And the iPod Touch goes to…

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A sexy, brand new iPod TouchAt the Web Directions South conference in Sydney a couple of weeks ago, SitePoint ran a competition for conference-goers to win an iPod Touch. To enter, attendees had to answer the question, Why do you love the Web?

The competition drew an enormous number of entries that were funny, serious and just plain weird. However, after much deliberation I’m pleased to announce that we have selected a winner.

Teresa Ko, from NSW, is the lucky winner of a brand new iPod Touch. Teresa summarised her love for the Web in poem:

The World Wide Web, a wonderful thing,
Throughout the globe, all encompassing.
Information abound, on every conceivable topic,
Access the Web from everywhere—
Even whilst holidaying in the tropics!
Though there’s progress to be made yet—
Accessibility! Have standards been met?
Not all earthlings are yet digitally connected,
Not all computers Net Nanny-ed, children protected,
The web is for all, every age, race and creed,
The web has something for you, for anything that you need.
My iPod Touch quest concludes, as my words flow and ebb,
Now ends my ode as to why I love the Web!

There were two runners up, and the following folks will each be receiving a SitePoint book of their choice:

Ignacio Sandejas (NSW):

Why do I love the Web?
Now that’s a good question
There are quite a few reasons
Why the web has become my obsession

From being informed
On the latest news and trends
To funny videos and jokes
I can share with my friends

I can plot my journey
I can research my destination
I can find all there is to do and see
When I go on my vacation

There is not much you cannot do
That’s why I love the web
The only time, I’m not online
Is when I’m sleeping in my bed

Todd Galloway (Victoria):

It allowed me to meet my wife, earn a living creating web sites and apps, learn guitar, keep in contact with friends by sharing photos and videos, download new music. I think I need to unplug and get some sunshine.

Nah. I’ll create a new web app to give me a dose of Vitamin D and a sun tan.

Congratulations to all the winners, and a big thank you to everyone who entered!

Matthew MagainMatthew Magain
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Matthew Magain is a UX designer with over 15 years of experience creating exceptional digital experiences for companies such as IBM, Australia Post, and He is currently the Chief Doodler at Sketch Group, Co-founder of UX Mastery, and recently co-authored Everyday UX, an inspiring collection of interviews with some of the best UX Designers in the world. Matthew is also the creator of Charlie Weatherburn and the Flying Machine.

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