Just Do It! 5 Ways to Get Over the Fear of Working for Yourself

Alyssa Gregory
Alyssa Gregory
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tightropeIf you’re contemplating starting a business or beginning a freelance career, you may be scared to death. Let’s face it; there’s a lot to worry about. So many factors come into play when you work for yourself that you may not have to face when you’re externally employed. You may worry that:

  • You will fail.
  • You will not make enough money.
  • It will have a negative impact on your family.
  • You will end up hating it.
  • You’re not disciplined enough.
  • You don’t have drive.
  • You’ll be selling something no one wants.
  • You don’t know enough about marketing, networking or business management.

Looking at this list can be paralyzing, and you may even convince yourself that you’re not cut out for entrepreneurship. But is that really the case? If you’ve done the research, the work and the planning to position yourself for self-employed success, you can’t let the fear derail you.

Try these actions to help you control the fear and follow your dreams.

1. Make the Fear Work for You

Consider all of your worries and concerns, but instead of letting them eat at your resolve, use them to push and challenge you every step of the way.

2. Adopt a Positive Attitude

Not only is having a positive attitude a key factor of success, but the more you think with optimism, the more you will believe it and the more it will start to become an automatic part of your daily life.

3. Set Realistic Goals

Start off small and let your momentum build with time. When you set realistic and achievable goals, and evaluate them often, you will be more encouraged and confident in what you can accomplish.

4. Ask for Help

It’s hard to do anything in life completely on your own. Having the support and encouragement from family and friends and knowing people believe in you can do a lot to stifle the fear. You may even want to consider a mentor to keep you on track.

5. Be Patient

Make a plan, work hard and always do your best, but realize that it’s not going to happen overnight. If you accept that it’s a process filled with both successes and failures, it will be easier to live in the moment…and appreciate each step of your journey.

What are/were your biggest fears of working for yourself? How did you overcome them?

Image credit: Kristin Smith

Alyssa Gregory is a digital and content marketer, small business consultant, and the founder of the Small Business Bonfire — a social, educational and collaborative community for entrepreneurs.

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