Link building Confusion!

I am just getting started with my link building, and fear I am not understanding something very basic.

I managed to score a couple of blog posts about my site, with links to my site. Those links seem to be fine. I can go to those blogs and follow the links to my site. But those links are not showing up in Google Analytics. And they are not showing up when I run those free backlinks checkers. I have looked at the code for the pages linking to my site and they do not appear to be nofollow links. What is going on?

Adding further to my confusion, I also have some links to my site from various forum posts that I have made. These DO seem to show up in my Google Analytics, but they do NOT show up when I run the free online backlinks checkers. Again, what is going on?

I am really concerned that I’ve got things set up wrong and that I am not getting SEO “credit” for these links, which I worked hard to get. And I certainly want to rectify the problem before I spend more energy on link building.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Actually Google Analytics is used to track the visitors who visiting our site. You can analyze the traffic. If you got any traffic by the link that you placed in your blog means, you can see that in referral traffic in GA. Its better to check your backlinks with Google webmaster tool or with Yahoo site explorer. And also there was no credit in doing link building with the same IP else your own network.

Suggest you submit your site to Google Webmaster tools via: Google Webmaster Central if you want to track and/or analyze links to your site and a whole lot more.

Hope it helps!

Sorry – I messed up. In the original post, where I say Google Analytics, I meant to say Webmaster Tools. I do have Webmaster Tools set up, and that is where my links are failing to show up.

Again, I can see my forum links there, but not any of the actual links from other blogs. (Jeff – those links are from actual other blogs run by other people and are not from my own IP.)

Why are these links not showing up anywhere?

Again, any help understanding this would be greatly appreciated!


Just one advice: Google Webmaster Tools will not show you all the links, just a few. I recommend you to use yahoo site explorer or open site explorer to check your backlinks.

Regarding forum posts, not all of them have the “dofollow” tag … I even think that the majority of them will be “nofollow”.

good luck.

If your links don’t appear in your Google webmaster tool, it may be that your links have not been found and indexed yet by Google. The bottom line it is one thing to build links to your site, but it is something entirely different for those links to get indexed. Sometimes the indexing process can take days, but sometimes it takes weeks to months.

One last thing I would like you to know Google often don’t show you all your back-links, but that does not mean Google does not recognize. I have several links that I’ve already been indexed by Google, but does not show up when I check my Google webmaster tool.

If you want to know if your links are indexed you can use this:

cache:+ the url page where your links are

Google always shows backlink which stay for long time.check your backlink in yahoo or backlink watch.

For reliable information about backlinks you need to used backlinkwatch or yahoo explorer or you can also try smallseotools backlink checker. I mainly used these three to get a better idea about backlinks and also help me in the analysis of these backlinks…

you won;t see all your links on webmaster tools, only the ones google thinks it’s good. Mostly dofollow links are present on webmaster tools so if you posted a comment on a blog with nofollow enabled you won’t see the link on webmaster tools. This does not matter though and the amount of links you get shouldn’t be rushed or counted upon. Start some guest posts on sites and worry more about getting known and getting traffic, rankings come second as it takes time to rank up. A good thing would be to check the links on a daily basis if you are so worried as some times the links themselves get deleted for whatever reason or a certain website does not exist anymore.