The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made with My Web Site

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I was looking through the history of my web sites on the Wayback Machine recently. After having a good laugh, I started thinking about some things I could have done or could still do better with my current sites. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made, although it has been rectified, still haunts me.

My Biggest Mistake Was…

It’s a little embarrassing to admit that I just recently started providing a free download to site visitors as a way to share knowledge, gauge interest and request names and addresses for future communication.It’s arguably more of a lost opportunity than an obvious mistake, but is still something that makes it on my “should have known better” list. Especially when you consider that I regularly advise my own clients on the value of providing downloads and capturing email addresses of interested parties. Oops.

tip: Back to the Future

If you haven’t checked out the timeline of your sites lately, I highly recommend it. Not only is it great comic relief, but you can review your progress, see what’s changed, learn from your mistakes, and brainstorm new ways to continue moving forward.

Of course, I have made (and still make) my share of mistakes — on my web site, in my business and in life. In fact, some of the other web site-related mistakes I’ve made include skimping on SEO, not bothering to validate the site after major overhauls, and not checking links as often as I should. Ahh…live and learn, right?

Your Turn

Okay, now it’s time for you to share your biggest web site mistake so we can spread around the shame and regret. What’s tops your list or gives you the biggest laugh when you look back?Image credit: eyebiz

Alyssa GregoryAlyssa Gregory
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Alyssa Gregory is a digital and content marketer, small business consultant, and the founder of the Small Business Bonfire — a social, educational and collaborative community for entrepreneurs.

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