10 Helpful Lorem Ipsum “Dummy Text” Generators
1. Dynamic Dummy Image Generator
Height is optional, if no height is specified the image will be a square.

2. HTML Ipsum
HTML Ipsumis a website presenting “Lorem Ipsum” text in HTML format. It can also provide Mac-friendly outputs with: Coda clips, Textmate bundles, and Menu bar app.

3. Liquor Ipsum
A Stiffer Lorem Ipsum Generator

4. Fillerati
Faux Latin is a Dead Language

5. Vatican Assassin
Charlie Sheen Lorem Ipsum Generator

6. LittleIpsum
Latin Text Generator for Mac OS X

7. Dummy Text Generator
Handy tool helps you create dummy text for all your layout needs.

8. Bacon Ipsum
A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator

9. Veggie Ipsum
The vegetarian Lorem Ipsum generator

10. Cupcake Ipsum
Sugar-coated Lorem Ipsum Generator

11. http://gagipsum.com/
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generators
What is a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator?
A Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator is a tool that produces ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text or images. ‘Lorem Ipsum’ is a type of placeholder text used in the publishing and design industry when the final text or image is not available. These generators are particularly useful for web designers and developers who need to visualize how a website or application will look before the actual content is ready.
How do I use a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator?
Using a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator is quite straightforward. You simply visit the generator’s website, specify the amount of ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text or the number of images you need, and then click a button to generate it. The generated content can then be copied and pasted into your design or development project.
Are there different types of Lorem Ipsum text?
Yes, there are different types of Lorem Ipsum text. Some generators produce the classic ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text, which is derived from a Latin text by Cicero. Other generators produce ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text in different languages, or text that is humorous or related to a specific industry. This can be useful if you want your placeholder text to have a certain feel or tone.
Can I customize the Lorem Ipsum text or images that are generated?
Yes, many Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generators allow you to customize the generated content. For example, you may be able to specify the length of the text, the number of paragraphs, or the size of the images. Some generators also allow you to choose the language of the text or the theme of the images.
Is it free to use a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator?
Most Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generators are free to use. However, some generators may offer premium features for a fee, such as the ability to generate large amounts of text or high-resolution images.
Can I use the generated Lorem Ipsum text or images in my final product?
Lorem Ipsum text and images are typically used as placeholders and are not intended to be used in the final product. However, there are no rules against using them if you choose to do so.
Why should I use a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator instead of real content?
Using a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator allows you to focus on the design and layout of your project without being distracted by the content. It also allows you to easily see how your design will accommodate different amounts and types of content.
Are there any downsides to using Lorem Ipsum text or images?
One potential downside to using Lorem Ipsum text or images is that they can make it harder to evaluate how your design will look with real content. For this reason, some designers prefer to use real content as soon as it is available.
Can I use a Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generator for print projects?
Yes, Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generators can be used for print projects as well as digital projects. The generated text or images can be copied and pasted into your design software.
Are there any alternatives to Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generators?
Yes, there are alternatives to Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text/Image Generators. For example, some designers prefer to write their own placeholder text or use real content as soon as it is available. There are also other types of placeholder text, such as ‘Greeking’ text, which is nonsensical text that is used to fill space in a design.
Sam Deering has 15+ years of programming and website development experience. He was a website consultant at Console, ABC News, Flight Centre, Sapient Nitro, and the QLD Government and runs a tech blog with over 1 million views per month. Currently, Sam is the Founder of Crypto News, Australia.