I have wampserver installed an up and running. When I go to local host/Wordpress to finish installing Wordpress the wamp icon turns red and stops running. Anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Thanks foryour help in advance!af
I understand your issue about wamp server installation. I am also getting this is little problems. I suggest you go to " https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/tutorials/installing-a-local-server/wampserver/ " this link you will definitely solve. Thanks
The issue might be because SQL Server process are running in the background. Goto Control Panel and Click on Adminstrative Tools and then goto Services. Disable all the services that start with SQL Server. Restart the server, it should turn Orange now. Check whether the Start/Resume Service in Apache->Service is green or not. In case it’s not green it means that the Apache server is running normally. So now the issue is with MYSQL. Again goto Control Panel->Adminstrative tools->Services, Disable the MYSQL 56 process. Restart the Server. It should turn green now.
Could also be that something else is trying to use the same port, I seem to remember Skype or something similar would prevent Wamp from going online correctly, perhaps try and stop any non-essential apps/services you have running that use port 80, you may even consider changing the port to 8080 in the http.conf file if this proves to be the problem… Good Luck…
The most common issue with wamp and xampp is if you are running skype, then you should close the application until the wamp doesn’t started the apache. Try to read the changelog, I think it is port issue.
I removed Skype and changed the localhost port to 8082. When I type in http://localhost:8082/phpMyadmin it shows up but when I type in http://localhost:8082/wordpress to finish the wordpress install it tries to connect for a while and then fails. I was able to create my database in phpMyadmin. I unzipped wordpress into the wamp/www folder and it created the wordpress folder so now I have a c:wamp/www/wordpress folder. I then renamed the wp-config-sample.php folder to wp-config.php and changed the database name, made the username ‘root’, made the password ‘’, and changed localhost to localhost:8082. I thought this was all I needed to do but apparently I was wrong.
Have you tried to read the wamp error log, before you read it, first restart the apache and then open the wordpress url, then read the error log and see what it has written.
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