Learning From Failure

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This week has been one of learning for me. I’ve always believed that you reap the greatest rewards when you’re honest, and this week I have found out just how true that is. It was with my fingers crossed and my breath held that I published the latest issue of the Community Crier. I decided to use it as a vehicle to communicate my experience with the failure of the Community T-shirt Project and I editorialized my experience. I got so much great feedback as a result, and by the sounds of it, a few of you have been able to learn from my mistakes. That makes it all worthwhile.

As part of my research for the article I asked for your feedback on the t-shirt project at the forums. I got plenty of responses and it sparked another issue which I was interested in – namely the culture of the forums in general. To those of you that gave me your ideas and opinions – even if they weren’t what I wanted to hear – thanks, it has given me plenty to think about.

SitePoint Forums

My focus has now moved on to the Community Book Project. The first round of submissions has come in and I am super impressed with the quality of the writing. I am really excited that we have found a way to harness some of the knowledge that is right under our noses in the forums. If you didn’t know about the project and think you have something to contribute, let us know. If we don’t have the topic covered already and you are able to get writing immediately, then we may be able to accommodate you.

I have a real treat for you on our Facebook page this week. Our co-founder, Mark Harbottle, shares his background and some invaluable tips about branding startup businesses. If you don’t know much about Mark, here’s your chance to get to know him. Don’t tell him I said this, but as well as being inspirational, he’s actually a really nice guy. Next week I’ll be introducing you to Kristen Holden, co-author of our latest kit “The SEO Business Guide”. If you missed Kristen in our exclusive Webinar last week, you can download the recording from our Facebook page now.

Hot Topics This Week

If database architecture is your thing then you need to stop in at the Database forum to have your say in the thread about how you decide on your database structure.

There is an interesting discussion about the patent laws relating to rollover images in the Web Page Design forum.

If you’re one of those SEO wizards then your presence is required in the Search Engine Optimization forum where they are talking some of the basic principals of SEO.

One of my favourite threads this week is in the Industry News forum. Jump in and tell us what creative ways you have used your iPhone or iPad.

That’s it – I’m out. Ciao.

Feature image from Chris Roberts from Digital Precision

Sarah HawkSarah Hawk
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Formerly a developer in the corporate world, HAWK (known as Sarah by her mother) said goodbye to the code and succumbed to the lure of social media to become the Community Manager for the SitePoint network. Now Hawk is working with Discourse to build their product and community.

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