Easily Create Printable Pages with PrintWhatYouLike.com

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about PrintWhatYouLike.com
How does PrintWhatYouLike.com work?
PrintWhatYouLike.com is a free online tool that allows you to modify and print any webpage to suit your needs. You can remove ads, change the font size, modify the layout, and even combine multiple web pages into one. All you need to do is enter the URL of the webpage you want to edit, and the tool will load the page in an editable format. You can then use the toolbar to make your desired changes before printing or saving the page.
Is PrintWhatYouLike.com free to use?
Yes, PrintWhatYouLike.com is completely free to use. There are no hidden charges or subscription fees. It’s a great tool for anyone looking to save ink and paper when printing web pages.
Can I save my edited pages for later use?
Absolutely! PrintWhatYouLike.com allows you to save your edited pages in various formats including HTML, PDF, or Word document. This means you can come back to your edited pages at any time, or even share them with others.
Can I use PrintWhatYouLike.com on any website?
PrintWhatYouLike.com works on most websites. However, some websites may have restrictions that prevent the tool from loading the page correctly. If you encounter any issues, try disabling any ad blockers or other browser extensions that might interfere with the tool.
Is PrintWhatYouLike.com safe to use?
Yes, PrintWhatYouLike.com is safe to use. The tool does not store any personal information or track your browsing history. All edits are done on your local machine and are not saved on the PrintWhatYouLike.com servers.
Can I combine multiple web pages into one with PrintWhatYouLike.com?
Yes, one of the unique features of PrintWhatYouLike.com is the ability to combine multiple web pages into one. This can be particularly useful when you want to print or save related content from different web pages.
Can I change the layout of a webpage with PrintWhatYouLike.com?
Yes, PrintWhatYouLike.com allows you to change the layout of a webpage to suit your needs. You can remove unwanted elements, resize images, change the font size, and more.
What formats can I save my edited pages in?
PrintWhatYouLike.com allows you to save your edited pages in HTML, PDF, or Word document format. This gives you the flexibility to use your edited pages in a variety of ways.
Do I need to download any software to use PrintWhatYouLike.com?
No, PrintWhatYouLike.com is a web-based tool, so there’s no need to download any software. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection.
Can I use PrintWhatYouLike.com on my mobile device?
While PrintWhatYouLike.com is primarily designed for use on desktop computers, it can also be used on mobile devices. However, due to the smaller screen size, the tool may be less effective on mobile devices.
Before joining Jilt, Josh Catone was the Executive Director of Editorial Projects at Mashable, the Lead Writer at ReadWriteWeb, Lead Blogger at SitePoint, and the Community Evangelist at DandyID. On the side, Josh enjoys managing his blog The Fluffington Post.
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·Business·Entrepreneur·Entrepreneurship·Entrepreneurship·Freelancing·Revenue·Web·July 16, 2015