Key Takeaways
- TracePoint, a built-in class in Ruby, allows the tracing of a Ruby program’s execution. It can monitor specific events such as method calls, class definitions, and line executions, making it useful for debugging, profiling, and understanding the flow of code.
- The author demonstrates the use of TracePoint in a real-world scenario where he needed to unify and extract code validation into a library. He used TracePoint to get the caller context from within the called method and to raise an error in the called method with a message constructed from the caller context.
- TracePoint can be used to raise an informative error message. The error is raised inside a method and then modified once the context is obtained. This is achieved by capturing the raised exception using TracePoint and then redefining the exception’s message method using Ruby’s singleton methods.
- While TracePoint is a powerful tool for debugging and profiling, it’s generally not recommended to use it in production code due to its performance impact. It is best used in a development or testing environment.
This article describes a rare use case, so I feel compelled to give some background explaining my motivations for “digging” with TracePoint. You can skip to the next section if it is not interesting to you.
Note. All examples are not production code! The samples are simply for the sake of this article. Please don’t copy-paste it to your project without a thorough review.
Why did I start playing with TracePoint?
In everyday Ruby programming, it’s common to have some code at the beginning of a method to validate its arguments. Especially if you write an API method that will be called from external code, as you can’t trust anything from outside sources.
This lead me to write code like:
def my_method(arg)
arg = arg.to_sym if arg.is_a?(String)
raise unless arg.is_a?(Symbol)
I said to myself “Stop.” I’m writing something similar to the above example in every method. This code should be unified and extracted into my everyday usage library. Google didn’t give me any usable gem, so I started the EnsureIt project.
The obvious way to provide this functionality is to monkeypatch (or refine, starting from 2.1.0
) generic ruby objects with a set of methods like ensure_symbol
or ensure_string
and make appropriate validations there. This method gives us the fastest (in some cases, with no validation at all) code.
When I started coding bang methods (ensure_symbol!
and so on), I got into trouble with error reporting. Error messages should be informative and contain at least the name of the invalid argument. But I needed to have clear and usable API, so passing the argument name as another argument (something like arg.ensure_symbol!(:arg)
) was not going to work. My decision was to get the caller context from within the ensure_symbol!
method to inspect it for arguments and local variables.
And that is the start pointing for this article.
My first goal is to get the caller context from within the called method. This is not very complicated, but I’ll describe my implementation below. What is really interesting, as well as being my second goal, is to raise an error in the called method with a message constructed from the caller context.
Getting Caller Context from Called Method
Let’s start with some code. Taking into account my background form above, monkeypath Object
with the ensure_symbol!
class Object
def ensure_symbol!
raise 'argument should be a Symbol or a String'
class Symbol
def ensure_symbol!
class String
def ensure_symbol!
def test_method(test_arg)
test_arg = test_arg.ensure_symbol!
puts "passed argument: #{test_arg.inspect}"
It’s simple. For symbols, return self. For strings, convert the value to a symbol. Raise an error for any other object.
Here is the output:
$ ruby example_01.rb
passed argument: :symbol
passed argument: :string
example_01.rb:3:in `ensure_symbol!': argument should be a Symbol or a String ( RuntimeError)
from example_01.rb:20:in `test_method'
from example_01.rb:26:in `<main>'
The problem is that error message is not informative. I want to have the argument name (test_arg
) and the method name (test_method
) in the message. Something like argument 'test_arg' in method 'test_method' should be a Symbol or a String
To do this, I need the caller context inside ensure_symbol!
. There are similary purposed implementations on the web. Many of them, like binding_of_caller are ruby-platform dependent. I prefer to use ruby native tools anywhere it’s possible. Here is where TracePoint
comes into play.
Starting from version 2.0.0
Ruby introduces a new way (the old one was set_trace_func) of tracing program execution – the TracePoint class. It provides a number of ruby internal events, like returning from a method or raising an exception, which we can capture with our own code blocks. Please read the official documentation for a better understanding.
As a first attempt, I bind to the :return
event and write out useful messages to see what happened during program execution:
def raise_error(method_name, message: nil)
message = 'local variable have wrong type' unless message.is_a?(String)
counter = 0
TracePoint.trace(:return) do |tp|
if (counter += 1) > 2
puts 'Caller context reached.'
puts "Caller method name is: #{tp.method_id}"
method = eval("method(:#{tp.method_id})", tp.binding)
puts "Caller arguments: #{method.parameters}"
end # <= first call of trace point block
class Object
def ensure_symbol!
message: 'argument should be a Symbol or a String'
end # <= second call of trace point block
def test_method(test_arg)
test_arg = test_arg.ensure_symbol!
puts "passed argument: #{test_arg.inspect}"
end # <= last call of trace point block
Here we create a helper method called raise_error
to do the job. We create a TracePoint instance inside it that will be called on return
from every method until it is disabled. The initial call to raise_error
only creates this trace point, so we increment our counter an move on. We haven’t reached our desired context yet. The next block is called on return from ensure_symbol!
