Just a basic question regarding article submission to sites like ezine.
Is it advisable to write articles specifically for submission purposes only?
What I mean by this is…If i write an article and include it in my website, can i submit this article to an article directory? or do i need to write another one only for submission purposes?
You can put an article on your site and submit it to article directories and other sites. I don’t advise my clients to do this because unique content on your site makes it more valuable to search engines. What I usually do for a client is write an article and put it on their site and then rewrite it and use it for submission. This has worked well for most people.
You can include the article on your website, but my advice would be for you to wait until the directories have approved it. I submit my articles to Buzzle first, then to EzineArticles and the other article directories, before adding it to our blog (more often, though, we edit the articles for the blog). The reason for this is because some directories have strict policies on posting the article on other sites. Buzzle, for example, does not approve articles that have already been published somewhere else.
This not a good practice actually, edit the article and then submit to article directories because some time there are chances to get ban. Some directories consider it as spamming. So be careful to follow the rules of submission.
You can submit the same article to ezines as in your site but before submission please make sure that they are indexed from your sites by major search engines.
It is very important to note that once you have put into your website or blog content and submitted it to article directories, the uniqueness of your site content has diminished. Though you can submit it to article directories, its your own choice of which do you want to go by. But for me, I always re-write it and then submit to directories.
Rewriting it can also vary the relevancy by making it unique. An article on your blog submitted to article directories can also have diminished rankings. As I have experienced, no 2 articles ranked on the same page of the SERPS.
It can be. You can submit your article and put a link directly to your sites page or it could be better if you only submit a snippet of your article and redirect it to your sites article page for the whole content. Maybe that’s effective!
You can use your Site content to submit in Articles! Article Submissions are good. But Now Press Release submissions are much popular. They drive organic traffic also.
distributepressrelease (dot) com
You can also publish it on your website as long as the content is original to you. You can not submit content that is from a source other than your site.
Just a tip, submit to Ezine before you submit to any other sites, because they search the web for phrases from your article and if they find it, it can cause issues with your submission.
Yeah, but I had an instance before where they found the article on my site and questioned it, because they didn’t realize it was my actual article. LOL. When I wrote back I was like “yeah, that is my website” and then the article was approved.
Writing an article specifically for article directories is better. Don’t submit something that is already posted in your own site to avoid the duplicate content issue.
You can still submit the article to directories as these articles are originally written by you. You can publish the article on you blog or site then you can start submitting it to article directories without problems.
from my practice: you are to write unique articles sharped for submission, as almost any article dir has its own autors policy, especially good dirs. Another point - is quality of your article - it should be interesting, fresh. do you know price for a good article in NYTimes? :))