Where has opera gone?

I wanted to check a website performance on Opera, but I can find no link that works to download and install opera

Where have you tried?

https://www.opera.com/download seems to be working OK for me.

Thereā€™s even Opera GX now, for those more interested in gaming. (Twitch/Discord integrations, etc.)
Opera GX | Gaming Browser | Opera

Thereā€™s also Opera Neon, a ā€œconceptā€ browser, just for Windows and Mac - https://www.opera.com/computer/neon

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Hmmmm interesting,

all 3 of the above links give me

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to www.opera.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

other sites seem to work fine (like this one )

I installed it. I could not figure out what it is doing and it had a serious problem of being non-responsive so I tried to uninstall it. The uninstaller hangs. I logged off my Windows and tried again (a few times). The uninstaller still hangs. I uninstalled Opera but I still cannot get Neon out of my system.

all 3 of the above links give me

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to www.opera.com . PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR

other sites seem to work fine (like this one ) I only seem to have a problem with anything to do with opera !!!

Have you tried using a different browser to download it?

If youā€™re using Firefox, this article might help: https://appuals.com/pr-end-of-file-error/

Other than that, I donā€™t know what else to say. Iā€™m using Firefox and Iā€™m not experiencing an issue. sdesole

@TechnoBear I have tried Safari, Google, Edge, and firefox. I cannot even connect to opera support, any opera.com link gives same error

I think the problem is my internet provider and possibly the speed, I think some pages are just not downloading before they time out

Hi, can anybody find me a contact email address for opera support please. I cannot find one because I cannot access any opera.com pages. I cannot use a contact form for the same reason. I wonder if someone can find and supply me with a direct email address and I will try that, hopefully it is just a browser issue and my email client will still work. Sorry to be a pain, thanks

Iā€™m afraid I think youā€™re unlikely to find an email address for Opera. Most global companies are only accessible vis web forms or forums. Or maybe try social media?

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It might be easier to ask somebody else to download the file and put it on a USB drive for you.


Try opening this Opera sub-domain and posting your problems.


Iā€™m not sure youā€™ll get anywhere with that link, which says:

This wizard is for reporting bugs for Opera for computers only.

The problem isnā€™t with the Opera browser, but with accessing their website, so a bug report is not appropriate.


If access was obtained then perhaps the receiver could pass on the message to the relevant department.

Well, mystery solved. I live and work in Egypt and it appears Egypt have blocked Opera since it includes a free VPN. They are also trying to prevent VPNs because they can allow access to websites that Egypt considers ā€˜undesirableā€™. These include many News, Political and Human rights sites. Way to go Egypt !!


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