Making a Web page is easy. Given a good software package, any beginner can create a Web site in less than a day… sometimes less than an hour! Given a little more time, your average computer user can probably pick up a good understanding of HTML too, giving added control over the look and design of the site.
What comes next, though? As soon as any fledgling Web author sets her sites beyond the limitations of modern HTML, she is faced with a daunting barrage of acronyms (CSS, ASP, PHP, and XML, to name a few) and advanced technologies (such as Dynamic HTML, JavaScript, Cold Fusion, and MySQL). How is one expected to make sense of it all?
In this article, I’ll attempt to do just that. I’ll begin this week by drawing a line between the two main categories of advanced Web technologies: client-side and server-side technologies. I’ll talk about what makes them different, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then I’ll take a stroll through the client-side technologies, providing a plain-English description of what each of them does and a couple of links to where you can learn more. Finally, I’ll do very much the same thing for each of the server-side technologies.
By the end of this article, you should have a better idea of how it all fits together. And hopefully, you’ll be equipped to decide for yourself what to learn next based on what any given technology can do for you.
Key Takeaways
- Understand the distinction between client-side and server-side technologies in web design, which primarily differ in where the processing occurs—either on the user’s device or on the web server.
- Explore client-side technologies like JavaScript and CSS that operate within the browser, enhancing user interaction and page styling without constant server communication.
- Delve into server-side technologies, such as PHP and ASP, which handle dynamic content generation and database interactions on the server, ensuring consistent performance across different browsers.
- Recognize the role of databases in advanced web design, particularly in managing dynamic and content-rich sites efficiently through server-side scripting.
- Acknowledge the necessity of mastering both client-side and server-side elements to optimize web functionality, user experience, and cross-compatibility.
- Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and adaptation to new web technologies to keep up with evolving design trends and technical requirements.
Waiters and Customers: Clients and Servers
As I mentioned above, advanced Web design technologies may be divided into two broad categories: server-side and client-side. Understanding the difference between the two requires a basic understanding of what goes on when someone views a Web page on the Internet.
You’ve done it hundreds, if not thousands of times before. You’ve typed a Web address (URL) into your Web browser’s address field and it has loaded and displayed the corresponding Web page. But what’s really going on behind the scenes?
In the simplest sense, there are two computers involved in this process: your computer, where you Web browser is running, and the computer somewhere on the Internet that serves up the Web page in question. In this arrangement, your computer is known as the client and the computer providing the Web page is known as the server. Think of the server as a waiter in a busy restaurant, and the client as one of the customers clamouring for his attention. Just like in the real world, one server (or waiter) is responsible for fulfilling the requests of many clients (or customers).
In our busy restaurant, the waiter takes orders from the customers, and then brings them (hopefully) what they ordered. This is surprisingly similar to what goes on between the client and server computers on the Web. The client computer, as you know, runs a Web browser that allows it to view Web pages. This software, when provided with a Web address, sends a request for that address over the Internet to another software program running on the server computer. This program, known as a Web server, responds to that request by sending back the Web page corresponding to the address. It is then up to the browser to interpret that Web page, converting it into human-readable format and slapping it up on the client computer’s screen.
The retrieval and display of any Web page on the Internet proceeds along the same general lines I have just outlined; however, it’s not always quite as simple. Most advances in Web design lately have come with the cost of additional steps in the above process. Whether the additional steps come before or after the waiter hands the customer his order is the difference between client- and server-side technologies.
In most restaurants, the waiter isn’t the one responsible for preparing the food; that’s the cook’s job. The waiter just takes the order, and relays it to the cook. The cook prepares the order, and then gives it to the waiter to give to the customer. In a way, the cook assists the waiter in his work: giving the customers what they ask for. In the same way, the Web server software running on the server computer can have ‘helpers’ that let it do more than just serve up ready-made meals–err, Web pages. These helpers are server-side technologies for advanced Web design.
Now, when the customer finally gets his order from the waiter, the logical thing for him to do is eat it, right? But sometimes it’s not so simple. Consider, for instance, if the customer ordered French toast. Typically, he will also be given a little cup of maple syrup. If the customer were to just eat his meal as-is, taking a swig of maple syrup after every few bites of French toast, he might get a funny look or two. Instead, the customer is expected to spread the syrup on his toast before eating it – a small part of the task of preparing the meal has been left for the customer to do. By the same token, some Web pages are more complex for the browser to display than simply taking the HTML and converting it into a picture on the screen. Sometimes additional tasks must be completed by the Web browser for the Web page to be displayed. Anything that requires the browser to become a more active participant in determining what to display on the screen is a client-side technology for advanced Web design.
