News Wire: CSS Turns Ten

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  • Adobe has released Photoshop CS3 Beta for all licensed CS2 users. Others can download it to get a 2-day trial. The revamped UI is very nice, while other new features are nice, but not ground-breaking. Universal Binary support for Intel Macs at last!
  • About 90 minutes of free video training with Photoshop expert Deke McLelland from, to get you up and running with the new Photoshop CS3 beta.
  • Another look at the technique of using “dummy” domain names to overcome the default 2-connection limit enforced by current browsers when connecting to HTTP 1.1 servers. In this particular case study, a 40% reduction in load time was achieved.
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  • Nearing 1.0, the MODx CMS is currently undergoing extensive rewrites of its core functionality in order to make it cleaner and more extensible. This article is an extensive discussion of how the MVC design pattern is being implemented in these rewrites.
  • Google’s re-release of Google Web Accelerator has renewed the argument over who is responsible for the software automatically following links that do things like delete database records.
  • Adobe has launched a community-based site for tracking browser-specific CSS problems and the solutions to them. This site will be integrated into the next version of Dreamweaver, due for release in 2007.
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  • It’s CSS’s tenth anniversary, and the W3C have commemorated the event by putting up a special mini-site. (thanks craiga)
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  • Developed at IBM, Operator is an extension that adds to Firefox useful support for Microformats. (thanks andrewk, gnarly)
  • It’s easier than ever to get started with Django, thanks to this easy Windows installer. (thanks spiky_simon)
  • Instead of a lengthy requirements document, this design firm has developed the Task Analysis Grid, a visual means of laying out the tasks involved in a design contract that clearly communicates design decisions to the client.
  • Stefan Esser leaves the PHP Security Response Team, claiming that there is a culture of blaming the user for faults in PHP security, rather than finding ways to improve PHP’s security from the inside. (thanks kyberfabrikken)
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Kevin YankKevin Yank
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Kevin Yank is an accomplished web developer, speaker, trainer and author of Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL and Co-Author of Simply JavaScript and Everything You Know About CSS is Wrong! Kevin loves to share his wealth of knowledge and it didn't stop at books, he's also the course instructor to 3 online courses in web development. Currently Kevin is the Director of Front End Engineering at Culture Amp.

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