hi everyone , i want to know about html,css, .pls pls suggest me how i learn html, css
When I was learning I found that Wrox did some brilliant books on these subjects (they’re out of date now) but I’ve always found their style to be very good for learning. Their HTML book was the one that got me started over a decade ago.
Otherwise I’d recommend learning HTML fairly well before you start with PHP, and I’ve always found having a personal project a great way of learning as opposed to blindly following loads of short tutorials as it pulls everything together.
Have a look at Learn HTML and CSS: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide Article » SitePoint
That’s should be a pretty good start.
And you’re always free to come back and ask for help when you get stuck on something.
Best of luck!
You will learn by asking well thought out and logical questions about the disciplines you wish to learn. You will not learn by asking simple one line questions that look very much like spam.
I will close the thread but if you are genuine and wish to learn then please rephrase the question detailing your skills and requirements and what you have tried already. There are plenty of resources in the Sitepoint sticky threads to get you on your way and a forum search will also reveal many similar threads.
Thread Closed.