Hi, I’m asked how long time do I need to produce front page PSD mockups. Do you think 2 days sounds reasonable ? What about 4 days ?
There are too many variables, such as how complex the page is, how confident are you with Ps etc. Better to start with a wireframe that lays out the content logically, get that approved, then add visual details bit by bit.
Just as ralph.m says, it depends on the design and how long you need to complete it. Do you know how you and your client want the end result to look? Have you already discussed the requirements? There are a lot of questions that need answers before you can gauge how long it would take.
As for wireframes, I’d like to say that it depends on the client as not everyone understands the concept or purpose of it. By this I don’t mean that you shouldn’t create one, just that you need to judge whether to show it to the client or not.
it’s nice to be able to wireframe site. It even helps with the graphics/art direction, knowing what the information is and where it should go. then it’s just a matter using aesthetics leading the eye, isn’t it?
But MANY clients don’t even know what information they want on the site or what information they intend to add to the site later (it’s good to know that too). you may get vague buzz words like “you know stuff about me " or “your 'standard” site”
SIDENOTE: it’s already bad in any field when any one asks for “the standard” design… a site, ad, book, product should SET YOU APART from your completion. Just something to note.
That being said.
any amount of time is reasonable. even 45 mins and and infinite amount of time will get you an infinitely perfect site ( theoretically, besides no one has the infinite amount of money to invest in that anyway )
so my formula is: I take the budget allowance minus costs ( photography, models, canned content) and divide by hourly rate. Then, you have to decide if you are doing development or design. Let say its 50-50 on that. so take half the budget left and spend that many hours GIVING THE BEST PSD design you can do in that time.
All right, thank all for your useful answers !
It’s 1 OR 2 days time to do a good mokeup design.But, how we design a webpage is the important thing.The creativity & Innovative is the main thing.So time is not a matter,it’s base on our talent of innovation.
You should absolutely start with a wireframe design and make the client take that process seriously by specifying it in your contract.
What I mean is to have a section of the contract that specifies the wireframe, mockup design, development and deployment, testing and user training cycle
and they have to sign off on each stage before proceeding to the next.
Any back tracking should clearly incur additional fees.
I agree, wireframing is a good idea.
However, watch out for clients who then:
- say “it looks nice, but the design is a little… unfinished?”
or… even worse… - think you’ve already finished the site
Not to hijack the thread, but does anyone else have this problem? This happens to me every single time. Immerse’s bit made me think of it:
I send out draft contracts with huge DRAFT watermarks all over it and the signature lines overwritten with DRAFT DO NOT SIGN. Inevitably the client signs the draft contract (the last one redid the page in Word and removed all the “draft” stuff). My contracts are huge, imposing blocks of legalese that I implore them to read and comment on before signing a final PDF form. Instead, they sign the draft. Why?!?
And yes, it kills me when I show them the first, rough version of the site’s home page and they go, “Is that it???” Never had them say that on the wireframe, though…