Best resources to learn SEO?

Hi Guys,

I have been designing a few websites over the last couple of years mainly using wordpress as a CMS. I now have a friend who has a building company that he wants to improve the search engine ranking of.

I understand some of the basics of SEO but want to do a lot more research into the subject. Could people point me in the right direction of some good resources to learn from?

Thanks in advance

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I found a book called “Building Findable Websites” helpful

Hi, not sure how far you’ve got with learning SEO but I wrote a blog post about SEO for developers recently which covers the basics: - may or may not be of any help.

I used to hate the idea of SEO and avoided anything to do with the topic but I recently bit the bullet and took a couple of courses on Udemy to get up to speed. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it actually. The courses I took on Udemy helped but also just reading articles on sites like,, etc.(site won’t let me include more than two links sorry)

Best of luck :slight_smile: give you more information about SEO.
searchenginewatch helpful for newbie in SEO.

The best resource for SEO is Google. Go to google and search about On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. On-page optimization is very important for better ranking, the powerful On-page optimization will help you get desired rank faster.
For On-page optimization search about these topics, 1. Title & Description 2. Dublin core 3. Open graph 4. Micro formats 5. 6. Geo-tag. etc
Off-page optimization is normal link building. Post your website link in such website have good PA(Page authority) and DA(Domain authority). This include blog submission, article submission, press release, image sharing, infographic submission, etc :blush:

Neil Patel has some great guides on this topic.
Chapter 10 of his Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing is perfect to form your baseline knowledge.
Then, dig your claws into the Advanced Guide to SEO to learn the software, techniques and concepts.

Play around with the software, begin to learn technical and practical aspects of SEO with your own observations.

Once you feel versed, now you face one of the tough parts of SEO - keeping up to date. The Weekly SEO Roundup published on Ahrefs helps keep a pulse of everything.

I’m not so sure I would go 100% with quicksprout as an authoritative reference.

A lot of content true, but the broken design and the lack of understanding the difference between disabling java vs disabling javascript is enough for me to cast doubt on credibility.

Subscribe the blog posts from search engeine watch, If you are starting seo it;s better to start from the basic tutorials like tutorials point, and seobook.

You learn about SEO you can used Seo by the sea, web master world, Moz, Search Engine Guide and many other books and websites are available for you help.

search engine land, and seo 123-reg are my favorite learning sites.

Bro, if you really want to learn Seo more in-depth, there are several websites to start from. I get you the links here.

These are my favorite sites. You should go on them and learn the SEO. It’s a steady process to learn. Just do experiment with the techniques given in above websites… By the time, you will get to know what works for you or what doesn’t

There are lots of way for learning SEO through online,but most of the time people wants all the thing in one package and which often doesn’t show up while looking for it.
you can check this link hope it will help you a lot for learning SEO