Best Payment Gateways

Hey does anyone know a payment gateway that can work in multiple currencies (ie. US, Canadian, etc.) and comes with a virtual terminal and it’s NOT TOO EXPENSIVE other than paypal? I’m having a lot of problems with Paypal. It’s too expensive as they charge about 3% + 30 cents per transaction and the virtual terminal is not free. It costs $35 per month for unlimitted transactions using the virtual terminal. Everytime I have customers ordering stuff over the phone or in store (NOT online), Paypal can’t process the payments. I have to manually create a new account and password for the customer in order to process their payments. I’m guessing this is because I don’t have a virtual terminal? There’s too many steps I have to do when an order is made over the phone or in store. It works fine when they order online. Does anyone know a solution to all this? Ideally, I would like to have a payment gateway that’s the same as but it can work in multiple currencies ( only works in US dollars).

I also recommend 2checkout.

Please have a look, they support Canadian dollars:

Unfortunately you’re not going to like the answer. In regards to multiple currency support and a virtual terminal, there aren’t many merchant providers to choose between (based on your needs) and while you do claim that 3% + 30 cents per transaction is too expensive (I should here point out that as a businessman you SHOULD be passing this cost onto the consumer as part of the overall price for all transactions) - the average cost between merchant gateways is very similar. Essentially… you’re not going to find a cheaper deal for the same service requirements. Both Amazon and Google’s solutions require accounts (also). :slight_smile:

You might also check out Durango if WorldPay does not suit your needs, they have a few banks in different companies that might be able to support your needs. But as the others have stated, it is a bit more expensive.

there are couple of other processors allowing virtual terminal but the rate you are looking I am not sure if they land you there.

Thanks for the reply buddy, greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, Pay Pal is the best one for now which isn’t that good. The prices of my products are already high, if I pass anymore additional costs it will scare them away. Is there any payment gateway that is the same as but works in both US and Canadian dollars? is a lot better than Pay Pal as they only charge like 10 or 15 cents per transaction regardless of the transaction amount and it comes with a free virtual terminal. The problem is that it only works in USD.

Have you considered Worldpay? Their more expensive (as there’s a base monthly rate) but they could potentially do what you’re after :slight_smile: