;
this.props.onUpdateJob(id, newJob);
The actual modification of the job list is done in the parent IndexPage
component in index.js
. The slice
method is used to create a copy of the job list. The job that was moved using drag and drop is located in the list based on its ID and is given the new properties. After that, the state of the IndexPage
component is updated by calling setJobs
. Please note that, exactly now, a re-render of the Gantt chart component is triggered and now the job element appears at its new position:
const IndexPage = (data) => {
let updateJob = (id, newJob) => {
let new_jobs = jobs.slice();
let job = new_jobs.find(j => == id );
job.resource = newJob.resource;
job.start = newJob.start;
job.end = newJob.end;
if(resources && jobs){
return (
<title>Gantt Chart</title>
<h1>Welcome to my Gatsby Gantt Chart</h1>
<GanttChart jobs={jobs} resources={resources} onUpdateJob={updateJob}/>
In the last step, we have to implement the updateJobToAirtable
function. Again, we follow the Airtable API documentation, this time in the section Update records:
function updateJobToAirtable(job){
let data = {
records: [
id: job.airtable_id,
fields: {
start: formatDate(job.start),
end: formatDate(job.end),
resource: [
fetch("XXX", {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {"Authorization": "ZZZ", "Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: JSON.stringify(data)
Now you can move jobs in the Gantt chart and watch how the table “Jobs” updates in real time in your Airtable base.
Final Thoughts
The simple task management application in this article shows that server-side rendering can also be used for applications with rich client-side interaction. The main advantage is the fast initial loading time, because the DOM is prepared on the server. Especially for applications with a very complex user interface (for example, dashboards for planning tasks), this can be crucial. The periodical fetching of new data on the client side usually doesn’t lead to major performance problems, because React uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine which changes to the DOM are actually necessary. The Gatsby framework greatly simplifies the process of developing such hybrid applications by providing seamless support for server-side rendering as well as numerous plugins for importing data from external sources.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Building Interactive Gantt Charts
How Can I Customize the Appearance of My Gantt Chart?
Customizing the appearance of your Gantt chart is possible with CSS. You can modify the colors, fonts, and sizes to suit your preferences. For instance, to change the color of the task bars, you can target the specific CSS class and modify the background color. Remember to keep your changes consistent with the overall design of your website for a seamless user experience.
Can I Add More Fields to My Gantt Chart?
Yes, you can add more fields to your Gantt chart. This can be done by modifying the Airtable base to include additional fields. Once you’ve added the fields in Airtable, you can then update your Gatsby and React code to fetch and display these new fields.
How Can I Make My Gantt Chart More Interactive?
To make your Gantt chart more interactive, you can add features such as tooltips, zooming, and panning. Tooltips can be added using the ‘react-tooltip’ library, while zooming and panning can be implemented using the ‘react-zoom-pan-pinch’ library.
Can I Use Other Data Sources Besides Airtable?
Yes, you can use other data sources besides Airtable. You can modify the Gatsby source plugin to fetch data from other sources such as Google Sheets, Excel, or even a REST API. The key is to ensure the data structure remains consistent with what the Gantt chart component expects.
How Can I Add Dependencies Between Tasks?
Adding dependencies between tasks involves modifying both your data source and your Gantt chart component. In your data source, you would need to add a new field to represent task dependencies. In your Gantt chart component, you would then need to add lines or arrows to visually represent these dependencies.
Can I Export My Gantt Chart to PDF or Image?
Exporting your Gantt chart to PDF or image can be achieved using libraries such as ‘html2canvas’ and ‘jspdf’. These libraries can capture the current state of your Gantt chart and save it as a PDF or image file.
How Can I Add User Authentication to My Gantt Chart?
User authentication can be added using libraries such as ‘react-router’ and ‘firebase’. ‘React-router’ can be used to protect certain routes, while ‘firebase’ can be used to handle user registration and login.
Can I Use This Gantt Chart in a Mobile Application?
Yes, you can use this Gantt chart in a mobile application. React Native, a framework for building mobile applications, supports most of the libraries used in this tutorial. However, you may need to make some adjustments to ensure the chart displays correctly on smaller screens.
How Can I Add Real-Time Updates to My Gantt Chart?
Real-time updates can be added using websockets or server-sent events. These technologies allow your server to push updates to your Gantt chart whenever the data changes.
Can I Use Other Charting Libraries Besides React?
Yes, you can use other charting libraries besides React. Libraries such as D3.js, Chart.js, and Highcharts all have support for Gantt charts. However, you would need to rewrite your Gantt chart component to use these libraries.
Anna Prenzel studied computer science at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz and received her doctorate at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. She is currently working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz. She is passionate about teaching and loves to observe the progress of her students. Her hobbies include photography, hiking and needlework.