The last time I dabbled with yahoo answers is more than a year ago. I got banned and didn’t bother since, but have been wondering if it still is worthwhile to take time answering questions on yahoo answers for extra traffic and backlinks.
Is this still worth the time? Anyone here have any success with it?
I tried but didnt had spectacular results, maybe i was doing something wrong because i heard people claiming some success with yahoo answers. Anyway, you have to post a lot to see some results. There is some traffic to get for y! answers.
Of course, Yahoo answers are still good to have traffic. but the question will be in your link related niche and you need to get top level to post live link on that answer.
Yes - as long as you don’t spam or directly push your own product or service, you can great results by reaching directly to your audience/customer base.
I have tried also yahoo answers for traffic gathering purpose and it’s still working good for me. It gives a better results so i think yahoo answers will stay for good.
For effectively use Yahoo answer you need to be a “Top Contributor” handling various topics and share the links which is really useful and only if it support your answer.
Like all social networks, Yahoo Answers is a good method of showing off your skills if you are willing to play by the rules. Spamming your own website violates the user agreement and you probably got caught trying to capitalize. If you got banned I would severely look at the way you conduct yourself online, because spam via social networks is just as nasty and unwanted as spam via email. You’re degrading the quality of the very services you want to use.
I agree it is a good method for traffic, but sometimes you get banned, I did for posting honest answers with no spam or links what so ever.
Nowadays majority of people are kids who flag your post because you posted something with more clever answer then they did…
I would say forums are good stuff to attract traffic and get money implementing adsense.
My daughter said something about getting points to answer questions on yahoo. She found something on one of those 3d kids games promoting that. So she gets on there and trys to answer questions she has no clue about just to get points. So if they are getting kids to answer for a point system, the quality of the answers may go down.
It depends if the kids know what they are talking about. I know some 12 year old’s (via the net) who could code most of us older people under the table. Age is not a pre-requisite of knowledge. I learned to program in BASIC when I was 6 years old, I certainly wouldn’t have qualified myself as too young to use a computer (and know what I was doing), that was probably backed up by the fact I scored higher on the IT test than the teacher who was tutoring my group.
Yahoo! Answers can be a great source of traffic, but the main benefit is that it will further prove your expertise in your line of work.
However, one thing to mention is that Yahoo! Answers may not fit with every businesses target audience, so sort through the questions and answers in your category to determine the quality of both and whether it is worth your while to spend the time.
LinkedIn also has a Questions and Answers platform which could prove to be more valuable, but again, it depends on your target audience.