
Testing Across Node.js Versions Using Docker

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Key Takeaways

  • Docker Node Test (DNT) is a utility that simplifies testing Node.js versions using Docker, a tool that creates lightweight, isolated compute instances. DNT sets up containers for testing and runs project tests in those containers.
  • DNT allows testing across different versions of Node.js in parallel, as long as the machine has the resources. The default concurrency level is set to the number of cores on the computer, but this can be configured based on the type of tests being run.
  • DNT can be customized to include other external tools and libraries required by a project. However, this is a manual step in the set-up process. DNT parses the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) test output and reports the test status back on the command-line.
  • DNT could potentially form the basis of a local Continuous Integration (CI) system as well as a general testing tool. The speed of testing even makes it possible to run tests on every git commit, or perhaps even every save.

The Problem: Testing

NAN is a project designed to assist in building native (C++) Node.js add-ons while maintaining compatibility with Node and V8 from Node versions 0.8 onwards. V8 is undergoing major internal changes which is making add-on development very difficult. NAN’s purpose is to abstract that pain. Instead of having to keep your code compatible across Node/V8 versions, NAN does it for you, and this is no simple task. This means that we have to be sure to keep NAN tested and compatible with all of the versions it claims to support. This is not a trivial exercise! Travis CI can help a little with this. It’s possible to use nvm to test across different versions of Node.js even beyond the officialy supported versions. We’ve tried this with NAN, without a whole lot of success. Ideally, you’d have better choice of Node versions, but Travis has had some difficulty keeping up. Also, historical npm bugs that ship with older versions of Node.js tend to cause a high failure rate due to npm install problems. For this reason, we don’t even publish the Travis badge on the NAN README because it just doesn’t work. The other problem with Travis is that it’s a CI solution, not a proper testing solution. Even if it worked well, it’s not really that helpful in the development process, as you need rapid feedback that your code is working on your target platforms (this is one reason why I love back-end development more than front-end development!)

The Solution: Docker

Enter Docker and DNT. Docker is a tool that simplifies the use of Linux containers to create lightweight, isolated compute “instances”. Solaris and its variants have had this functionality for years in the form of “zones”, but it’s a relatively new concept for Linux and Docker makes the whole process a lot more friendly. Dockers relative simplicity has meant an amazing amout of activity in the Linux container space in recent months, it’s become a huge ecosystem almost overnight.

DNT: Docker Node Tester

Docker Node Test, or DNT, is a very simple utility that contains two tools for working with Docker and Node.js. One tool helps to setup containers for testing, and the other runs your project’s tests in those containers. DNT includes a setup-dnt script that sets up the most basic Docker images required to run Node.js applications, and nothing extra. It first creates an image called dev_base
that uses the default Docker “ubuntu” image, and adds the build tools required to compile and install Node.js Next it creates a node_dev image that contains a complete copy of the Node.js source repository. Finally, it creates a series of images that are required for the tests you want to run. For each Node version, it creates an image with Node installed and ready to use. Setting up a project is a matter of creating a .dntrc file in the root directory of the project. This configuration file sets a NODE_VERSIONS variable with a list of all of the versions of Node you want to test against. This list can include “master” to test the latest code from the Node repository. You also set a TEST_CMD variable with a series of commands required to set up, compile, and execute your tests. The setup-dnt command can be run against a .dntrc file to make sure that the appropriate Docker images are ready. The dnt command can then be used to execute the tests against all of the Node versions you specified. Since Docker containers are completely isolated, DNT can run tests in parallel as long as the machine has the resources. The default is to use the number of cores on the computer as the concurrency level, but this can be configured if this isn’t appropriate for the kinds of tests you want to run. It’s also possible to customise the base test image to include other external tools and libraries required by your project, although this is a manual step in the set-up process. Currently DNT is designed to parse TAP test output by reading the final line as either “ok” or “not ok” to report test status back on the command-line. It is configurable, but you need to supply a command that will transform test output to either an “ok” or “not ok” (sed to the rescue?). The non-standard output of the Mocha TAP reporter is also supported out of the box.

Current Uses

My primary use case is for testing NAN. Being able to test against all the different V8 and Node APIs while coding is super helpful, particularly when tests run so quickly! My NAN .dntrc file tests against master, many of the 0.11 releases since 0.11.4 (0.11.0 to 0.11.3 are explicitly not supported by NAN and 0.11.11 and 0.11.12 are completely broken for native addons), and the last five releases of the 0.10 and 0.8 series. At the moment that’s 18 versions of Node in all, and on my computer the test suite takes approximately 20 seconds to complete across all of these releases. The NAN .dntrc file is shown below.
  master   \
  v0.11.10 \
  v0.11.9  \
  v0.11.8  \
  v0.11.7  \
  v0.11.6  \
  v0.11.5  \
  v0.11.4  \
  v0.10.26 \
  v0.10.25 \
  v0.10.24 \
  v0.10.23 \
  v0.10.22 \
  v0.8.26  \
  v0.8.25  \
  v0.8.24  \
  v0.8.23  \
  v0.8.22  \
  cd /dnt/test/ &&                                               \
  npm install &&                                                 \
  node_modules/.bin/node-gyp --nodedir /usr/src/node/ rebuild && \
  node_modules/.bin/tap js/*-test.js;                            \
Next, I configured LevelDOWN for DNT. LevelDOWN is a raw C++ binding that exposes LevelDB to Node.js. Its main use is the backend for LevelUP. The needs are much simpler, as the tests only need to do a compile and run a lot of node-tap tests. The LevelDOWN .dntrc is shown in the following code sample.
  master   \
  v0.11.10 \
  v0.11.9  \
  v0.10.26 \
  v0.10.25 \
  v0.8.26  \
  cd /dnt/ &&                                                    \
  npm install &&                                                 \
  node_modules/.bin/node-gyp --nodedir /usr/src/node/ rebuild && \
  node_modules/.bin/tap test/*-test.js;                          \
Another native Node add-on that I’ve set up with DNT is my libssh Node.js bindings
. This one is a little more complicated because you need to have some non-standard libraries installed before compile. My .dntrc adds some extra apt-get sauce to fetch and install those packages. It means the tests take a little longer but it’s not prohibitive. An alternative would be to configure the node_dev base image to add these packages to all of my versioned images. The node-libssh .dntrc is shown below.
NODE_VERSIONS="master v0.11.10 v0.10.26"
  apt-get install -y libkrb5-dev libssl-dev &&                           \
  cd /dnt/ &&                                                            \
  npm install &&                                                         \
  node_modules/.bin/node-gyp --nodedir /usr/src/node/ rebuild --debug && \
  node_modules/.bin/tap test/*-test.js --stderr;                         \
LevelUP isn’t a native add-on, but it does use LevelDOWN, which requires compiling. For the DNT config I’m removing node_modules/leveldown/ prior to npm install so it gets rebuilt each time for each new version of Node. The LevelUP .dntrc is shown below:
  master   \
  v0.11.10 \
  v0.11.9  \
  v0.10.26 \
  v0.10.25 \
  v0.8.26  \
  cd /dnt/ &&                                                    \
  rm -rf node_modules/leveldown/ &&                              \
  npm install --nodedir=/usr/src/node &&                         \
  node_modules/.bin/tap test/*-test.js --stderr;                 \