Client-side Technologies
Let’s now take a look at the currently available client-side technologies. Remember, the one thing all of these technologies have in common is that they require the browser to do something other than read pure HTML to display a Web page.
JavaScript (also: JScript, ECMAScript)
This is a programming language that Web browsers understand. Originally developed by Netscape under the name LiveScript, JavaScript is a relatively simple programming language that may be embedded in Web pages. Like most simple programming languages designed to run inside another program, JavaScript is known as a “scripting language”.
An HTML Web page can also contain JavaScript code, which the Web browser runs once the Web page has been received from the Web server. JavaScript lets a Web page author do things like make page elements responsive to user actions (e.g. changing an image when the user moves the mouse cursor over it) and conditions on the user’s computer (e.g. displaying “good evening!” on the Web page if the computer’s system clock says it’s after 6PM and before midnight).
JavaScript can do a lot of fun things, but for security and privacy reasons is limited in many ways. Cross-browser compatibility is also an issue, as the JavaScript support in some browsers is not the same as the JavaScript support in others. For this reason, some features of JavaScript that only work on Internet Explorer or Netscape (but not both) are rarely used.
Microsoft actually calls their version of JavaScript “JScript”, to explain these slight differences between the language in Netscape and Internet Explorer. Both of these browsers (and others, such as Opera), are gradually moving to make their implementations compatible with the ECMAScript standard – a browser-independent definition of what should work how in these languages.
JavaScript is often confused with Java, when they are actually two different programming languages, suited to different purposes. The reason for their similar names is generally attributed to the fact that they are both used in Advanced Web design; however, the languages themselves actually do look quite similar. If you’ve ever written computer programs in C, C++, or Java, you won’t find JavaScript hard to learn at all. Even if you’re completely new to JavaScript, though, it’s not that difficult to learn.
- JavaScript 101 on Sausage Island
- Thaus JavaScript Tutorial on Webmonkey
- JavaScript Primer on Website Abstraction
Internet Explorer browsers support another client-side scripting language similar in scope and purpose to JavaScript, called VBScript. Since VBScript can do little that JavaScript cannot, it is usually best to stick with JavaScript unless you have some special reason to use VBScript.
- VBScript Overview on Windows Scripting Technologies
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheets sound a lot scarier than they really are. CSS is a language for describing how you want the elements of a Web page to look. Whereas before you would do this with tags like <B>
, <I>
, and <FONT>
, CSS allows you to use HTML to define just the structure of the information being displayed on a Web page and then tell the browser how you want that information to be presented.
For example, instead of using <FONT FACE="arial">
all over your site to set text inside of <P>
tags to an Arial font, you can just use bare <P>
tags, and create a CSS file that instructs Web browsers that all <P>
tags should be displayed in an Arial font. Making changes to the look of your site becomes much easier, since you can make a change in one place and have it affect your whole site at once, and your HTML code becomes much less cluttered.
Again, different browsers support CSS to differing extents, and there are in fact entire swaths of the CSS language dealing with how a Web page should sound when it is read by software for the blind that have yet to be supported by any browser at all. Nevertheless, there is enough support available already to save yourself a lot of time typing <font>
tags, and you may actually find that CSS saves you more time than it takes you to learn it!
- Mulder’s Stylesheets Tutorial on WebMonkey
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
Not actually a language in and of itself, the term “Dynamic HTML” refers to the practice of using the various features of modern Web browsers together to make Web page elements change and respond to user input without help from the Web server. In most cases, this means using HTML, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets together. Dynamic HTML would be a very powerful tool if it weren’t for the differences between Web browsers’ support for these languages. While many exciting effects are possible using Dynamic HTML techniques, in most cases these take a lot of experience to do in a manner that will work on both major browsers.
- Beginners Guide to DHTML on WebmasterBase
Java is a full-featured programming language like C++, but simpler and more tightly structured. Java programs, instead of running directly on a computer’s operating system, run on a “Java Virtual Machine”, which itself is a program that runs on the computer’s operating system. This means that, in theory, any operating system that has a Java Virtual Machine (pretty much all major operating systems these days) can run any Java program. Since the production of Java Virtual Machines is highly standardized, incompatibilities between the various platforms are minimal. The disadvantage is that Java programs tend to run slower as the Virtual Machine has to convert Java program instructions and pass them to the operating system on which it is running.
