Gotta love a good kiwi summer!

We’re just starting summer here in New Zealand. Daylight Savings started last weekend so it’s bbq season.

How are things in your part of the world?

We had a lovely start to spring, with unseasonably warm weather, but it’s gone cold and wet again. Daylight Savings for us comes next w/e.

Really? I thought you were just a couple of hours ahead of us, not a couple of months. :stuck_out_tongue:

A week it would seem. We started DLS last weekend. :wink:

Summer is over unfortunately. Days are shortening quickly, and rain has been forecast for next weekend :frowning:

I was more thinking in terms of Summer applying to the three months of December to February. Meh …

We are just finishing our summer here in the UK… it’s still quite warm tbh. We just had a weekend where we were getting low 20s.

Summer is coming to a close here also. Unfortunately, we are at the peak of Hurricane Season. Looking forward to its conclusion; where there is a collective exhale of relief.

That’s winter! You guys are weird… :lol:


OK, looks like I’m outvoted. I gather we just have summer and winter now. :smiley:

@guido2004: Agree! :smiley:
We had a good kiwi summer season over here in The Netherlands: you could buy kiwi’s all the time in each supermarket and we had a lot of sun.
Now we are in autumn, still a lot of sun, leaves are coming down slowly, the wintertime will start on October 27.

Ugh, I can’t imagine that. Good luck.

Now THAT made me smile.

Wow, I thought those birds were meant to be a protected species!

Yeah, it always makes me smile to hear people call them kiwis. We call them kiwifruit. I was speaking to an American a while back and she didn’t even know that a kiwi was a bird, she thought that was just the name of the fruit.

[U]Kiwipedia[/U]: “The kiwifruit (…) often shortened to kiwi in many parts of the world …” (in particular where walking kiwi’s don’t exist except in the zoo)

unprotected species ;)[/CENTER]

I call them chinese gooseberries, just to annoy New Zealanders. :smiley:

I always ask for Actinidia deliciosa. :smiley:

Last time I asked for that, the girl at the fruit shop slapped me in the face. :shifty:

Since this is a community of Web Professionals, why are we not celebrating a WIKI SUMMER?

Because most of us aren’t dyslexic. :smiley: