How to increase traffic on site?

Please tell me how to increase traffic on my site.Suggest new methods.Thank you.

Quality and uniqueness is the key factor to invite traffic. Social bookmarking and social networking sites help to increase traffic. However, if your website is offering something new or useful for visitors then they will come back. You should remember it.

Thank you KristinaRoy, this information is very important for me.Nice to meet you.

First of all you need to provide useful, original & informative content to users. You must do content marketing & promote your blogs on social media channels. Social bookmarking, profile linking & join forums & communities are also good platforms to get traffic on your site.

Thank you Kpawan for sharing this information.

We already have many threads discussing general techniques for driving traffic, so I’m closing this one. If you have a more specific question about a particular aspect which has not been covered, or which you don’t understand, please feel free to open a new thread.