What does all this have to do with advanced Web design? Well, modern Web browsers usually have Java Virtual Machines embedded within them. This allows a Web designer to embed small Java applications (called Applets) into Web pages. While learning Java and programming Java applets is far from simple, Java applets can do just about anything a regular program can do, except they can do it in a rectangular area inside a Web page.
Common uses of Java applets include chat programs and online games. For security reasons, however, Java applets cannot access files or other potentially sensitive information on your computer, and they cannot connect to computers other than the Web server that sent them.
- The Java Tutorial from Sun Microsystems
Server-side Technologies
Server-side technologies for advanced Web design are largely the result of users’ desire for Web sites to serve as large, dynamic, interactive, and customizable sources of information that is kept constantly up to date. When these goals fall on your lap as a Web designer, you quickly realize that your trusty HTML editor just isn’t up to the task.
Consider the official Olympics Web site, which at the time of this writing is providing event results and other coverage of the Summer Games in Sydney, Australia. If you live in one of the lucky countries that is getting live TV coverage of the Games and have checked out the site, you were probably impressed by the fact that results on the page are so up-to-date that they often feature headlines such as “At the halfway mark, the race leaders are as follows…” that are as fresh as what you’ll be watching on television!
How is this possible? Does IBM (the company responsible for producing the site) have reporters editing HTML on laptops at each of the events? Of course not! Not only would this be a management nightmare, but it would be impossible to produce results of the quality and reliability that can be found on the site without a lag time of several hours (consider the mess of updating the medal tally pages when several events are occurring concurrently!).
No, plain HTML pages are definitely not up to this kind of task, and neither are any of the client-side technologies we saw last time. With the possible exception of Java, which can do just about anything a software program can do (but then IBM would have been just as well off making people download a full-blown program to view Olympic results), client-side technologies are all either too unreliable (in terms of browser support) or not powerful enough.
As we have mentioned, server-side technologies are the solution here. While basic Web server software simply sends HTML files in response to requests from Web browsers, server-side technologies expand on the capabilities of the Web server to allow it to dynamically generate HTML web pages by running programs, connecting to databases, and doing other fancy stuff in response to a browser request.
The big advantage of server-side technologies is that they don’t rely on any special features of the Web browser making the request. A dynamic Web page created using JavaScript (a client-side technology) requires that the browser understand the JavaScript language that the page was written with. A dynamic Web page created using PHP (a server-side technology), however, can be viewed in any browser that understands HTML, since the PHP code is run and converted to plain HTML on the Web server before it is sent to the Web browser. Thus the term: server-side.
Since only the Web server itself needs to support any given server-side technology used to build a site, there are a lot more options out there in this area. In this article, we’ll cover the most widespread of these to give you a good idea of what’s out there.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard that allows a Web server to execute an external program and send its output to a Web browser that requested it. Thus, a CGI-capable Web server, when receiving a request for, say, “medalstandings.exe”, will not simply send that file to the browser. Instead, it will recognize the file as an executable program and run it. The Web server captures the output (which is usually an HTML document, but could be anything from a GIF image to an Adobe Acrobat document) and sends it to the Web browser in response to the request.
CGI was the original method of creating dynamic Web applications. You can write a program in C/C++, Perl, or whatever language can run on your Web server computer, and tell the Web server to treat it as a CGI program. CGI has become very unpopular lately with the rise of server-side scripting languages (which we’ll look at in a moment), because with CGI the Web server has to launch an external program for every request. A site that gets 10,000 hits an hour will result in a lot of these CGI programs running at once, placing a tremendous strain on the Web server computer and slowing down access times to the site.
- CGI Scripts for Fun and Profit on WebMonkey
Server-Side Scripting Languages
Server-side scripting languages, such as PHP, ASP, and PerlScript, are all intended to fulfill the same role as CGI (allowing the Web server to run a specialized program in response to a browser request) without the burden of launching an external program for every request.
By installing a plug-in, you can “teach” Web server software how to do things like run programs written in Perl or PHP (see below for descriptions of these) all by itself, instead of having to ask the operating system to run them as separate programs. When a Web page containing one of these languages is requested, the Web server uses its internal plug-in to run the code in the page, then send the results to the Web browser.
The distinction here is subtle, but very important. If, for instance, a Web server knows how to interpret Perl code all by itself, it doesn’t have to waste the time and resources involved in launching the code as a separate program to generate a dynamic Web page with it. In addition, the Web server can do smart things like realizing that a particular dynamically-generated page will change at most every 5 minutes, so if it runs some Perl code in response to a request from one Web browser, it’ll keep a copy of the resulting HTML on hand for 5 minutes so that it doesn’t have to re-run that same Perl code if another identical request is received within that time.
