Testing JavaScript with Jasmine, Travis, and Karma
Key Takeaways
- GitHub and Travis CI are used to host and test code respectively. After creating a repository on GitHub, users can sync it with Travis CI to run tests against the repository.
- Node.js serves as the powerhouse for the testing setup. Karma, a testing framework, is installed to help run Jasmine on Travis CI in Firefox, with necessary plugins karma-jasmine and karma-firefox-launcher also installed.
- Travis is configured using a .travis.yml file, which specifies that Node.js is used to test JavaScript and use Firefox as a browser. The configuration also instructs Travis to run npm install to grab all necessary plugins before testing begins.
- Jasmine is used to write tests for the JavaScript code. The tests are written to check for specific elements and attributes in the code. Once the tests are written and committed, Travis automatically detects changes and runs the tests.
GitHub and Travis CI
In order to test our code, we’re going to use GitHub and Travis CI. GitHub will host our code, and Travis CI will serve as the testing platform. This is all completely free for public repositories, and there’s plenty of documentation to help you in using both these products. The first thing to do is to create a repository on GitHub. For the sake of this tutorial, I’ve created a repository that you can find here. The next step is to visit the page at https://travis-ci.org/ and sign in with GitHub. Once done, you’ll need to add a repository for Travis to run tests against as shown in the image below.

Doing Stuff with Node.js
Just like Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, Node.js is going to be the powerhouse of our sweet testing setup. If you haven’t installed Node.js, visit its website and install it. Once done, clone the repository you created in the previous section so that you have all the files in your local machine. At this point, we’re ready to install Karma! Karma is a testing framework originally created by the AngularJS team. We’re going to use it to help us run Jasmine on Travis CI in Firefox. I know that sounded overwhelming, but don’t worry! Soon we’ll have some really cool tests running and it’ll all be worth it. If you don’t have already apackage.json
file and the node_module
folder in your repository, run npm init
and complete the setup. The previous command will help you in creating the package.json
file. Next, run the following command:
npm install karma --save-dev
We’re also going to install a few necessary Karma plugins: karma-jasmine and karma-firefox-launcher. So go ahead and run:
npm install karma-jasmine karma-firefox-launcher --save-dev
Now that we have all of the necessary plugins installed, we want to tell Karma about our project so that it can run tests against it. Run the command:
karma init my.conf.js
This will take you through a guided setup, asking you questions about your project and its environment. The following screenshot will show all of the required questions and answers for a simple Karma setup:

doesn’t exist. As for dist/*.js
, that’s the file that I plan to run my tests against, which may be different for your project.
That’s it! Karma is good to go!
Configuring Travis
So far, Travis has no idea what to do with our repository. Let’s fix this. We’ll need to create a.travis.yml
file with the following code:
language: node_js
- "0.10"
script: node_modules/karma/bin/karma start my.conf.js --single-run
- export DISPLAY=:99.0
- sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
- npm install
This tells Travis that we’re using Node.js to test JavaScript and use Firefox as a browser. Besides, we specify that before it begins testing, it should run npm install
to grab all of the necessary plugins.
Writing Tests with Jasmine
Up to this point, we have Karma and Travis properly configured. So, we’re ready to write some tests for our JavaScript code. For my sample repository, I have a file calledcoolLibrary.js
that adds a teal square to the body element and gives it a data
attribute. You can see it in action on CodePen.
In order to test this code, I’ve created the tests
directory mentioned in the my.conf.js
file, and from there I’ll add the jasmine test files. My first test will be a simple check to ensure that there is a div
on the page with a class of box
. Jasmine makes this very simple with an easy-to-understand function syntax. Here’s what the first test (checkIfDivExists.js
) looks like:
describe('getDiv', function() {
var d = document.querySelector('.box');
it('Should exist', function() {
This creates a Suite that searches for an element with the class of box
, and expects its node name to be DIV
. The syntax is pretty straightforward.
In addition to the previous test, I’ll also create two more tests that you can find in the GitHub repository for this project and that are copied below for your commodity:
describe('getDivBg', function() {
var d = document.querySelector('.box');
it('Should be teal', function() {
describe('getDivAttribute', function() {
var d = document.querySelector('.box');
it('Should be bar', function() {
Running the Tests
With the tests for our code in place, our final step is to commit our code. This will add all of our testing logic and trigger a build on Travis. Don’t forget to have a.gitignore
file that ensures your node_modules
folder isn’t pushed into the repository! Once you commit and push your code, Travis will automatically detect the changes and run your tests. The process may take a few minutes, but you’ll be alerted via email as soon as the build is complete.

