In this case, any basic course from a good provider is fine with you. I mean you just need to choose the good company. And I totally agree with DaveMaxwell, SP is a good company you can trust to learn HTML. Other than that, my experience tell me, you need to think about your own project then you implement it in the time you learn it will be better a lot and you will have a lot of good questions to ask to improve your skills
I see all of people who reply your post is very active and they are trying to help you but I guess you thought they try to promote something? Other than that, it have nothing to do with “SP affiliated courses”
THere are many online site where you can learn HTMl5 like sitepoint, w3cschool, tutorialpoints etc. You can enroll for course on khan acedmy, treehouse, lynda to go for more professional and problematic approach.
I just wanna give you a Thanks for this link. Also I have a note that is it free or premium? Actually I couldn’t see any video here. It is still in pause even I clicked on them.
But this thread is several weeks old and the OP has already found an answer. We already have threads offering general recommendations for learning resources, and we don’t need this to turn into another, so I think it’s time to close it.