- See descriptions of individual scripting languages below
Perl (also: PerlScript)
Perl is a programming language that excels at manipulation of text. As such, it is ideally suited to the development of dynamic Web pages. This isn’t to say that advanced Web design is the only application of Perl – it is heavily used in the automation of administrative tasks on Unix-based systems, for example.
Perl programs (or “scripts”, as they are commonly known) can be installed either as CGI programs or as server-side scripts using the mod_perl plug-in for the Apache Web server (in which case they are sometimes said to be written in “PerlScript”).
- from O’Reilly
- Introduction to Perl for CGI on WebMonkey
- Intro to Mod_Perl on WebMonkey
Personal Home Page, PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, or simply PHP, is a somewhat less flexible language than Perl, but is more specialized towards the creation of dynamic Web pages. This focus means that you can do pretty much anything you can do with Perl using PHP when it comes to advanced Web design, but with simpler syntax (making PHP easier to learn).
Designed for use as a server-side scripting language (whereas Perl was not originally designed for use on the Web), this language bears similarities to other common languages (Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript), to make it easy for existing programmers to use.
- Building a Database-Driven Web Site using PHP and MySQL on WebmasterBase
Active Server Pages (ASP)
Active Server Pages (ASP) is a framework for running scripting languages like VisualBasic and JavaScript as server-side scripting languages. Developed by Microsoft, this is mainly supported by Microsoft-brand Web Server software. As a solution for creating dynamic Web sites, ASP basically fills the same role as PHP, but with some degree of freedom in your choice of programming language. The trade-off is a loss of freedom in your choice of Web server software.
Cold Fusion
A Web server with its own built-in server-side scripting language in one product, Cold Fusion is designed to be easy for inexperienced users to set up and learn. Unlike some of the above-mentioned solutions that are free, Cold Fusion is a commercial product. It does come with a helpful authoring environment, but with PHP, ASP, and others becoming more and more easy to learn and use, Cold Fusion is losing popularity.
Server-Side Java (Servlets, JavaServer Pages, etc.)
We already mentioned Java in the client-side portion of this article as a language for creating “Applets” – small programs that run in Web pages using a “Java Virtual Machine” (JVM) embedded in the Web browser. Java, as a full-blown programming language, however, can run just about anywhere – including on the Web server computer. In the past few years, plug-in JVM’s for Web servers have endowed them with the ability to run Java programs as server-side scripts.
While this technology has been growing in leaps and bounds in areas where complex and bulletproof functionality is expected from a Web page (in eCommerce applications, for example), Java on the server side is just as intimidating to learn as Java on the client side (if not more so). If you’re an experienced programmer, then server-side Java is an extremely powerful tool to add to your repertoire; otherwise, you’ll probably want to steer clear in favour of a simpler solution like PHP or ASP.
Database Servers
A database is, in basic terms, a repository of information. Looking back at the Olympics Web site, for example, all of the event results, medal standings, and athlete biographies that appear on the site are actually stored in a database someplace. Databases are not good at displaying information in an attractive format (such as a Web page), but they’re really good at keeping track of large quantities of related information.
A database server is a program that lets another program retrieve information stored in a database. Just like Apache and OmniHTTPD are Web servers that serve Web pages, programs such as MySQL and Oracle are database servers that serve databases.
A “database-driven Web site” is a Web site where all of the actual information is stored in a database, and the Web pages themselves are produced by server-side scripts that connect to a database server to fetch that information and “plug it into” the attractive Web page design that is then sent to your Web browser. Such sites can provide access to vast quantities of information with surprisingly little maintenance overhead, because if you make a change to the information stored in the database, all the Web pages on your site that display that information are automatically updated as a result.
- Building a Database-Driven Web Site using PHP and MySQL on WebmasterBase
A free database server, this program runs on a computer to provide access to and manage one or more databases. Just as browsers use HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) to request and download Web pages, programmers can use SQL (Structured Query Language) to communicate with a MySQL server and request information stored in a database. Since it is free for most uses, MySQL is a very popular solution for creating databases for content-driven Web sites.
- Building a Database-Driven Web Site using PHP and MySQL on WebmasterBase
Which is Better?
If, until now, you’ve mainly dabbled in HTML, you may be asking yourself, “Which is better, client-side or server-side?” While this is a natural question to ask, the fact of the matter is that neither is better than the other. Instead, they each have advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to determine which is the best choice for any given application.
