Adsense earnings WAAAYYY down

I know that people always post “my adsense earnings are down”…and i fully understand that adsense earnings flucuate…so don’t bother posting saying “well…you know…adsense earnings will vary from day to day”…because i know that…all i want to know is if anybody else is experiencing the same…here’s an example of how “down” i mean.

Average daily earning for the past week: $200 per day
Average earning the past 2 days: $10 per day

thats how drastic of a drop i’m refering to…and my impressions and CTR are the same as always if not higher…

The amount of defaults served seems to be declining, which is a good thing. :slight_smile:

Mine’s gone way up too. Might just be Christmas advertising rates are up though.

That really is a steep drop. But there is nothing you can do. :confused:

It hits me also…

My question is how are you making $200 a day with a site that only has 7 votes on it’s poll!?! How the hell?

My question is how are you making $200 a day with a site that only has 7 votes on it’s poll!?! How the hell?
Oh yee of little knowledge…that site is about one week old…it doesn’t make me much…i have about 8 sites that run adsense ads…one in particular makes me about 90 percent of my profits…and also you seem to have forgotten how to read…my original post said “here’s an example”…not “here’s my profits”

My earnings have been down about 80% the last two days with the same number of clicks.

My earning are the same across several sites. Maybe a primary advertiser dropped out of your top performing category.

Is your traffic at the same levels?

Is your traffic at the same levels?
read the first post: “and my impressions and CTR are the same as always if not higher…”

I have two sites and my earnings yesterday are less than normal by 80%. It is my worst day since three months.

But I also got bad click through rate yesterday :frowning:

I agree, my earnings have dropped 89%. I dont think i will make the $100 this month.

Yep, my earnings are way down as well. Maybe Google is lowering their payout rate?

Maybe Google is lowering their payout rate?
Maybe I just gave Google the double hand if they did that…

My earnings are wayyy down as well. The entire month they have been, not just a few days.

The entire month they have been, not just a few days.
Well…for me…up until the past 2 days…I’ve add the best month ever…who knows…but something is fishy…and I don’t like fish.

My traffic this month has almost doubled but earnings are not where they should be. I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing this big drop. It was only a matter of time before this happened though, which is why everyone should not put all their eggs in one basket.

My earnings from AdSense have dropped, but because of my increase in traffic, my earnings from Tribal Fusion have doubled. So at the end of the month, I won’t be that far off from where I was last month.

For me, earnings were great in the past 10 days but yesterday was a very bad surprise!

As for web hosting keywords, payment is low because google run low paying ads. All big players appear briefly throughout the day.

My over all CTR is down .3% but my earnings are staying the same. No complaints.

I am getting very low click through rate while I got over 750 new visitors yesterday!!! I don’t know if it is me or google.