Have you thought of being a teacher?

I remembered that when i was little, my teacher asked us about our dreams. What do you want to do in the future? I remembered that i said" i want to be a teacher in the future".
But when i grow up, my mind changed, and there was time i hate teachers. And my parents are always nagging how great to be a teacher. At last, i go for something else. I become an employee of a large listed company.
Not long ago, i become a part-time trainer of the company, since there is no suitable person to train english, and it happens that i am an english major, and really good at it. It is not a easy job, i always stand there taking for hours. What’s more, some of my students are not very hard working. I am tired.
It’s never been easy to be a good teacher.

Not really. It’s quite hard to deal with students but it’s a great feeling to know that you’ve got a good effect on them. :slight_smile:

I don’t like to be teacher because in this profession you have to always study to keep yourself updated. Plus i agree with summerazing that dealing with students is quite tough now-a-days. I also thought in childhood to be a teacher but as i grow-up i changed my mind lol.

In my childhood I use to say my aim is to become a teacher. After my mind maturity grows I changed my platform as to be a software engineer.
I thing every field is risky as well as easy it depends upon us.

That’s absurd! You have to study and keep yourself updated no matter what you do if you want to excel at your job.

I’m a teacher only that I don’t teach childred… I give intensive IT courses to adults

@lonking ;

It is never easy to be good at anything, it takes effort and lots of hard work. But any work that deals directly with the public is even harder because you have to stand their attitudes and rudeness and still keep on smiling.

Beign a teacher (or a trainer) is tough and takes more hours than people thinks. It doesn’t matter how well you know your subject. Even after all these years, I need at least 5 hours to be ready for just 1 hour of class.

Now you can’t force anyone to learn if they don’t want to. If you’re doing training to adults, you have to realize that they’re responsible for their actions. The only thing that you can do is to “seduce” them to do their work. Your students needs to participate in the class. As an average, a human only pays attention for around 10-15 min. Therefore, to engage them and keep their attention, you need to do an exercise or ask questions every 10-15 min, something that they can participate in, that also emphasize the concept that you’re trying to explain so it is more memorable and easier to understand.

Finding a good example or exercise is hard, I tell you. And if it has to be entertaining, even more.

Also, you need to constantly ask for feedback. Once you’ve explain the concept and done your exercise, then you need to make sure that they do understand. Ask them “Is that completely clear?”. If they say yes, then there’s nothing else that you can do.

edit: Of course, if you don’t like teaching this will be torture. So I suggest that you try to find some other position that you can enjoy more. Talk to your manager/superior so this part of your job will not go forever and ever.

I taught to secondary and higher secondary classes when i was jobless.I enjoyed from this experience very much.
I learned a lot during the teaching period.I always remember those days.

my words may make some angry from me , but i hate my teacher , i think not all is bad , but its my luck .

I’m going to be a teacher of Philosophy and History and I think that respect of the students is crucial in this job.

Becoming a usual teacher can be relatively easy but to become an extraordinary teacher is a challenge. Teaching is a very fulfilling job since you get to share your knowledge with others and part of your job is to monitor learning. Learning is when there is a change in behavior of the other person taught. So you see, teaching is really influencing people. :slight_smile:

I’ve considered teaching a course at a college level. (On programming, naturally)

Instead, I help people on this forum. why?

1: I get to help more people here in a year than I would teaching… lets say 60 students over the course of the same year. If I really tried, I could probably help more than that in a single day here.
2: The people I help here are (for the most part) actually interested in learning that which I can help them with, rather than taking the course just for credit hours.
3: No pressure/stress (other than a few posters)/forced timetable
4: No homework to grade
5: Focused help. I’m really good at PHP. But you really couldn’t make a whole year’s coursework out of that (without it being a specialized project-based class). I could teach classes on programming theory and various languages, but it doesnt hold enough interest for me.
6: Learning myself. The most dangerous trap of teaching is falling to the assumption that you know everything, and stop learning. I know only enough to know that I know nothing; that learning never stops.

You really have to have a passion to teach and have lots of patience. I have thought about being a teacher but then reality hits me. I wouldn’t have the patience to deal with kids now a days. I’m very sure it’s a rewarding career but only a few have a heart for it and actual determination.

Teaching is a novel profession. so as a human i have also thought of being a teacher.

Novel? I would say that it is one of the oldest… :lol:

I do have good teaching skills but i don’t want to be a teacher.

In fact i did, but i dont have enough patience to work with children who do NOT want to learn (which is a lot of children)

Well my degree is in Secondary Education, LOL, not web development. Doing the same old same old is easy (tell them what you are going to teach them, teach them, summarize). Creating an engaging format for adults takes work but is a lot more fun to teach.

I’ve volunteered time at a challenged riding program and at the local library teaching basic how to get on the internet classes. :slight_smile:

It is very difficult to handle the poor students in education but if you have some intelligent students then this profession is not difficult. And the true TEACHER is that who knows how to handle the all type of students. So i ever thought of being a teacher.

I am thinking much faster sometimes and very frustrated when somebody dont follow me so i would be a bad teacher though sometimes i am thinking about it)))) Its true a lot of patience need to be and love for the children or students!!! I think some teachers really was made to be them))

In my childhoos I was keen to become a teacher. I used to copy my teachers, how do they teach, signature, give remarks, carry their bags. Each & everything, Even how they call the name of students or how they scream on us…
But thank God, With the time our mind develops & we start living in a real world. :slight_smile: