Social Media and Keywords for SEO

Does using keywords within a Social Media profile (especially Facebook and LinkedIn) help improve rankings in the Serps? Specifically Facebook Page names and usernames e.g [noparse][/noparse] ? Thanks in advance.

this will be a good idea if you want your Facebook page to rank for certain keywords.

It will probably not have a noticeable effect on whether or not pages on your site rank for certain keywords.

well!!! as per my experience its only generate traffic. having keywords on SMM help to generate traffic of your sites

Yes it can… if you are about to start social media marketing then do use your keyword ofcourse

IF you use certain keywords in your facebook profile or google pages they show up in the search results so they will help in you in gaining traffic to your website so it is a good practice to use keywords on your fb pages

yes it will. You are constructing what is called as a long tail keyword or link. It would be good for your page.

Yes, definitely it has its own advantages. But it you optimize your keywords through SEO then it will give more benefits.

Yes you can use keywords in social media marketing like facebook, twitter, linkedIn etc. It will generate traffic for your site.


Backlinks effect your rankings and seeing that most social sites or social bookmarking sites use nofollow or require you login to see the backlinks those type of sites are practically useless for SEO! I only use bookmarkingdemon (it’s not mine) and just submit to major bookmarking sites, that’s all.

Facebook and twitter can be good to get backlinks indirectly - this means if you have a lot of followers/likes you can ask them to link to your website from their websites and win XYZ - contest and other out of the box ideas to get links that way!


currently for this year 2013 as per the seo updates social media is on the high priority to get good traffic.

from the facebook you can get good traffic with the keyword placed in the url that resembles your site theme.

same with the linkedin too.

Google likes to see backlinking patterns that appear natural, and any natural linkbuilding campaign has lots of “nofollow” links.

Also, just because a link has a “nofollow” tag doesn’t mean that Google doesn’t follow it. I have seen lots of reports that indicate that they do. Their algorithm goes based on what they view as natural authority, nothing more, nothing less.

The best way to use social sites is for branding and direct traffic. I would not recommend asking people for random backlinks because link exchanges and other random links with no surrounding content will be pretty worthless in terms of SEO. Its not a bad idea, but you would want to ask for guest post opportunities where you could send in unique content instead of just asking for links. This will take a little more time, but it will be a lot more valuable.

As for facebook, If you aim for Google SERPs it won’t help you much since google and facebook are not in common terms. But in Bing it might work. For LinkedIn, both the search engines gives equal weightage. Apart from that you 'll surely get referral traffic so it’s worth the effort.

By default you’ll get nofollow whether you like it or not because of how most link building methods work. So it’s a waste of time to try to intentionally get nofollow links when you’re going to get them anyway… As long as you’re using different link building methods that is.

By random links I did not mean link exchanges or link exchanges only, it could be anything such as artcle exchanges, etc. Still there are much faster ways to get backlinks then begging for them.

OK guys - thanks for the input, but this thread is starting to wander off-topic. We have other threads discussing backlinks, so lets get this one back to the OP’s question:

I never have given any thought to this but I suspect that the answer is no… If anything, you’ll be competing against your own site for the same keyword.

But don’t trust me on this, this is simply what logic dictates me and I could be completely wrong

Well,I read out all the reviews.Most of the people are using keywords within a Social
Media profile (especially Facebook and LinkedIn) help improve rankings.Social media
marketing is the best source of the keywords ranking…

Me and the guys at SEOMoz would disagree with you on this one. It does not directly affect their Pagerank algorithm, but considering high social buzz would mean organic interest which is something Google tries to base their rankings on more and more everyday, I think it is highly likely that these links play some roll in determining authority, or if they don’t, I think they will in the very near future.

Saying all nofollow links are the same is like saying Kate Upton and Paris Hilton are the same because they are both females.

If you aren’t careful your website will come down with herpes, and Google will avoid you like I would avoid Paris Hilton.

Generally, we should include a keyword of brand name instead of any potential keyword in Facebook URL. Google consider it as a back link.