Client-side technologies such as JavaScript and DHTML tend to be very “nimble” in terms of their ability to affect what is displayed on the user’s screen. These technologies, running right inside the Web browser itself, have direct access to things like browser windows and Web page elements, and can modify these in response to user actions such as mouse movements and clicks. The weakness that all client-side technologies share is their reliance on browser support, which rarely turns out to be the same on different browsers.
This limitation is completely surmounted by server-side technologies, which run entirely on the Web server, and thus only need to work properly on that one computer to produce identical results on every Web browser in the world. Server-side technologies, however, removed as they are from the web browser, cannot do anything to modify a page once it has been sent to the Web browser for display until the Web browser requests another page (usually when the user clicks a link or submits a form). Server-side technologies also tend to be more complicated to set up, as they require you to make modifications to your Web server software’s configuration.
For these reasons, most modern Web pages are created using a combination of client- and server-side technologies. Server-side is used wherever reliability, cross-browser compatibility, and direct access to resources like databases are required. When a server-side technology isn’t “nimble” enough to produce the desired results, a little client-side technology can often be added to the mix to provide the right balance of power and responsiveness to user input.
Is your head spinning yet? There really is a lot to learn in Web development, and it often seems like the possibilities are growing faster than your ability to take advantage of them all! The trick is to keep in mind what you are trying to accomplish, and focus on learning those technologies that will help you better meet those goals.
Are you considering an advanced Web design project of your own? Need some advice from the experts? Questions and discussions related to this article, as always, are welcome in the Forums. See you there!
Frequently Asked Questions on Advanced Web Design
What are the key elements of advanced web design?
Advanced web design goes beyond the basics of creating a visually appealing website. It involves a deep understanding of user experience (UX), search engine optimization (SEO), responsive design, and the latest web technologies. Key elements include a clean and intuitive interface, fast loading times, mobile-friendly design, and effective navigation. It also involves the use of advanced coding languages like JavaScript, PHP, and Python to create dynamic, interactive elements.
How does advanced web design differ from basic web design?
While basic web design focuses on the aesthetic aspects and layout of a website, advanced web design delves deeper into the technical aspects. It involves creating a seamless user experience, optimizing for search engines, and ensuring the website is responsive across different devices. Advanced web design also involves the use of complex coding languages and technologies to create interactive features and functionalities.
Why is user experience (UX) important in advanced web design?
User experience is crucial in advanced web design as it directly impacts how visitors interact with your website. A good UX design ensures that visitors can easily navigate your site, find the information they need, and complete desired actions. This not only improves user satisfaction but also increases the chances of conversions and return visits.
How does SEO factor into advanced web design?
SEO is a critical component of advanced web design. It involves optimizing your website so it ranks higher in search engine results, thereby increasing visibility and attracting more traffic. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags, ensuring fast loading times, and creating a mobile-friendly design.
What is responsive design in the context of advanced web design?
Responsive design is a web design approach that ensures your website looks and functions well on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This is crucial in today’s digital age where people access the internet from various devices. A responsive design improves user experience and can also boost your SEO ranking.
What coding languages are commonly used in advanced web design?
Advanced web design often involves the use of complex coding languages like JavaScript, PHP, and Python. JavaScript is used to create interactive elements on your website, PHP is used for server-side scripting, and Python is used for its readability and efficiency.
How can I learn advanced web design?
There are many resources available for learning advanced web design. This includes online courses, tutorials, and guides. You can also learn by practicing and experimenting with different web technologies and tools. It’s important to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the field.
What are some common challenges in advanced web design?
Some common challenges in advanced web design include ensuring compatibility across different browsers and devices, optimizing for SEO, creating a seamless user experience, and staying updated with the latest web technologies and trends. It also requires a deep understanding of coding languages and web technologies.
How does advanced web design impact business performance?
Advanced web design can significantly impact business performance. A well-designed website can attract more visitors, increase engagement, and boost conversions. It can also improve your SEO ranking, increasing visibility and driving more traffic to your site. Moreover, a good user experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
What are some examples of advanced web design?
Examples of advanced web design include websites that feature interactive elements, dynamic content, personalized user experiences, and advanced functionalities. This could be anything from e-commerce websites with personalized product recommendations to news websites with dynamic content updates.
Kevin Yank is an accomplished web developer, speaker, trainer and author of Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL and Co-Author of Simply JavaScript and Everything You Know About CSS is Wrong! Kevin loves to share his wealth of knowledge and it didn't stop at books, he's also the course instructor to 3 online courses in web development. Currently Kevin is the Director of Front End Engineering at Culture Amp.