April 2021 Photo Challenge - Bridges and Tunnels

It’s been a while since our last photo challenge, so I thought I’d put that right. smile

The theme for this month is “Bridges and Tunnels”. Photos can be of any bridge or tunnel, large or small, from any angle, including the view from a bridge.

The only rules for posting pictures are:

  • They must be on the specified theme
  • They must be your own pictures.

There are no prizes; this is just for fun. If you don’t take photos yourself, or don’t have anything suitable to post, then please join in by “voting” for your favourite picture(s) using the “like” button.


This is the Clyde Arc in Glasgow, better known in the city and beyond as “the squinty bridge”, because it crosses the river at an angle.

The picture is taken from Bell’s Bridge, which is a pedestrian bridge. The Kingston Bridge can be seen in the distance.


This is in the Elan Valley, near Rhyader in mid Wales.


I guess this classes as a tunnel. The Forbidden Corner in the Yorkshire Dales.


I have thought about doing a photo trip to Glasgow @TechnoBear are there some interesting ( industrial ) photo locations?
I did consider Edinburgh but it is probably not my sort of place.

I thought I would post a tunnel AND bridge. To be honest this is the only tunnel photo I have :slight_smile:
Somewhere under Paris

I have a lot more bridges and I think this is my favourite. This is Newcastle. The front bridge with the green light rotates above the river ( on its ends so the green side comes down and the footpath goes up ) to allow larger boats through. The footpath is also curved.


@Rubble I do believe your “Somewhere under Paris” is the Cité station under Île de la Cité; the station you would embark or disembark for visiting places such as Notre Dame.

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Sadly what is left of it. Still can’t believe that happened. :frowning:

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Off Topic:

I’d say so, yes. There is a lot of Victorian architecture around, although I’m not sure how much would be classed as industrial. There are also a lot of modern developments, as you can see in the picture of Clydeside.

Glasgow is much cheaper to stay in than Edinburgh, not nearly as overrun with tourists and tartan kitsch, and (IMHO) a friendlier city. You can easily make a day trip to Edinburgh from there, if you fancy it. There is a very frequent bus service which isn’t expensive, and is even cheaper if you book a couple of days in advance. There’s also a train service, but it’s expensive.

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Looks like you are correct @m_hutley and there are some photos on that page from the same spot.

This rather underwhelming bridge on the Ness Islands Railway becomes more impressive when you realise it was originally built around 1837 as a footbridge to the islands.


This is one of the most beautiful bridges I’ve seen so far.


Ooh. I’ve got some of these. Will have to dig through my archives of photos…

Found this one real quick. This is an old abandoned turnpike tunnel that is not a popular hiking path. Get’s REAL creepy in the middle where you can’t see light on either end.


This one is a walking bridge at a state park in NY

This one is a civil war era bridge (can’t recall the location of the top of my head - somewhere down in Maryland I think)


Your bridge here is the Burnside Bridge over Antietam Creek,in the Antietam National Battlefield, Sharpsburg Maryland.


Perhaps we could have a “Name that bridge” topic! :biggrin:


Yup. That was it - we visited that battlefield last summer. Just couldn’t recall the name at the time…


This is one of my favourite bridges: the Kessock Bridge, connecting Inverness with the Black Isle.

Part of the view from that bridge:


Just found an old picture that I took exiting the Bangkok Underground Railway. The people sitting on the stairs are waiting for the torrential rain to stop :slight_smile:


Does this count as a bridge? This is one of the gangways used by the Apollo 11 astronauts, and is currently part of the Kennedy Space Center exhibits

Also technically a bridge?..