Cpm ads

Hi all

I have some questions regarding cpm and they are as follows

  • Do impressions count if the page gets refresh or reloaded
  • Is impressions same thing as page loads or how many visited the page has??
  • if i refresh my webpage with my cpm ad on it would that count as 1 impression or 2 impressions when i refresh the page again once it is loaded once and i have refreshed it again?
  • Are there any good programs that do good pay?
  • Maybe accept payment either check or paypal??

If any of my questions above can be answered it would be awesome,


Amazing! Thats a new thing i learnt today…thanx mate.

Yes, I would agree. Actually I was really surprised to face several situations when it seemed that networks did not properly test their ad tags with IE browser for example. I mean technical implementation is not that good as you expect unfortunately, sometimes the codes just hang your browser…

Generally, refreshing a page will load different ads and count as an additional impression. It’s also true that most modern third-party adserving systems have “fraud detection” algorithms running that will look for repeated refreshing and start serving non-paying ads when they see it. In a worst case scenario, if an ad network sees what they believe to be deliberate attempts to defraud their systems, they will drop the site entirely from their network.

are you saying impressions are same thing as page views??

Do impressions count if the page gets refresh or reloaded?
If the page is refreshed or reloaded that is in theory another impression. However, ad networks use various systems to prevent fraud and if a page is refreshed a lot to increase impressions then these will kick in and the site will be investigated.

Is impressions same thing as page loads or how many visited the page has?
No. Impressions are each time an ad is loaded, and as you can have two or three ads per page, for each pageview/page-load there can be three impressions (1 for each ad size on the page).

If i refresh my webpage with my cpm ad on it would that count as 1 impression or 2 impressions when i refresh the page again once it is loaded once and i have refreshed it again?
As I said above, this is theoretically counted as a second impression, but there are various systems employed by ad networks to find people trying to scam their system and inflate impressions. If you try to defraud the ad network like this you will be breaking their Terms of Service and your site will be dropped by the network.

Are there any good programs that do good pay?
There are a variety of networks that are reputable and pay on time such as Tribal Fusion, Casale Media, Valueclick Media, CPX, amongst others.

Maybe accept payment either check or paypal?
Almost all ad networks will pay by cheque, but a good few also have options to pay by Paypal such as Casale Media and CPX.

Yes, as was answered, theoretically if a page with ads is reloaded, new ads would be counted as new impressions, and you would be paid for them again.

However one more point here you should not forget about is CTR. If you are going to refresh pages, and if your customers won’t be able to see the ads normally (for some reason), they hardly would click on these ads, and there won’t be conversions. And earlier or later that would influence your CPM rate and the potential quality of your traffic.

So it is worth displaying ads reasonably.

are there any that dont require much traffic?

If you mean networks then sure they prefer lots of traffic :slight_smile:

However amount of traffic may be not the critical point, your traffic should be relevant or have good quality - it means it should convert well. If it does, you may get good rates even with small amount of visitors.

I hope this answers your question.

is it true that cpm popunders generate more do those work the same as cpm ads and popups?

I say yes page impression counts when the page is refreshed since page impression is different from uniques. But they’re right a lot of CPM network nowadays have fraud detection so if youre gaming their network by inflating your impression count then you’re gonna get caught.

There are a huge list of CPM networks and here are few that are reliable:




Just do a google search for those name and you’ll find them handily.

A lot of people run pop up/under blockers now (they come as standard in most browsers) so neither are a lucrative as they once were. Users also tend to hate them, so whilst they may still offer decent CPMs - they tend to go against repeat traffic.

I believe advertising companies also invent new ways to prevent blocking, and large networks provide pop-under code that is not blocked by browsers.

As for hating pops - you are correct. In order to smooth such impression it is worth displaying only the ads related to your site topic, in this case the site users may be more loyal.

Yeah ad networks that offer pops do continually update their code to avoid the blockers, but the blockers also continually update to block them. It’s a game of cat and mouse.