This is just wrong…

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Messing around with against the webtuesday access logs and noticed a surprising number of referrals from Google for searches like 14th November – the 9th result takes you to to here! (I’m not logged out from Google so I assume these aren’t somehow weighted by my search history)

Exploring further…

That last meeting on the 9th Jan 2007 has yet to happen, was only created just over 2 weeks ago and has had no signficant external linking-to, other than upcoming.

Here’s a snippet of webtuesday access log analysis (thanks to visitors);

* Number of unique visitors: 1492
* Different days in logfile: 6
   29/Oct/2006: 224       |##################################           15.0%
   30/Oct/2006: 243       |#####################################        16.3%
   31/Oct/2006: 216       |#################################            14.5%
   01/Nov/2006: 249       |######################################       16.7%
   02/Nov/2006: 282       |############################################ 18.9%
   03/Nov/2006: 278       |###########################################  18.6%

… this is not a site taking a lot of traffic and in terms semantic relevance to someone searching for these dates, it’s a bunch of nerds meeting here to discuss nerdy things.

Can only guess either…

  • No ones jumped on dates for SEO
  • Google takes Sitepoint too seriously (for the right price *nudge* *wink* – joke!)
  • The Internet is by nerds for nerds (hence we deserve the best results)
  • ?

Considering this, think there’s a way to go before Tim needs to get worried.

Anyway – would be happy to see those results drop their rank – it’s just wrong.

Harry FuecksHarry Fuecks
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Harry Fuecks is the Engineering Project Lead at Tamedia and formerly the Head of Engineering at Squirro. He is a data-driven facilitator, leader, coach and specializes in line management, hiring software engineers, analytics, mobile, and marketing. Harry also enjoys writing and you can read his articles on SitePoint and Medium.

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