In this tutorial we learned how to set up a simple testing environment for our JavaScript code using Karma, Jasmine, and Travis. Feel free to see the final result at https://github.com/sitepoint-editors/FEJStesting and sound off with any questions or concerns in the comments! You can view the latest test on Travis at https://travis-ci.org/tevko/FEJStestingFrequently Asked Questions about JavaScript Testing with Jasmine, Travis, and Karma
What is the main difference between Jasmine and Karma?
Jasmine and Karma are both popular tools used for testing JavaScript code, but they serve different purposes. Jasmine is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks or a Document Object Model (DOM). It provides functions to help with structuring your tests and also making assertions. As for Karma, it is a test runner for JavaScript that runs on Node.js. It is suitable for development and it is designed to work with any testing framework, Jasmine included. In essence, Jasmine is used to write tests and Karma is used to execute them.
How can I integrate Travis CI with Jasmine and Karma for continuous integration?
Travis CI is a continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted on GitHub. To integrate Travis CI with Jasmine and Karma, you need to add a .travis.yml configuration file to your project. This file will instruct Travis on how to build your project. The configuration may vary depending on the specifics of your project, but generally, you will need to specify the language (JavaScript), the versions of Node.js to use, and the script to run for testing, which would be the Karma start command.
How can I write a test case in Jasmine?
Writing a test case in Jasmine involves describing a suite of tests with the global Jasmine function describe()
, and then defining the tests within that suite using the global Jasmine function it()
. Each test will contain one or more expectations that test the state of the code. An expectation in Jasmine is an assertion that can be either true or false. Here is a simple example:describe("A suite", function() {
it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {
How can I install and configure Karma?
To install Karma, you need to have Node.js and npm (node package manager) installed on your machine. You can install Karma using npm by running the command npm install karma --save-dev
. After installing Karma, you need to add a Karma configuration file to your project. This can be done by running the command ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma init my.conf.js
and then following the prompts to create the configuration file.
What are some common issues I might encounter when using Jasmine, Travis, and Karma, and how can I troubleshoot them?
Some common issues include tests failing due to unexpected behavior, Travis CI build failures, and Karma not running tests as expected. Troubleshooting these issues often involves checking your test cases for errors, ensuring your .travis.yml file is correctly configured, and checking the Karma configuration file for errors. Additionally, all these tools have extensive documentation and active communities online, so searching for your issue or asking for help in these places can often provide a solution.
How can I use spies in Jasmine for mocking and stubbing?
Spies are a great way to simulate function calls and check how they are used. They are created with jasmine.createSpy()
. Once a spy is created, you can chain methods like .and.callThrough()
, .and.returnValue()
, and .and.callFake()
to control its behavior. You can also use .toHaveBeenCalled()
and .toHaveBeenCalledWith()
to check how the spy was called.
How can I run a single test or a specific suite of tests in Jasmine?
Jasmine provides the functions fdescribe()
and fit()
to focus on specific suites or tests. By replacing describe()
with fdescribe()
or it()
with fit()
, you can run only the suites or tests that are marked with these functions.
How can I set up code coverage with Karma and Jasmine?
Code coverage can be set up with Karma and Jasmine using the karma-coverage
plugin. This plugin uses Istanbul under the hood for instrumenting your code. Once the plugin is installed and configured, it will generate a coverage report every time your tests are run.
How can I use async and done in Jasmine for asynchronous testing?
Jasmine provides the done
function for testing asynchronous code. If done
is passed as an argument to your test function, Jasmine will wait until done
is called before moving on to the next test. Here’s an example:it("async test example", function(done) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
How can I use beforeEach and afterEach in Jasmine?
and afterEach
are functions in Jasmine that are called before and after each test in a suite, respectively. They are useful for setting up and tearing down test environments, which can help prevent tests from affecting each other. Here’s an example:describe("A suite with beforeEach and afterEach", function() {
let foo = 0;
beforeEach(function() {
foo += 1;
afterEach(function() {
foo = 0;
it("test example", function() {
Tim Evko is a front end web developer from New York, with a passion for responsive web development, Sass, and JavaScript. He lives on coffee, CodePen demos and flannel shirts.
Published in
·Debugging & Deployment·Development Environment·Microsoft Tech·PHP·Programming·Web·December 7, 2013