. Also skip it. Finally, the last block is called from our desired caller context and we can grab the method name with its arguments. Let’s see output:
$ ruby example_02.rb
passed argument: #<TracePoint:enabled>
Caller context reached.
Caller method name is: test_method
Caller arguments: [[:req, :test_arg]]
Yep! We have our coveted caller context. But first, we still have not raised the error. Also, our ensure_symbol!
block executed after the remaining code in the caller method (puts "passed argument...
Let’s modify raise_error
to execute our trace point block immediately after returning from ensure_symbol!
def raise_error(method_name, message: nil)
message = 'local variable have wrong type' unless message.is_a?(String)
counter = 0
TracePoint.trace(:return) do |first_tp|
if (counter += 1) > 1
TracePoint.trace(:line) do |second_tp|
puts 'Caller context reached.'
puts "Caller method name is: #{second_tp.method_id}"
method = eval("method(:#{second_tp.method_id})", second_tp.binding)
puts "Caller arguments: #{method.parameters}"
end # <= first call of first_tp block
class Object
def ensure_symbol!
message: 'argument should be a Symbol or a String'
end # <= second and last call of first_tp block
def test_method(test_arg)
test_arg = test_arg.ensure_symbol!
puts "passed argument: #{test_arg.inspect}" # <= call of second_tp block
Now, we are tracing only the first two returns (not three, as in the previous example). In the second call, we are at the end of the ensure_symbol!
method. Here, we use another trace event type – :line
, so our block will be called for each line of code. Since raise_error
will only be used internally, we can safely assume that calls to raise_error
are always placed as the last line of the method. Under this condition, we can skip one line to reach the caller context. Let’s try to execute the code:
$ ruby example_03.rb
Caller context reached.
Caller method name is: test_method
Caller arguments: [[:req, :test_arg]]
passed argument: #<TracePoint:disabled>
And voila! We have reached our first goal! The caller context is obtained immediately before executing any code after the call to our ensure_symbol!
method. However, the second problem still remains – we have not raised an error.
Raising a “Smart” Error
How can we raise our informative error message? Our first idea is to raise the error from the trace point block:
def raise_error(method_name, message: nil)
message = 'local variable have wrong type' unless message.is_a?(String)
counter = 0
TracePoint.trace(:return) do |first_tp|
if (counter += 1) > 1
TracePoint.trace(:line) do |second_tp|
raise "raised from trace point in method #{second_tp.method_id}"
executing this gives us:
$ ruby example_04.rb
example_04.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in raise_error': raised from trace point in method test_method (RuntimeError)
from example_04.rb:38:in `test_method'
from example_04.rb:41:in `<main>'
This looks nice enough, but it will not work if the call to ensure_symbol!
is placed inside a begin-rescue
block. Let’s modify our test_method
def test_method(test_arg)
test_arg = test_arg.ensure_symbol!
rescue RuntimeError => err
puts 'error occured while checking the argument'
raise err
puts "passed argument: #{test_arg.inspect}"
which results in:
$ ruby example_05.rb
example_05.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in raise_error': raised from trace point in method test_method (RuntimeError)
from example_05.rb:43:in `test_method'
from example_05.rb:46:in `<main>'
Same result. But where is the ‘error occured while checking the argument’ message? What happened? Let’s return to the last example in previous section.
Our second trace point skips one line in ensure_symbol!
method and then gives us the caller context immedeately after ensure_symbol!
. At this point, there is no raised exception yet. This explains why our code above is not working – at the moment of returning from the method there is no exception and ruby just skips the rescue
block. Now, the exception in the trace point block is raised and output.
This is but one conclusion – we should raise the exception before we return from ensure_symbol!
. OK, but now we have a different problem. The message we want to generate is based on the caller context, but we need to raise the exception before we get said context. I am reminded of the great ‘Back to the Future’ movies. Impossible?
In fact, it is possible! If the exception is raised inside raise_error
and then modified once we have the context:
def raise_error(method_name, message: nil)
message = 'local variable have wrong type' unless message.is_a?(String)
counter = 0
error = nil
TracePoint.trace(:return, :raise) do |first_tp|
if first_tp.event == :raise
error = first_tp.raised_exception
puts "error captured with message: #{error.message}"
if (counter += 1) > 1
TracePoint.trace(:line) do |second_tp|
unless error.nil?
puts "now we have #{error.inspect} in #{second_tp.method_id} context "
raise %q{raised from '#raise_error' method}
And it gives us:
$ ruby example_06.rb
error captured with message: raised from '#raise_error' method
now we have #<RuntimeError: raised from '#raise_error' method> in test_method context
error occured while checking the argument
example_06.rb:21:in `raise_error': raised from '#raise_error' method (RuntimeError)
from example_06.rb:26:in `ensure_symbol!'
from example_06.rb:47:in `test_method'
from example_06.rb:55:in `<main>'
Great! We are very close to success. The error is being raised in the right way and captured by a begin-rescue
block, yet we still have access to the caller context.