Future Work

It’s not hard to imagine this forming the basis of a local CI system as well as a general testing tool. The speed even makes it tempting to run the tests on every git commit, or perhaps even every save. Already, the New Relic Node.js agent team is using an internal fork of DNT for the very complicated job of testing their agent against many versions of Node.js combined with tests for various common server frameworks. I’m always keen to have contributors, if you have particular needs and the skills to implement new functionality then I’d love to hear from you. I’m generally very open with my open source projects and happy to add contributors who add something valuable. See the DNT GitHub repo for installation and detailed usage instructions. Rod is one of the speakers at this year’s Web Directions Code, happening in Melbourne on May 1st and 2nd. Use discount code SITEPOINT to get the lowest price on Web Directions Code tickets!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Testing Across Node.js Versions Using Docker

How can I install the latest version of Node.js in a Docker container?

To install the latest version of Node.js in a Docker container, you can use the official Node.js Docker image. In your Dockerfile, specify the Node.js version you want to use. For example, to use the latest version, you can write FROM node:latest. This will pull the latest Node.js image from Docker Hub. Then, you can use the RUN command to install any additional packages or dependencies your application needs.

How can I update Node.js inside a Docker container?

Updating Node.js inside a Docker container involves creating a new Docker image with the updated version of Node.js. In your Dockerfile, change the version of Node.js in the FROM command to the version you want to update to. Then, rebuild the Docker image and restart the Docker container. Remember, Docker containers are ephemeral, so any data not stored in a volume will be lost when the container is restarted.

How can I install Node.js in a Dockerfile?

Installing Node.js in a Dockerfile is straightforward. You can use the FROM command to specify the Node.js Docker image you want to use. For example, FROM node:14 will use the Node.js version 14 image. Then, you can use the RUN command to install any additional packages or dependencies your application needs.

How can I get started with Docker using Node.js?

To get started with Docker using Node.js, you first need to install Docker on your machine. Then, create a Dockerfile in your Node.js application directory. In the Dockerfile, specify the Node.js version you want to use and any additional packages or dependencies your application needs. Then, you can build the Docker image and run the Docker container.

How can I use the node update command in Docker?

The node update command in Docker is used to update the configuration of a node in a Docker swarm. It’s not used to update Node.js in a Docker container. To update Node.js in a Docker container, you need to create a new Docker image with the updated version of Node.js and restart the Docker container.

How can I test across different Node.js versions using Docker?

To test across different Node.js versions using Docker, you can create multiple Dockerfiles, each specifying a different Node.js version. Then, you can build and run each Docker image separately, running your tests in each container. This allows you to easily test your application across multiple Node.js versions without having to manually install and switch between Node.js versions on your machine.

How can I manage Node.js versions in Docker?

Managing Node.js versions in Docker involves specifying the Node.js version in your Dockerfile and creating a new Docker image whenever you want to update to a new version. You can also use Docker tags to label different versions of your Docker image, making it easy to switch between different Node.js versions.

How can I use Docker for Node.js development?

Docker can be a powerful tool for Node.js development. By using Docker, you can create a consistent development environment that’s isolated from your local machine. This means that you can easily share your development environment with other developers, and you can be sure that your application will run the same way in production as it does in development.

How can I debug Node.js applications in Docker?

Debugging Node.js applications in Docker can be done using the docker logs command to view the output of your application, or by attaching a debugger to the Node.js process running inside the Docker container. You can also use Docker’s interactive mode to run your application and interact with it directly.

How can I optimize my Node.js Docker images?

Optimizing your Node.js Docker images can involve several steps, including minimizing the number of layers in your Dockerfile, using a smaller base image, and removing unnecessary files and packages. You can also use Docker’s build cache to speed up the build process, and use Docker’s multi-stage builds to separate the build process from the runtime environment.

Rod VaggRod Vagg
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Rod Vagg is a Node.js developer and consultant and maintains a large portfolio of open source projects. He is a partner with The Node Firm where he helps companies such as PayPal and Netflix migrate to Node.js. Rod will be speaking at Web Directions Code 2014 on asynchronous programming patterns.

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