Why My Nofollow Backlink is not showing/Indexing in moz

I created a new review website, and I took my competitors domain and checked it in “moz” and “seoprofiler”.

In the backlinks list, so links are nofollow.

I clicked them and they were all comments on other site’s post!

So I did the same thing, I also commented on it, Thinking that I will also get a backlink,
I knew I will get no follow backlinks, but still Because no one is giving me backlink because My site is new and I have Low D.A.

After 20-25 days I checked my domain and it’s saying no backlinks were detected.

Can anyone tell me that how did my competitor get a no-follow backlink indexed/shown in Moz and seoprofiler, Why it did not index/showed my link?

Can anyone help me, Please!

Welcome to the forums, @sociallywolf.

I would have to ask why you’re worried about this. Nofollow links have no benefit for SEO. Likewise, DA is a metric used by Moz to predict how well your site might perform in search results. Surely what’s more important is how your site actually performs.

I am worried because if my no follow links don’t show up in moz.

So will my do follow links get indexed?

Moz is not a search engine, so it is of no consequence to your indexing or ranking in any search engine, so nothing to be concerned about with regard to SEO.

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If I get a do follow link from comments will it count…

(I checked in moz and inspected it it showed “no rel” So it is a do follow link right? And can I index them?)

Count where, and for what?

Links which you place yourself, as in post comments, are regarded as pretty much worthless by search engines. The only links really worth having are those you earn, when other sites choose to link to your content.

Creating links with the intention of manipulating search results is a violation of the TOS of all the major search engines, and you risk getting your site penalised. Read these links:




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Thank you for your reply.

My doubt was cleared,

You thought me that there is no need to index no follow and comment links.

But 1 last question,

Why does google/Moz show no follow links Or why do they index it?

I think you would need to ask Google and Moz that question.


Nice Idea sir!

I will definetly ask Moz.

-Thank you

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