My Website’s Broken: 5 Steps to Determine What’s Wrong

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We’ve all been there. Your wonderful website has been running successfully for months then — BAM — it disappears. Or, more often, certain features stop functioning. Despite your protests that nothing has changed, your client isn’t happy. Prepare yourself for a few frustrating hours of problem probing.

Step 1: Identify the Issue

This might sound obvious, but I’ve known many developers open their IDE and start hacking at random code. It’s more important to determine the issue than the cause at this stage. Is the site unavailable? Is a particular page or function failing? Is it limited to specific browsers?

Step 2: Test Resource Availability

Nine times out of ten, the problem will be caused by a connectivity issue at your end or the client’s. If you can’t access any other pages, it’s not surprising that your website has disappeared. That said, it’s not always obvious; certain IP ranges, countries or sections of the internet can become temporarily blocked. Test your site from a variety of locations — a public proxy server will help identify whether it’s a local or global problem. If possible, examine the status of other sites running from the same server or web host. One less obvious problem is disk space. If you’re running a busy site, server logs can rapidly use the available space even when your application’s storage requirements are low. Remember that you might be using resources on other servers. This includes CDN-hosted files, database servers, or remotely-hosted APIs such as those for Google Maps, YouTube, Twitter, advertising services etc. You should also check your server loads. A major traffic spike or Denial of Service attack will cause access problems. Finally, is your domain registration valid and is the DNS server responding as it should?

Step 3: Identify What Changed

Once you’ve rejected connectivity, traffic, DNS and disk space, it’s time to determine what changed. 999 times out of 1,000 the problem will have been caused by an update. You may not have touched the files but are you sure others haven’t? Check with everyone who has access but don’t necessarily believe them. Here’s a typical conversation you’ll encounter… Client: My sites not working. What are you going to do about it? You:
I’ll fix it. Have you made any changes recently? Client: No. It was like that when I got here. …five hour’s frantic investigation… You: You changed X, didn’t you? Client: X? Oh yes, I changed X. I did that when I was fiddling with Y and Z. Your application may not be directly to blame. Has your web host updated the OS, language runtime, database software or file permissions? While vendors attempt to ensure PHP, Ruby, Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. remain backward compatible, features will almost certainly change or break between editions.

Step 4: Reject the Edge Cases

Although rare, you should look for signs of cracking. Software such as WordPress, Joomla and OScommerce are obvious targets, however, changes are often subtle because the cracker wants to retain access. For example, you might discover that a file explorer add-on has been installed or phishing pages have appeared deep within the file structure. Finally, you should never rule out hardware problems. Corrupt memory chips or disk sectors could be responsible for any number of bizarre issues. If possible, evaluate your application on a similar set-up or install a separate test version on the same server.

Step 5: Fix Your App

Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Perhaps your code isn’t as perfect as you thought… Do you have any tips for diagnosing website or application problems? What was the most difficult issue you encountered?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Fixing Broken Websites

What are the common causes of broken websites?

Broken websites can be caused by a variety of factors. These include outdated plugins, themes, or software, server issues, changes in URLs, deleted pages, or even malware attacks. Sometimes, a website may break due to coding errors or compatibility issues between different elements of the website. It’s important to regularly monitor your website for any issues and fix them promptly to ensure a smooth user experience.

How can I identify broken links on my website?

There are several tools available online that can help you identify broken links on your website. These include Dead Link Checker, Ahrefs’ Broken Link Checker, and Dr. Link Check. These tools crawl your website and identify any links that lead to non-existent or error pages. Regularly checking for broken links can help improve your website’s SEO and user experience.

How can I fix broken links on my website?

Once you’ve identified broken links on your website, you can fix them by either updating the link if the page has moved, or removing the link if the page no longer exists. If a page has been deleted, consider redirecting the URL to a relevant page to avoid frustrating users. Remember to regularly check for and fix broken links to maintain your website’s SEO ranking and user experience.

How can server issues cause a website to break?

Server issues can cause a website to break by making it inaccessible to users. This can happen if the server is down, if there’s a problem with the server’s configuration, or if the server is overloaded with traffic. Regularly monitoring your server’s performance can help prevent these issues and ensure your website remains accessible to users.

How can outdated plugins or themes cause a website to break?

Outdated plugins or themes can cause a website to break by creating compatibility issues with other elements of the website. They may also contain security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers, leading to further issues. Regularly updating your plugins and themes can help prevent these problems and keep your website running smoothly.

How can changes in URLs cause a website to break?

Changes in URLs can cause a website to break by creating broken links. If a page’s URL is changed without updating the links that point to it, those links will lead to non-existent pages, frustrating users and hurting your website’s SEO. Always update links when changing URLs to prevent this issue.

How can I prevent my website from breaking?

Regular maintenance is key to preventing your website from breaking. This includes regularly updating plugins, themes, and software, monitoring server performance, checking for and fixing broken links, and regularly backing up your website. Regularly reviewing and updating your website’s content can also help prevent issues.

How can malware attacks cause a website to break?

Malware attacks can cause a website to break by injecting malicious code into the website, which can cause it to behave unpredictably or become inaccessible. Regularly scanning your website for malware and keeping your website’s software up-to-date can help prevent these attacks.

How can coding errors cause a website to break?

Coding errors can cause a website to break by causing elements of the website to behave unpredictably or not function at all. Regularly testing your website and fixing any coding errors can help prevent these issues and ensure your website functions as intended.

How can compatibility issues cause a website to break?

Compatibility issues between different elements of a website can cause it to break by causing those elements to not function properly together. Regularly testing your website and updating plugins, themes, and software can help prevent these issues and ensure your website functions smoothly.

Craig BucklerCraig Buckler
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Craig is a freelance UK web consultant who built his first page for IE2.0 in 1995. Since that time he's been advocating standards, accessibility, and best-practice HTML5 techniques. He's created enterprise specifications, websites and online applications for companies and organisations including the UK Parliament, the European Parliament, the Department of Energy & Climate Change, Microsoft, and more. He's written more than 1,000 articles for SitePoint and you can find him @craigbuckler.

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