Now we just need to modify the error message. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple. The Exception
class does not have a message setter. We can create our own Exception
class, but I want to let users choose any Exception
type they want.
Hold on, what is an exception? It’s just a Ruby object. Thanks to Ruby’s singleton methods, we can redefine any method in a single object without changing anything else!
Here is the final raise_error
def raise_error(method_name, message: nil)
message = 'local variable have wrong type' unless message.is_a?(String)
counter = 0
error = nil
TracePoint.trace(:return, :raise) do |first_tp|
if first_tp.event == :raise
error = first_tp.raised_exception
if (counter += 1) > 1
TracePoint.trace(:line) do |second_tp|
unless error.nil?
new_message = "#{message} in '#{second_tp.method_id}' method"
error.define_singleton_method :message do
raise %q{raised from '#raise_error' method}
And the result:
$ ruby example_07.rb
error occured while checking the argument
example_07.rb:29:in `raise_error': argument should be a Symbol or a String in 'test_method' method (RuntimeError)
from example_07.rb:34:in `ensure_symbol!'
from example_07.rb:55:in `test_method'
from example_07.rb:63:in `<main>'
Ruby magic in action!
Of course, there remains some technical work to create the correct error message. We could use regular expressions to get and analyze the call. The ensure_symbol
method might be called for a method argument, a local variable or a literal. Explaining all of that is out of the scope of this article. You can find working source code of the EnsureIt project on github for the details.
Some may find this topic strange and hacky. I can see that point-of-view. However, exercises like this one are good experience with Ruby programming. Also, given the conditions of the project, calls to methods such as ensure_symbol!
are very frequent. As such, my goal was to execute the minimum amount of code inside these methods, only for validation and conversion, doing any other work only if an error occurred.
When my tests became green, I looked through my window and saw a beautiful sunrise. :) Digging with ruby is really enthralling!
Good luck!
(Thanks to Alex Skazka and my sister for reviewing this article)
Frequently Asked Questions about TracePoint in Ruby
What is TracePoint in Ruby?
TracePoint is a built-in class in Ruby that provides the functionality to trace the execution of a Ruby program. It allows you to monitor specific events such as method calls, class definitions, and line executions. This can be particularly useful for debugging, profiling, or understanding the flow of your code.
How do I use TracePoint in Ruby?
To use TracePoint, you first need to create a new TracePoint object, specifying the events you want to trace. Then, you can use the enable
method to start tracing and the disable
method to stop it. Here’s a simple example:trace = do |tp|
puts "Called method #{tp.method_id}"
# Your code here
What events can I trace with TracePoint?
TracePoint supports a wide range of events, including :line (for line execution), :call and :return (for method calls and returns), :class and :end (for class and module definitions), and many others. You can specify multiple events when creating a TracePoint object.
Can I use TracePoint for profiling?
Yes, TracePoint can be a powerful tool for profiling your Ruby code. By tracing method calls and returns, you can measure the time spent in each method and identify potential performance bottlenecks.
How can I access the context of a traced event?
When a traced event occurs, a block is called with a TracePoint object as an argument. This object provides several methods to access the context of the event, such as method_id
(the name of the called method), defined_class
(the class of the called method), lineno
(the line number of the event), and others.
Can I filter traced events by class or method?
Yes, you can use the defined_class
and method_id
methods of the TracePoint object to filter events. For example, you can trace only the calls to a specific method of a specific class.
Can I use TracePoint to trace Ruby’s built-in methods?
Yes, TracePoint can trace both Ruby’s built-in methods and your own methods. However, tracing built-in methods can generate a large amount of output and slow down your program significantly.
Can I use TracePoint in production code?
While TracePoint is a powerful tool for debugging and profiling, it’s generally not recommended to use it in production code due to its performance impact. It’s best used in a development or testing environment.
How does TracePoint compare to other Ruby tracing tools?
TracePoint provides a lower-level, more flexible interface than other Ruby tracing tools such as Kernel#set_trace_func. However, it can be more complex to use and has a higher performance impact.
Can I disable TracePoint tracing temporarily?
Yes, you can use the disable
method of the TracePoint object to stop tracing temporarily. You can then use the enable
method to start tracing again. This can be useful to avoid tracing uninteresting parts of your code.