WAMP installation issue

Hi I’m a n00b and need a bit of help.

I am installing Wamp so I can locally run Wordpress on a windows XP machine. I am getting this message. (see attached image) what should I do? I have read that if you are running any other web applications that conflict with WAmp it will not run, but I don’t think I am doing that. I also read that it is possible to put Wamp on a separate port, don’t know how to do that.

Any help would be much appreciated

Thank you in advance.

It looks to me like you have a 32 bit windows but downloaded the 64 bit WAMP. Uninstall WAMP, Go to the WAMP download page, download wamp 32 bit and see if that works :slight_smile:

Thanks, I did this and still the same message

ops that sounded a bit rude not my intent


sorry I realized I was not clear. I get this error message now.